Thursday, February 26, 2009

Thursday Fill-Ins Fall Flat on Dennis and Callahan

With John, Gerry, Meter and Chach flying back from Florida, Felger and Bob Halloran filled in. My God, that was probably the worst show since . . . well since the last time that fraud contrarian Felger hosted. To add insult to injury, Halloran was even worse! I think Brett on the big show described it best; between those two whiners and Kelly Malone, it was Boston's own version of The View.

With Iggy in control of the board, I thought we'd have some material to cover, but he disappointed us - although I did miss a couple of segments. On the good news/bad news front, Gerry will be back on Friday, but not Dino. We'll be getting another serving of Felger. Stay tuned . . .

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Iggy Explodes During Dennis and Callahan's Last Day At Spring Training

After two days of being rigged for silent running, Iggy let loose with all torpedo tubes during Headlines. He splattered so much verbal feces against the wall that I don't even know where to begin the clean-up.

He first took umbrage when Gerry ridiculed his Messiah over the "curing cancer" part of last night's speech. He said that trying to find a cure for cancer just like the folks at the Jimmy Fund is a great cause. Yes, Iggy, the Jimmy Fund is a great cause. It is also a great example of how people in the private sector contribute significant amounts of their own, hard-earned money to worthy causes, and do so of their own free will. Tell me again how this is just like taxpayers having their money confiscated at the point of a federal gun and spent on things that they may or may not want it spent?

When Gerry then tried to explain the difference between government doing something and the private sector doing something, Iggy then lashed out with "Oh, like how Wall Street got us into this mess?" We don't even need to get into the truth of this particular liberal lie, which is that government intervention and social engineering are the main reasons we are in this current mess. The point here is how Iggy invoked a standard liberal debating tactic; when confronted by facts, change the argument.

After a few seconds of sputtering, Sir Knows Not-A-Lot then came out with this gem; "Do you think universal health care is a bad idea?" My God, I sometimes forget how ignorant Iggy really is. Let me answer that as unequivocally as I can; without doubt, absofrackinglutely YES, it is a terrible idea. Most of my family lives in Western Europe, if you'd like, Iggy, I can hook you up with them - maybe my diabetic uncle would be a good choice - and they can explain the finer points of socialized medicine to you. Just like everything else the left espouses, socialized medicine has failed everywhere it has been tried. All it does is ensure that everyone in society receives the same terrible level of care. Even assuming you don't have first-hand knowledge of how bad it is, do you really want the same kind of lazy, useless, government employees you encounter at the department of motor vehicles to determine when you need a catscan for those headaches you've been getting, or knee-replacement surgery, or a kidney transplant?

Iggy then switched to another tried and true liberal debating tactic - launching a personal attack. He accused Gerry of being a mindless drone who just says whatever conservatives tell him to, and that he had become a caricature. Iggy, Gerry has become a caricature? Have you looked in a mirror lately my little, lemming, leftist friend? As I titled a post last month, that is the definition of Iggy calling the kettle black.

I think the funniest, or perhaps saddest part of the show was when during Emails and Buzzer Beaters, Dino read an email from a listener named Tim who claimed that while he did not agree with Iggy on anything, that Gerry needed to be better prepared because Iggy had kicked his ass during their little tête-à-tête. Tim, what show were you listening to? Let me channel Jim Calhoun here and tell you to get some facts and come back and see me. All Iggy did was act like a typical liberal and fumble around, ignore facts and launch personal attacks. The only thing missing was a good old fashioned HALI BURTON!!!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Iggy Iggy Everywhere, But Haven't Heard a Peep

Two days in a row of blissful silence from Iggy. The show going on the road really seems to put a damper on Dennis and Callahan's court jester. Tomorrow is the boys' last day in Florida, so we'll see how long the calm lasts. Stay tuned . . .

