In honor of all the mindless drones who thought Synchronized Light Turning Off at 8:30PM on Saturday would actually make a difference to the either the planet or the climate, I decided to do as much as I could to offset as many lefty loons as I could. I was actually going to fly my entire stage lighting show and run it for an hour, but I was too exhausted after the day's work . . . of taking down two more trees!
One was a thirty-foot pine, and the other was a forty-foot pine that had triple-forked at five feet, meaning it had three large trunks extending from five feet off the ground, so it was like taking down three thirty-five footers. The trunks and larger branches will go into my buddy Mike's external boiler next winter, while the smaller branches will go up in smoke in a few months after some seasoning. I'm not sure how much CO2 will be released once it is all burned, but I bet it will at least offset the savings of the one hour lights-out at Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brady-Bundchen's multiple homes around the world.
Hey Al Gore; tell me how my carbon footprint's ass tastes!
Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Monday, March 15, 2010
Your Papers, Please
Liberals in the United States Senate are pushing to institute a national ID card. I do mean liberals, because in spite of the (R) next to his name, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina is no conservative. Not content with the takeover of one sixth of our economy via Obamacare, your federal government is now seeking to impose further government control of and intrusion on law-abiding citizens of the United States. Containing unique, biometric data, the crux of the legislation is that (in theory) “employers will not be able to hire applicants who do not present a valid ID.”
But no, the government has a much better idea. See, the ID cards will "curb illegal immigration" because since "no one" will be able to "work" without a national ID card, criminal illegals won't be able to get jobs and will just return home! Yeah, and let me tell about this bridge I want to sell you. What will happen is that instead of committing the crimes Americans don't want to commit - I'm sorry, doing the jobs that Americans don't want to do (jobs so bad that not even the millions of unemployed Americans would touch them), illegals will simply climb onto the "entitlement" rolls, further sucking American taxpayers dry. Oh but Bob, illegals aren't entitled to receive welfare checks, food stamps and free medical care! No, I'm serious, its a really nice bridge, you have to see it.
Of course even without recognizing the obvious rush to the public trough by criminal illegals that will occur, does anyone with a brain believe that fraudulent national ID cards wouldn't become as commonplace and trafficked as the fraudulent green cards and social security numbers that are supposed to prevent illegals from working today? If you do, you might want to move on the bridge quickly; I want to sell it to you, but my boss has another buyer in his office right now.
Think about that for a moment. Our government wants to assign each and every citizen a card that without with, you will not be able to work. Again, think about that. Graham’s attitude is that “We’ve all got Social Security cards. They’re just easily tampered with. Make them tamper-proof. That’s all I’m saying.” Well, first of all, the Social Security program and social security numbers in and of themselves are a vile violation of the rights of Americans. Can you imagine if at the signing of the Declaration of Independence, or at the Constitutional Congress, you told our founding fathers that 140 years hence, the government would forcibly assign an identification number to each citizen, and that said number would be used to track where each citizen worked, and how much money they earned? Would they even bother continuing their work?
Better still, imagine if you told them that 200 years hence, the government would forcibly assign an identification document to each citizen, without which they could not work? Forget rolling over in their graves, our founding fathers will be clawing at their coffins to get out and knock some sense into us! Do we really want to live in a country where the first words you’d here at a job interview are “papers, please”. Don’t people realize where we are heading?
Of course to sugarcoat this freedom-poisoning pill, the idea is being touted as a means to "curb illegal immigration." Just how will national ID cards curb illegal immigration? Will they be used to form a protective wall on our Mexican border? Will they stand guard on the Rio Grande and shoot the criminals who invade our country, violate our law, and destroy the private property of the American citizens who live on the border? After all, are these not the things that need to happen to truly stop people from entering the country illegally? You build a wall, post guards, and shoot anyone trying to break in. Makes sense to me.But no, the government has a much better idea. See, the ID cards will "curb illegal immigration" because since "no one" will be able to "work" without a national ID card, criminal illegals won't be able to get jobs and will just return home! Yeah, and let me tell about this bridge I want to sell you. What will happen is that instead of committing the crimes Americans don't want to commit - I'm sorry, doing the jobs that Americans don't want to do (jobs so bad that not even the millions of unemployed Americans would touch them), illegals will simply climb onto the "entitlement" rolls, further sucking American taxpayers dry. Oh but Bob, illegals aren't entitled to receive welfare checks, food stamps and free medical care! No, I'm serious, its a really nice bridge, you have to see it.
No, this entire scam of a bill is designed to do two things. The first, is to allow the federal government to intrude even more on the personal liberties and private lives of Americans citizens - isn't it amazing how the right to privacy, so paramount to liberals when it involves the de-limbing of an unborn child, can be so easily dismissed when it becomes inconvenient for them? The second goal of this bill is to provide amnesty to the criminal illegals currently occupying our sovereign soil - or as is stated more politically correctly in the story, "the 10.8 million or more people living illegally in the United States would be offered a path to citizenship." Bear in mind that the true number of criminal illegals is almost certainly north of twenty million, and that millions more would swarm across the border like locusts once the plan was announced, so that they would in a position to be rewarded for breaking our laws.
Ultimately, that is the goal of the left in America. As the Axis of Socialism has completely driven away independent and moderate voters, the Democrat Party needs new supporters. What better way to get them, then to buy them! Think of it, tens of millions of criminal illegal aliens magically become voting citizens in the blink of an eye, beholden to the party that will reward their loyalty with the hard-earned wealth of honest, hard-working, law-abiding citizens. So, let's start referring to them with a more accurate and descriptive term. They're not criminal illegal aliens; they're just Undocumented Democrats.Bob
Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy
Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy
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