I have been following the Gates story since it broke, and have stayed out of the fracas so that I could observe everything before commenting. After mulling the reactions, and counter-reactions, I have reached the following conclusion: society as a whole can not do anything else to further race relations in America.
Prior to the MLK years, society as a whole was laced with systemic discrimination, racism and violence against minorities in general, and especially blacks. Within a few decades, society as a whole had shifted to racial equality by legislatively, judicially and morally crusading against racism. Fast forward to today, and society as a whole has shifted to legislatively, judicially and socially discriminating against whites. What more can society do?
Are there still racist, white Americans? Of course there are - just as there are racist black, Hispanic and Asian Americans. We can not change people's hearts. However, just as whites should not see a criminal every time they look at a black person, blacks should not see a racist whenever they look at a white person. All we can do is ensure that as a society, all people are treated equally. Gates is a great example of how that is not the case - not because he was arrested because he was black, but because if he where white, he would have been arrested sooner, the disorderly conduct charge would not have been dropped, and this would not be a national news story!
The onus is now on black Americans to change their knee-jerk reaction of crying racism at every turn. The race-baiters like Sharpton and Jackson, blame-mongers like Obama, Patrick, Rangel et al, elitist liberals in the media and higher education, and the "we want to punish all whites for everything ever done to us" losers like Everett and Jermaine will never change. They all have vested interests in perpetuating an image of a horrible, racist America. It is normal, everyday blacks who need to throw of the shackles of their alleged "leaders", and join American society as a whole.
As an aside, by all polls and anecdotal evidence, at least 80% of Americans are outraged about this story specifically the defamation of sergeant Crowley. Many of them are also outraged by the responses of people like Coup Deval and Iggy's messiah. All week long on Dennis and Callahan we heard caller after caller say things like "I voted for Obama and I am appalled by what he said." I have one question for those people - what else did you expect? You knew what kind of person he was and you voted for him anyway. Just like you did with Governor Patrick in 2006. You chose to sleep with the devil and now you're mad that you've been burned? You got exactly what you deserve. Think about that next year when you again vote for the likes of Marty Meehan, Ted Kennedy and Deval Patrick.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
And That's The Way It Is In Boston
I wasn't able to listen to much of the show, but two topics in particular raised my ire. The first was the story regarding the situation of Pfc. Bowe R. Bergdah. When Gerry challenged Obama's handling of the situation, all Iggy could do was fall back into WHAT ABOUT BUSH! mode. Here's my question. Now that the Taliban has violated international law and shown a prisoner on tape for propaganda purposes, will the same American Criminal Liberties Union pukes suing our government for fattening up terrorists at Gitmo go after the Taliban with the same zeal? Of course not. The animals trying to kill us are not a dangerous enemy to us, its those nasty American soldiers - especially the ones returning from combat!
As to the solution to the Bergdah situation, how does this grab you? Since no matter what we do, we're demonized as being imperialists by the moonbats of the world, its time to take a page out of the Roman book in dealing with these pygmies of the world (we're gonna do the time, so we might as well do the crime). Carthage continues to rise up and pose a threat? Raze the city and salt the soil. Slaves revolt and kill thousands of civilians? Crush the revolt and crucify the 6,000 survivors along the Appian way from Rome to Capua. Tell those Taliban animals that they have 48 hours to release him. If they do not release him, carpet bomb until they do - just send in Iggy first on assignment to cover the story,
The second thing grinding my gears is the fawning over Comrade Walter Cronkite. Its almost as bad as Brian Williams going down on Obama. Iggy did not seem to have much to say about this topic - probably because he has not yet gone to dailykos.com for instructions on what to say. Allow me to explain Iggy. Cronkite was a left-wing moonbat who hated and rooted against his own country. If he was on the air today, he would be seen as no different than Kouric, Williams or Matthews. The Tet Offensive resulted in over 30,000 enemy deaths and eradicated the Vietcong as a fighting force. It was a complete military success for the U.S. and South Vietnam, and that asshole got on camera and lied to America by saying that Tet proved that the war was lost. That is called treason. The WWII equivalent would have been to stand in the Ardennes in January of 1945, and claim that the Battle of the Bulge showed that we had lost the war against Germany. If famous people truly die in threes, I wonder if God will take Matthews and Olberman next.
Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy!