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Left Behind in Boston, Iggy Swings and Misses

As the only member 0f the morning show crew left behind in Boston (I can't imagine why the guys would not want to spend a week in Florida with him), Iggy remained relatively silent until he mouth farted up a nugget in a failed attempt to be funny. Dennis and Callahan interviewed Larry Lucchino, President and CEO of the Red Sox, and well-known uber-liberal. Larry and the boys mixed in their usual good-natured political sparring into the interview, and afterwards, Gerry mused how someone like Larry could be a liberal. He pointed out that Larry is hard working and very knowledgeable about business - and that’s when the piddling producer piped in with “he’s intelligent”, trying to infer that all liberals are intelligent, and anyone who disagress with them is not. Iggy, that was the verbal version of Julio Lugo trying to get around on a 95mph fastball.

Larry Lucchino is without doubt, a very intelligent man. He could not have succeeded in business the way he has were he not. It is his extreme liberalism in spite of this intelligence that puzzles clear thinking people, because any reasonable person knows that all liberal polices and beliefs are both morally and economically untenable. Liberals like Larry Lucchino are usually that way for several reasons, the most important of which is because he can afford it. Larry is a classic limousine liberal. No matter how much money government confiscates from them, limousine liberals either are born with, or have made and continue to make, enough money to be able to live a life sheltered from the very policies they fund and support.

There are other factord that can lead to the creation of limousine liberals. One is their having been raised in a cloistered environment where they are indoctrinated with liberal thought from the cradle, to the $10,000 a year preschool, though private prep-school, all the way through (often Ivy League) college. They may live for over twenty years without ever meeting someone with an opposing view. Another common factor is guilt; guilt over either having been born wealthy, or having been successful and thus become wealthy. This is especially prevalent among whites for some reason. Feeling guilty about their own bounty, they look for ways to “give back” to society, and settle on “spreading the wealth” around. This is all well and good if, like conservatives, they accomplished this by donating their own wealth to deserving charities. Instead, they take the approach that their guilt should be assuaged by the government confiscating and redistributing private wealth – and forcing others to endure it against their will.

Whatever the combination of factors that go into creating a limousine liberal, the result is the same. High taxes do not impede their ability to host charity cocktail parties to raise money for such deserving, upstanding citizens like Mumia Abu-Jamal. Forced busing that requires children to wake up at 5:00AM to able to take the one-hour bus ride to a school across town does not affect them because their own children are chauferred to private school. Gun laws that prevent people from defending themselves and their property do not impact them because they live in secured, gated communities, and they hire private security personnel. No matter how much of mess they make of society, they are able to live blissfully above the fray, all the while feeling good about themselves - and smugly reminding each other about it - because of all the wonderful, progressive causes they champion. Do you get it now Iggy? Here endeth the lesson.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Dennis and Callahan Hit The Picnic Table

The boys began their annual weeklomg broadcast from Red Sox spring training. Iggy was so quiet that you could not even tell that he was on until they asked him a question just before the crossover. So, no Iggyotic statements to counter. Therefore, I'd like to take this opportunity to say thank you to those who have voiced their support for my efforts. It is greatly appreciated.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Mount Saint Iggy Erupts in Boston

Oh my lord was my premonition ever correct. This morning, during Headlines, Iggy did his best impersonation of Mount Vesuvius, blowing his top and smothering the WEEI airwaves with a layer of choking, liberal ash. Gerry was castigating the spendulus bill, as well as The Chosen One’s fear mongering. Specifically, his claim that if we don’t piss away hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars, the U.S. Economy will never recover. That’s some serious hope and change, eh Iggy?

No longer able to tolerate the castigation of his messiah, Iggy exploded at Gerry, exclaiming: ‘You’ve been bitching for two weeks about this, what else would you do?’ Iggy, have you not been listening to anyone for the last month? Obviously not, because when Gerry again told you, for the umpteenth time, that the only real course of action is to cut taxes across the board and let the free market repair itself, you retorted ‘That doesn’t work!’ You poor, misguided, ignorant bastard. Putting aside the fact that history has proven us right, and you wrong so many times, riddle me this: how is billions of dollars for pork going to “stimulate the economy” in any way at all, let alone better than letting consumers and businesses keep more of their own money? The fact is, it won’t, and either you’re too foolish to realize that, or too ideologically brainwashed to admit it.

