The first one is an ornament with the face of Mao Zedung. That's just what everyone should have on their Christmas Tree right; the image of a man who killed tens of millions of people? It gives "peace on earth and good will to men" a whole new meaning. Isn't it amazing how liberals will scream until they are blue in the face if something like an angel appears on a CHRISTmas tree, but none of them raises a peep about this? As of the time I am writing this, there is no mention of this story on either CNN, MSNBC or the NY Times. I guess they are not shocked about a socialist honoring a fellow socialist in this manner. Oh wait no, I got it; it was a parting gift from Anita Dunn!

The second photo is probably best described as . . . odd? A drag queen named Hedda Lettuce. I never heard of him/her (Iggy do you think he/she is hot?) It's inappropriate at best. Yes, Jesus welcomed all sinners, but He would have also told him to take off the dress and makeup and stop sinning.

The last one is probably the scariest. An image of the Mount Rushmore presidential carvings with a photo of Obama tacked on to the end. Anyone one with a hint of intelligence knows what a narcissist Obama is - the fact that the Obamas allowed this to happen only confirms it. Still, isn't even he biggest iggyot out there troubled by the golden calf-life worship of this guy? These are the kinds of tactics used by the Hitlers and Stalins of the world to create their cults of personality. I think the best response to this false messiah are the last words every uttered by Apophis (my fellow geeks will get this one); "May your reign be short, and your death long."

Merry Christmas Everyone!
Bob, RI
Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy
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