Sunday, January 24, 2010

Hillary Ad Portas!

I weighed writing this column because though I mulled the idea over Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, Rush Limbaugh actually put forth virtually the same premise during his Wednesday afternoon show. So while some folks might not believe that this is original material, I'll hope that you will have faith in the premise that great minds think alike.

Following Hannibal Barca's ravaging of Italy and killing of hundreds of thousands of Romans during the Second Punic War, the phrase "Hannibal ad portas" (Hannibal is at the gates) was used to indicate imminent danger to Rome for centuries afterward. As I analyzed the aftermath of Tuesday’s Scott heard 'round the world, I realized that overlooked among the winners, was Hillary Rodham Clinton. Like Nosferatu in a 1930's black and white movie, she stands poised to resurrect her presidential ambitions.

Whether friend or foe, everyone knows that she is still seething about being abandoned by the Democrat party's left wing for a candidate even farther left than her. Everything about 2008 was breaking perfectly for whoever was the Democrat nominee - and it was yanked out from under her. Surely no one believes that she has given up on her life-long dream? Her decision to take the job as Secretary of State, was a calculated, political move. She could not afford to be seen as a senator with a personal agenda sabotaging Obama, so she joined his staff to show the far left that she supports him. This put her in a position to politically profit whether Obama failed or succeeded. Taking on a position that will give her a great deal of foreign policy cache was icing on the cake.

The Axis of Socialism’s (Obama, Reid and Pelosi) insistence on following a socialist agenda, on the mistaken premise that the 2008 elections represented a veering to the far left by Americans, has cracked opened the door for her. Remember, she actually won more delegates in the primary than Obama. He only got the nomination because under the guise of punishing them for moving up the dates of their primaries, Michigan and Florida had their delegates excluded by the far-left party elite, who had already fallen under the spell of our messianic charlatan-in-chief.

Ironically, Hillary would have been a better candidate than Obama for both America and the Democrats. Because of her 1993 health care disaster her first time in office, as President, she could not and would not have gone down the Obamacare road. It would have been "here we go again" for everyone. She would have focused on the economy, probably using some more moderate stimulus and (small) tax-cut legislation. The economy would likely already be on the road to recovery, Wall Street would not be dropping 200 points every time Obama opened his mouth, and the country overall would be in better shape - causing voters to have a better perception of Democrats.

It is a fait accompli that the Republicans will pick up seats in both houses of Congress in the November elections. The only question is how may? That, and Hillary’s course of action, is up to the Axis of Socialism. Should they choose to recognize their miscalculation, and steer America back to the center, then they can limit the damage, I would estimate at worst, they would lose 20-25 seats in the House, and 2-3 seats in the Senate. They would still have a majority in both houses, and given an eventual economic rebound, Obama would likely win re-election in 2012.

If, however, they choose to continue full steam to the left – as they have so far indicated, and as I pray they do – then November will be a rout. The Republicans would easily win back the House, picking up 40-50 seats, and would likely pick up 6-8 Senates seats, with an outside chance of gaining the full 10 seats required to take back the Senate. This rout would fling the door wide open for Hillary. Some time after the 2011 State of the Union address, she will resign as Secretary of State, and later in the summer, announce that she will challenge Obama for the 2012 nomination. She will be able to cover her back with the far left Democrats, claiming that "I served Obama well, but I can not continue to serve under someone bent on destroying our party." She will also be able to tell the party bosses "I told you so, you iggyots! You should have nominated me in the first place."

I’m not sure if she would succeed, but I think she would have no choice but to go for it. If not, she's looking at being a 69-year-old candidate in 2016, facing either a sitting Republican if Obama loses in 2012, or a population of Democrated out voters if Obama wins in 2012. Neither is an appealing option. So, maybe, just maybe, we will soon see her standing at our gates.

Bob, RI

Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy

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