We were then quickly treated to the rantings of a couple of Iggyot callers. The first could manage nothing more than a feeble-minded attempted drive-by, saying: ‘Why don’t we just let Haliburton fix the economy, they did such a great job in Iraq.’ Boy, that really changed my mind! A caller named Cal then bestowed upon us several minutes of baseless rambling about tax breaks for the rich, deregulation, and laissez-faire business. When challenged several times by Gerry to provide specific examples and facts, all he could do was ramble on in circles, and then launch personal attacks on John and Gerry as greedy rich people. Combined, these two Iggyots used the standard, liberal debating tactics that I first outlined when describing Iggy in the initial posting on this site (

As Gerry started to provide facts about income taxes, and how the highest income earners pay by far the lion’s share of income taxes (the top 1% pay 39% of all income tax paid), Iggy’s indoctrinated, class envy inevitably reared its head. He sarcastically told John and Gerry that he was sorry that they had to contribute so much of their income to the federal income tax pool. When asked if he thought that this was fear, he actually said ‘I think the top one percent of wage earners should contribute 39% of the income taxes paid because it affects them less.’

At last we get to the crux of liberal ideology. You don’t get to decide how much of your money you need – we know better than you. You don’t get to decide if you’re being treated fairly – we know better than you. You don’t get to decide if your tax dollars should be spent on clean needles for junkies, health care for illegal aliens, welfare for octomoms – we know better than you. All liberal ideology is based on the tenet that you are too stupid to make your own decisions and take care of yourself. All you need to do is lay back, lube yourself up, and let the government “take care” of everything for you. The class warfare perpetuated by Iggy and his ilk is merely a symptom of this destructive, discredited ideology.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Calm Before the Iggy Storm?

The Monday holiday and a hectic schedule for me this morning have conspired to deprive us of meat for the fire. I was unable to listen to too much of the show, so unless someone wants to email me any Iggyisms I missed, we'll have to wait for Iggy's next blow-up. I sense that we are due for a big one.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Playing the Part of Iggy On WEEI Today: Everett From Brighton

Iggy's sabbatical, self-imposed or otherwise, continued for another day. I guess two consecutive days of relative peace and quiet was just asking too much, however. That jackass Everett called, and tossed a couple of his trademark race grenades. For those of you who are new, or not familiar with the Dennis and Callahan Show, the best way to describe Everett is as the Al Sharpton of Boston talk radio. Iggy may be a brainwashed, delusional, annoying fool, but he has no malice in his heart. Everett, on the other hand, represents everything that is wrong with America today. Rather than judging things on face value, he sees everything in terms of race.

For example, O.J. Simpson was only put on trial for murder because he was black. He was innocent because a jury of twelve morons said so. All of the evidence to the contrary, and the fact that anyone with a brain knows he's a murderer is irrelevant. Barry Bonds was innocent because he never tested positive for steroids (which we learned very recently is not true, of course). The preponderance of evidence tha showed how guilty he was didn't matter. He was being persecuted by racist, white media members and racist, white fans.

Then there was the Duke LaCrosse fiasco. Of course those rich, spoiled, nasty, white boys were guilty. Even after it was revealed that Crystal Mangum told about a dozen different stories to the police about what happened, they were guilty. Even after DNA evidence exonerated them, they were guily. Even after Mike Nifong had to drop the charges, they were guilty. Finally, after Nifong was censored for his false, malicous, politically motivated prosecution of the real victims in that mess, and Everett had to face reality, his stance was that it was no big deal, since they did not end up in jail, and that it was all okay because white people were able to experience the injustice that blacks have endured for centuries. Way to look to the future Everett. What a despicable human being.

Everett is often referred to in conjunction with his soulmate, Jermaine because of their twisted, like-minded views. If you happen to tune in to the show in midstream, and hear a caller making outlandish, race-baiting statements, you know its either Everett or Jermaine, but there is no way to tell which one, as they sound so alike. I don't just mean the sound of their voices. If you put them both in seperate, sound-proofed rooms, and asked them their opinion on a topic, you'd get the exact same response. They even got their own short-lived talk show on WEEI - Jason Wolfe hasn't touched tequila since. I believe it lasted for exactly one show, and that they got the same ratings as a show I once saw called Watching Paint Dry With Janeane Garofalo.

