Iggy's been on quite a roll of silence as of late. During Emails and Buzzerbeaters, it sounded as if he had said something pretty stupid, but I must have missed it. About the dumbest thing I heard him say or do was knee-jerk defend Michelle Obama's "beauty". The rabbit ears are not because I think she is or is not attractive. To be honest, it does not matter either way. Now we could talk about how she's a racist, America-hating bitch, but that's another column.
With Iggy's reticence to reaffirm for us what a fool he is, I guess we're going to have to expand our horizons. One story that seems to have some legs is the growing Tea Party movement. Basically, people who are fed up with a government that confiscates its citizens' money and squanders it on things for which it has no constitutional justification, are fed up and organizing protests. They have been popping up nationwide, and some big ones are planned on tax day, April 15Th. These patriots are calling their protests Tea Parties, hearkening back to the pre-Revolution Boston Tea Party.
I'm not sure how this will pan out. It could just end up being a marketing scheme for swag, but I hope and pray that this is not the case. I've been hoping for years that something like this would happen. They won't really make a difference by themselves, as politicians care nothing either for the Constitution or for the plight of the people they bleed dry. I've always believed that because of the power of incumbency and the corruption that it spawns, ultimately, actions more resembling Lexington and Concord than the Boston Tea Party would be required to remove the shackles of government. Still, the Tea Parties are a good a start.
Allow me to make some predictions. The establishment left-wing media will cover as little of this story as possible. What little of it they do cover, they will attempt to portray as sour grapes from a bunch of white, racist, right-wingers who are upset that Obama is in office. The only pictures or video you will see in the N.Y. Times, CNN, MSNBC and the major networks, will be of angry-looking, middle-aged, white males. You will also see any protest signs and hear any chants that can be painted as racist in an attempt to marginalize the true sentiment and forces behind the protests. In fact, groups like ACORN have already gone on the record as to how they are working to undermine the events, by using planted operatives to hold up offensive signs and chant racist slogans. Aren't you glad that $4.5 billion dollars of your money were in the "stimulus bill" for groups like this? They are so confident that the media will play along, they have no problem brazenly announcing their insidious plans.
Just take a look at the above, linked story at what lefty Leslie Marshall had to say. Leslie Marshall, a nationally syndicated radio host, dismissed the tea party protests. She said the mainstream media are not covering them because they're not worthy of coverage. "It's not sexy. It doesn't bleed," she told FOX News, suggesting the protesters were doing the American Revolutionary a disservice by operating under the "tea party" name. "You have to look at our history. The reason these people revolted is they didn't want to pay taxes that were not presented by elected officials," she said. "Last time I checked, Obama's not taxing you to death -- he is spending to stimulate the economy and he is an elected official."
What a socialist shill. What an absolute fraud. The American Revolution happened because people did not want to pay taxes not presented by elected officials? Who needs to look at our history, Leslie? You are either a liar or a fool; perhaps even both. The American Revolution was not about taxation without representation. It was about government interference in the lives of people by a distant, tyrannical government. Back then, it was London; today it is Washington. Benjamin Franklin, the colonial representative in London prior to the revolution was under explicit orders not to accept parliamentary representation for the American colonies, because the colonials knew that they would be outvoted at every turn. All they could gain was the tyranny of the majority; which is exactly what we face today.
Obama is not taxing us to death? He is spending to stimulate the economy? Let's put aside the insanity that his brilliant solution to the recession is to take money out of the economy, so he can put it back in - after government employees get their cut. The truth is, Americans are being taxed to death, and have been for decades. Stop and think about what you really pay in taxes in a given year. There are federal, state and local income taxes. There are property taxes on our homes, vehicles, boats and a plethora of other belongings. There are sales taxes on everything beyond food and clothing. There are excise taxes on things we may or may not know. Gasoline, cigarettes, alcohol, ammunition and more. Have you ever taken a look at your utillity, telephone or cable bill? More taxes galore! Then there are the indirect taxes. Additional costs built in to goods or services because of government regulation and interference in the marketplace that drive up the cost of business. I'm sure there are others I'm missing, but when you add it all up, Americans are paying forty, fifty, sixty percent or more of their income in taxes of some form or another every year. The tax that inspired the Boston Tea Party was a drop in the well. Adjusted for inflation, it amounted to only a few hundred dollars a year in today's dollars. Compared to the raping we endure today, it was a bargain.
This movement goes far beyond Obama. As I have written before, Obama's election is merely a symptom of America's disease. He is the festering boil of the bubonic plague. America suffers from a combination of envy and sloth. An ever-growing segment of the population has decided that life should consist of leeching off of the labors of others. We have simply reached the tipping point where a majority of the population has realized that they can vote themselves the earnings and possessions of others. The tyranny of the majority.
Monday, April 13, 2009
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