As to the solution to the Bergdah situation, how does this grab you? Since no matter what we do, we're demonized as being imperialists by the moonbats of the world, its time to take a page out of the Roman book in dealing with these pygmies of the world (we're gonna do the time, so we might as well do the crime). Carthage continues to rise up and pose a threat? Raze the city and salt the soil. Slaves revolt and kill thousands of civilians? Crush the revolt and crucify the 6,000 survivors along the Appian way from Rome to Capua. Tell those Taliban animals that they have 48 hours to release him. If they do not release him, carpet bomb until they do - just send in Iggy first on assignment to cover the story,
The second thing grinding my gears is the fawning over Comrade Walter Cronkite. Its almost as bad as Brian Williams going down on Obama. Iggy did not seem to have much to say about this topic - probably because he has not yet gone to dailykos.com for instructions on what to say. Allow me to explain Iggy. Cronkite was a left-wing moonbat who hated and rooted against his own country. If he was on the air today, he would be seen as no different than Kouric, Williams or Matthews. The Tet Offensive resulted in over 30,000 enemy deaths and eradicated the Vietcong as a fighting force. It was a complete military success for the U.S. and South Vietnam, and that asshole got on camera and lied to America by saying that Tet proved that the war was lost. That is called treason. The WWII equivalent would have been to stand in the Ardennes in January of 1945, and claim that the Battle of the Bulge showed that we had lost the war against Germany. If famous people truly die in threes, I wonder if God will take Matthews and Olberman next.
Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Iggy Is Debatable On Dennis And Callahan
I was unable to listen to the show today, but I do have an Iggy nugget from Monday. Just when you think Iggy can't say anything dumber, he proves you wrong. Talking about Sarah Palin during Emails and Buzzerbeaters, he claimed that he would destroy her in a debate. Not only would he not even last a minute in the ring with her, he would not win a debate with a rock.
First of all, he never has the facts on his side. Second, he does not have the talent some liberal talking heads command, which can sometimes allow them to overcome that hindrance with rhetoric, question ducking and topic shifting tactics. All he knows is na na na na na and HALIBURTION! I challenge him to debate anything, anytime, anywhere; a challenge I'm sure will go unanswered.
Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy!
First of all, he never has the facts on his side. Second, he does not have the talent some liberal talking heads command, which can sometimes allow them to overcome that hindrance with rhetoric, question ducking and topic shifting tactics. All he knows is na na na na na and HALIBURTION! I challenge him to debate anything, anytime, anywhere; a challenge I'm sure will go unanswered.
Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Iggy Lies And The Truth Dies On WEEI
If you've listened to Dennis and Callahan at all this week, then you know that it is as if WEEI replaced the Dennis and Callahan with Air America. Felger and Iggy have been spewing liberal lies all week, with no Dennis, Callahan or Chach to shine a light on their deception. It's the greatest abdication of responsibility since - well since the voters foisted a completely Democrat-controlled government on America. There were so many mis-truths that I was able to cherry pick the most ludicrous ones.
Monday's winner was Iggy's claim that no President has endured more media pressure in his first 150 days than Obama. Is he out of his fraking mind? The media has been carrying his jock strap in their mouths! Forget the softball questions and toe sucking, Brian Williams et al have pretty much gotten down on their knees and serviced Obama on national TV! Even Iggy is not stupid enough to see this, so obviously, he was making it up.
Today's cake taker was when Iggy, drunk with power, threw in the sound clip of Obama saying "as-salaam-alaikum". Felger asked Iggy from whence it came, and realizing his mistake, Iggy said it was "something Callahan made me make", trying to protect his master. Felger then asked: "Probably from a long time ago?" too which Iggy quietly said yeah and then quieted down, hoping Felger would drop it - which he did. Iggy you lying sack of shit. You know full well that this was from your Messiah's Bash America Tour a few weeks ago, and that he said it in front of thousands of budding terrorists in Egypt as he kissed their asses. Typical, liberal behavior - just like Obama's servants in the media.
Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy!
Monday's winner was Iggy's claim that no President has endured more media pressure in his first 150 days than Obama. Is he out of his fraking mind? The media has been carrying his jock strap in their mouths! Forget the softball questions and toe sucking, Brian Williams et al have pretty much gotten down on their knees and serviced Obama on national TV! Even Iggy is not stupid enough to see this, so obviously, he was making it up.
Today's cake taker was when Iggy, drunk with power, threw in the sound clip of Obama saying "as-salaam-alaikum". Felger asked Iggy from whence it came, and realizing his mistake, Iggy said it was "something Callahan made me make", trying to protect his master. Felger then asked: "Probably from a long time ago?" too which Iggy quietly said yeah and then quieted down, hoping Felger would drop it - which he did. Iggy you lying sack of shit. You know full well that this was from your Messiah's Bash America Tour a few weeks ago, and that he said it in front of thousands of budding terrorists in Egypt as he kissed their asses. Typical, liberal behavior - just like Obama's servants in the media.
Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Our Founding Fathers Are Rolling Over In Their Graves
On this most sacred day in American history, let us pause to reflect the meaning of Independence Day, and how far we have fallen since those brave men chose to stand up to the most powerful force in the world. We were taught as schoolchildren that the American Revolution was fought over "taxation without representation". This is at best, an incorrect statement. The American Revolution was fought simply over taxation.
The colonists had enjoyed nearly two centuries of taxation-free bliss. Following the French and Indian war of the mid eighteenth century, England was in debt, and tried various attempts to have the colonists pay some of the costs of their own protection. Looking at this objectively, it was not an unreasonable idea. The various taxes that England attempted to apply (Stamp Act, Sugar Act, Tea Tax, etc) would cost a colonist anywhere from a few hundred to nearly a thousand in today's dollars, depending on various estimates. Not a bad price for the protection of the greatest army and navy in the world. It did not matter. Any tax was unacceptable. In fact, while acting as America's ambassador to England in the prelude to the revolution, he was under explicit orders not to accept any proposal of American representatives in Parliament, as the Founding Fathers knew full well that they would be simply outvoted in all matters. Sound familiar?
Compare that to the ass fraking we are subjected to today, and it is a wonder that those of on the supply side of socialism have not taken up arms to once again free ourselves from tax tyranny. We readily accept the federal government taking nearly 40% of our yearly income. We then accept states taking upwards of 11% (Hawaii), and cities as much as 12.6% (New York). But wait, there's more! If you bend over now, we'll slap you with state sales taxes as high as 8.25% (California). Want more? Well, try buying gasoline, cigarettes, alcohol, electricity, natural gas, home heating oil, telephone service, cable service, satellite service and more! Yup, you guessed it; taxed to hilt. Still need more convincing? Rent a hotel, buy a meal, drive on a toll road, buy an airplane ticket - if you can think of it, we'll tax it!
Still have too much of your own money? Don't worry, we'll tax things you already own! So you bought a car and paid sales tax on it? No problem we'll hit you with a yearly excise tax to pay for road maintenance (because the tolls, income taxes and sales taxes collected for that purpose were spent on public patronage jobs and the pension plans that accompany them). Last but not least, there's the quarterly raping known as real-estate taxes. How ironic that I received my new bill yesterday, one day before Independence Day. I'm up to a mere $4256.00. When I moved to this home (December, 2003), the amount was $3,080.00. From 2004-2009, that's a 38% increase in five fiscal years. Well, at least this year they switched to scented lubricant!
Sharpen your bayonets, melt your pewter plates into musket balls, and have a happy Independence Day folks.
Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy!
The colonists had enjoyed nearly two centuries of taxation-free bliss. Following the French and Indian war of the mid eighteenth century, England was in debt, and tried various attempts to have the colonists pay some of the costs of their own protection. Looking at this objectively, it was not an unreasonable idea. The various taxes that England attempted to apply (Stamp Act, Sugar Act, Tea Tax, etc) would cost a colonist anywhere from a few hundred to nearly a thousand in today's dollars, depending on various estimates. Not a bad price for the protection of the greatest army and navy in the world. It did not matter. Any tax was unacceptable. In fact, while acting as America's ambassador to England in the prelude to the revolution, he was under explicit orders not to accept any proposal of American representatives in Parliament, as the Founding Fathers knew full well that they would be simply outvoted in all matters. Sound familiar?
Compare that to the ass fraking we are subjected to today, and it is a wonder that those of on the supply side of socialism have not taken up arms to once again free ourselves from tax tyranny. We readily accept the federal government taking nearly 40% of our yearly income. We then accept states taking upwards of 11% (Hawaii), and cities as much as 12.6% (New York). But wait, there's more! If you bend over now, we'll slap you with state sales taxes as high as 8.25% (California). Want more? Well, try buying gasoline, cigarettes, alcohol, electricity, natural gas, home heating oil, telephone service, cable service, satellite service and more! Yup, you guessed it; taxed to hilt. Still need more convincing? Rent a hotel, buy a meal, drive on a toll road, buy an airplane ticket - if you can think of it, we'll tax it!
Still have too much of your own money? Don't worry, we'll tax things you already own! So you bought a car and paid sales tax on it? No problem we'll hit you with a yearly excise tax to pay for road maintenance (because the tolls, income taxes and sales taxes collected for that purpose were spent on public patronage jobs and the pension plans that accompany them). Last but not least, there's the quarterly raping known as real-estate taxes. How ironic that I received my new bill yesterday, one day before Independence Day. I'm up to a mere $4256.00. When I moved to this home (December, 2003), the amount was $3,080.00. From 2004-2009, that's a 38% increase in five fiscal years. Well, at least this year they switched to scented lubricant!
Sharpen your bayonets, melt your pewter plates into musket balls, and have a happy Independence Day folks.
Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy!
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