To be honest, I don't think they really believe the garbage that they spout. Either way, it does not matter. If they do believe, they are useless, mindless fools. If they don't believe, then they are vile, dishonest hate-mongers. Ultimately, I don't care which one it is. Much like Iggy, their only purpose on the Dennis and Callahan show is to ruin it. So, I thought a poll as to who is the most annoying person on WEEI would be in order. It's over on the right side of the screen. Let your voices be heard!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Dennis and Callahan Show Is An Iggy Free Zone

. . . for a couple of days. When John announced in the first hour of the show that we would not be hearing any annoying cut-ins from Iggy for a few days, my heart leapt with joy. Unfortunately, I soon learned that this was not due to any disciplinary or punitive action, but merely the result of Sir Rantsalot taking some time off. Still, John, Gerry, Meter and Chach all seemed to be revelling in the peace and quiet of the Iggy-free zone.

Gerry even expressed concern that I would not have anything to write about on the blog. Fortunately, or is it unfortunately, when it comes to stupidity, liberals are the gift that keeps on giving. As long as one liberal draws breath, he or she will say and do things that piss of most Americans. We've talked a lot lately about Obama's spendulus package, and the amount of utter pork with which it is laced. Well take a gander at this story:,2933,491284,00.html.

When Iggy returns, could someone please ask him how $196,000 for statues of dogs mating and defecating is supposed to create jobs? Is anyone surprised that this is happening in Berkeley? It's deliciously ironic and predictable that this pissing away of tax dollars is taking place in that cauldron of vile, putrid, unconstitutional, un-American thought and action. The actions of the dogs carved for posterity in the statues are also perfectly representative of how they will be funded. Obama, the Democrats and the Rinos are screwing us while crapping all over our faces.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Boston Talk Radio's Biggest Iggyot Rises From the Grave

Just when I thought he was down for the count, Iggy rose from the grave in a way that would make Nosferatu proud, and let loose with a torrent of baseless, unsubstantiated dribble lacking in facts, the likes of which have not been heard since, well, the last time Al Gore spoke about global warming. Dennis and Callahan were playing various sound clips of idiots whining to The Chosen One and begging for money for nothing. Its hard to believe that anyone could defend those greedy bastards, but leave it to Iggy to try.

I believe it was the guy who had worked at McDonald's for four and a half years that set things off. He begged for free money to pay for his education - to become a radio jockey of all things - and when Gerry had the "nerve" to say the guy should pay for it himself, Iggy exclaimed "Who wouldn't want to help the guy out?" Iggy, are you out of your freaking mind? I don't want to pay for his education. John and Gerry don't want to pay for it. No one I know wants to pay for it. My only responsibility is to pay for my children's education. If you think someone else should pay this guy's way in life, you do it!

Your proclivity to give away other people's money is disgusting. Where does it end Iggy? What next? Do you want our taxes to pay for clean needles for junkies, health care for illegal aliens, abortions for people in third world countries - oops, never mind, too late. Also, for the love of God, stop bitching about the cost of the war and blaming it for the countries fiscal woes. I know that facts are meaningless to you, but if you take a look at this year's 1040 instructional booklet, you'll see that spending on the military, foreign affairs and veteran affairs only comprises 23% of federal outlays. That's not just the war, that's everything related to defense and foreign affairs.

More importantly, that money is being spent on things which the federal government is constitutionally allowed to spend. Take a look at the constitution itself, and let us know when you find the clauses that allow tax dollars to be spent on the things you want them spent. If you would get your head out of your ass and learn a little something about how the American system of government is supposed to work, maybe you'd start to understand things.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Iggy's Rants on Dennis and Callahan are Losing Their Edge

Iggy tried to regain his old form today, but his heart just wasn't in it. The Porkulus Bill came up for discussion again, and at first, he threw out the standard party line; we're in this mess because of Bush and the Republicans spending too much money. To be honest, he was actually somewhat accurate - for once. As I have stated before, the years of spending like drunken sailors to pander (predictably unsuccessfully) to liberals cost the Republicans a lot of cache with their base, and ultimately cost them power. Sorry Iggy, spending on the war does not count as a waste of money, because foreign wars are one of the few things on which the federal government is constitutionally allowed to spend, and dead Muslim fanatics are a bargain at any price.

