Monday, August 17, 2009

Apparently What's Good For The Goose Is Not Good For the Gander

I was out of town last week, and was unable to listen to the show. I took the opportunity to observe the battle raging on Obamacare. First, let's be clear about the Democrats' ultimate goal here; the complete elimination of all private health insurance and the forced relegation of all Americans to government-controlled health care; well, most Americans. Just as with Socialist Security, members of Congress will not have to be on the same plan as the little people; they will have their own special plan. Don't be fooled by the propoganda from the left. This plan is just the first bite in the eating of the proverbial elephant.

But Bob, Obama has sworn to us that this is not what he wants! The "public option" is only part of health care reform. In the words of the good people of Rock Ridge: bullshit! The left wants full government control of health care. How do we know this? Well aside from the fact that everywhere else socialized health care has been implemented it has displaced all private systems, we know this because the left wants full government control of everything - that is the world which socialists envision. Are we to believe that although the left wants full government control of land, energy, business, trade, income, guns, education, speech, thought and anything else that they can imagine, health care is the one exception? I was born at night but not last night baby.

The facts of the health care argument aside, it is the battle tactics being employed, and the left's reaction to them that I find extremely entertaining and heartening. For over forty years, the left has employed protest tactics to voice its views and opinions. Now matter how distasteful, their actions were cloaked and even glorified as the purist expression of Americans' first amendment rights. In the past twenty or so years, the leadership of the Democrat Party honed their skills with great care, learning how to organize and orchestrate these "grass roots" activities to maximum effect. Then, one day, the unthinkable happened; normal, everyday Americans woke up and turned the tables - and the the Democrats have no idea what to do when they are not on the hilt end of the sword.

In the past, loud, passionate, angry protests were the ultimate expression of "patriotic Americans". Free speech doesn't just apply to what you believe you Neanderthal conservatives. If a left-wing protest disrupts social or legal proceedings, well they're just passionate. If a left-wing protest ends in a riot, well people are just angry and were provoked by the police. If a left-wing protest ends with a bombing (Mr. President, there's a William Ayers on line two), well what did we do to make them resort to violence? Now, anyone who shows up at a town hall meeting is an out of step, disgruntled, racist white guy clinging to his guns and God. If one of them raises their voices, he's a Nazi and should immediately be sent to . . . to . . . to Guantanamo Bay! Oh wait, Obama closed it. Oh wait, no he didn't.

Besides, these right-wing reactionaries don't represent the views of most Americans. They're operatives planted by the RNC to destabilize America! This left-wing lie in particular is pathetic. While away last week, I read a story in the hotel-provided USA Today (not exactly The Weekly Standard) about how at one of these town hall meetings, the protesters of socialized health care tended to show up in small, disparate groups, while the "supporters" were bused in with professionally made signs and matching t-shirts. Here's a similar description from a Greta Van Susteren interview. Don't let the Fox News URL fool you; Greta is a former Clinton attorney. Are you noticing the pattern?

The truth of the matter is that real, average Americans are upset and angry - and they are letting their voices be heard. All of the belittling by Nancy Pelosi et al can not change that. If Obama can not handle dissent, then perhaps he should resign and return to community organizing in Chicago.

Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy!

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