Laying the blame solely on Republicans is at best, disingenuous. After all, we never heard Democrats stand up and scream about overspending did we? Did the Democrats attempt to scale back spending during the last two years of the Bush presidency when they controlled both houses of Congress? None of them ever complained about the $3,000,000.00 projector for the museum in Chicago for which Senator Obama asked, did they? Ultimately, even Iggy seems to have recognized the truth, and that is why he has lost his desire for battle.

He knows that it was people like Obama, Dodd and Frank who caused the Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac housing crisis. In his heart, he knows that spending hundreds of billions of dollars on pork when we've already spent ourselves into trouble makes as much sense as getting a ride home from Ted Kennedy on New Year's Eve. Obama, the Democrats and the Rinos are pissing in our faces, and even Iggy can't bring himself to say its just raining. It's almost as if he finally has turned away from the dark side. It's almost as if, dare I say it . . . Add Image

Sunday, February 8, 2009

No Grist for the Iggy Mill

Once again Iggy was uncharacteristically silent. Maybe he's finally realized what a sucker he was for being Obamoozled, and just doesn't have the will to defend his Lord Savior on High any longer. Being a bit bored, I put together a little something I have been mulling for a few weeks. I spent the first thirty-four years of my life living in Providence, before escaping to small rural town that I thought would be a haven from the liberal insanity of the city. It hasn’t quite been all I hoped for, but that’s another post for another day.

Still, after five years, I have seen the major differences between living in the city and living in the country, and my family’s quality of life is much better now than it was in the city. So, without further ado, here are the top ten reasons why living in the country is better than living in the city . . .

10) In the country, you fall asleep to the sound of crickets and wake up to the sounds of roosters. In the city, you fall asleep to the sound of booming stereos and wake up to the sound of car alarms.

9) In the city, trespassers have two legs and steal things like lawn decorations and outdoor rugs. In the country, trespassers have four legs and are made into things like lawn decorations and outdoor rugs.

8) In the city, if you take the wife’s little rat of a dog for a walk, you have to pick up any crap she drops. In the country, if you take the wife’s little rat of a dog for a walk, you have to pick her up to get her over the piles of crap horses and cows have dropped.

7) In the city, you need curtains and blinds to get privacy from your neighbors. In the country, you need a car to visit your neighbors.

6) In the country, multiculturalism refers to how many different kinds of cheeses you produce with the milk from your own livestock.

5) In the country, your elementary grade kids come home from school and tell you that they learned about the nutritional value of cucumbers and the best way to grow your own. In the city, your elementary grade kids come home from school and tell you that they learned how to put condoms on cucumbers.

4) In the country the only illegals around are escaped, exotic pets.

3) If an intruder is breaking into your home, is halfway through a window, and you shoot and wound him; in the city, the police will confiscate your gun, take his statement, give him the business card of a personal injury lawyer, and charge you with violating his civil rights. In the country, the police will help you pull him fully through the window, and then wait outside while you finish the job.

2) If you’re doing yard-work and need to take a leak, in the city, you have to worry about being seen by your neighbors. In the country, you have to worry about a hawk or eagle mistaking your thingy for a snake and trying to fly off with it . . . oh okay, mistaking it for a worm.

. . . and the number one reason why living in the country is better than living in the city . . .

1) In the city, the sound of gunshots portends the arrival of the police, ambulances and news crews. In the country, the sound of gunshots means dinner is served!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Bromance on the Dennis and Callahan Show

Gerry was out sick again, so fill-in Felger was on again and unbelievably, was able to make himself sound even gayer. He brought up a story about "straight" male friends who have "bromances", going out on mandates to things like go to museums, buy ice cream, and watch sunsets at the beach. Disbelief by John and Chach was met with Iggy's nugget that such guys were truly just friends, not a gay couple, and that this was a new but common phenomenon. News flash Iggy; these guys had better break out the Coldplay CD-s.

When straight guys go out together, its for one of, or a combination of the following reasons:

  • To drink
  • To pick up women
  • To go to the shooting range
  • To go to a ball game
  • To go to a strip club
  • To go fishing
  • To go hunting

That's it, no mas. For Iggy to think that mandates which involve sculptures and gelatos are normal for straight guys just adds credence to the old axiom that a liberal is a woman, or a man controlled by a woman. A caller said it best; the attitude that this behavior is normal just highlights the travesty that is the feminization of American men.

For forty years, American males have been undergoing a gender-wide emasculation with the ultimate goal of eliminating aggressiveness, self-confidence, emotional control and self-reliance; all of the very things that make men - men. If a six year old boy acts up class, put him on Ritalin and start him on therapy. If a fifteen year old boy tries to get a peek into a girls' locker room, step him up to Prozac and three sessions a week. Tell him to get in touch with his feelings and that it's okay to cry.

All of this has been done with usual, liberal best of intentions; if you change men into women, there won't be any more fighting, crime or wars; a perfect, utopian, liberal world. The fact that feminizing the American male degrades the combat capability of our armed forces while leaving intact that of such friendly countries as Russia, China, Venezuela, North Korea and Iran - not to mention our Muslim terrorist friends - is irrelevant. Once the world sees how well-meaning and vulnerable we are, they'll all follow suit and join in a ringing rendition of kumbaya.

Monday on WEEI: Felger Stands in for Iggy

Iggy was again strangely silent on Monday. Maybe he's just tired of getting bitch-slapped. Of course, right on queue, Michael Felger pinch-stupided nicely for Iggy. Filling in for Gerry, Michael actually played the part of Iggy by saying one of the dumbest things I ever heard. No, this time it had nothing to do with Larry Fitzgerald's ass. In response to a question from John about the porkulus package, he said "I don't know what's in it, but I'm for it".

Why would you ever admit that? Michael, that shows that you are an even bigger idiot than Iggy, who is a fool, but at least an idealistically motivated fool. You're a disinterested, uninformed, five-second attention span fool. It was people like you, not Iggy who got Obama elected. Obama was going to get the moonbat vote no matter what. To win, he needed that middle twenty percent of people known as moderates or undecided voters – you know, morons. The kind of people who are not aware of what is going on, don't take the time to learn the facts, and then make a crucial decision based on some headlines, sound bytes and your "feelings".

Stick to top ten lists of guys you’d do Felger.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Boston Fans Know The Truth About Montreal

Technically, a post covering sports doesn’t fall under the auspices of this blog, but since Montreal is full of bunch left-wing, French-speaking surrender monkeys, we’ll file it under “close enough”. What the hell, it's Sunday.

The Montreal Canadians’ fans at the Molson Center have repeatedly been called “the most knowledgeable hockey fans in the world”. As a life-long Bruins’ fan, I know that this statement is about accurate as the old wives’ tale that the Democrat Party is the party of the working class. After watching today’s game (in between bouts of puking from the dizzy spells caused by the Montreal throwback jerseys), I did some research and found the official Guide to Being a Montreal Canadians’ Fan.

  1. If a Montreal player falls down on his own, boo and demand a penalty be assessed against the nearest opposing player.
  2. If an opposing player comes within three feet of a Montreal player, boo and demand a penalty be assessed against the opposing player.
  3. If an opposing player brushes up against a Montreal player, boo and demand a five-minute major penalty be assessed against the opposing player.
  4. If a Montreal player stubs his toe heading into the locker room, boo and demand that the nearest opposing player be given a game misconduct.
  5. If a Montreal player sprains his angle boarding the team plane, boo and demand that the nearest opposing player be ejected, suspended for 10 games, and forfeit the life of his first born son.
  6. If Montreal loses, riot in the streets, burn an American flag, and boo the nearest American 12-year old and under youth hockey team.
  7. If a Montreal player trips, boards, cross-checks, slashes, elbows or high-sticks an opposing player in the face, cheer lustily – unless the Montreal player is whistled for a penalty; then boo.
  8. If a Montreal player elbows in the face, sucker punches, or cracks an opposing player over the head with their stick, cheer lustily, and give him a standing ovation – unless the Montreal player is whistled for a penalty; then boo.
  9. If a Montreal player shoots, stabs or hits an opposing player with a baseball bat, cheer lustily, give him a standing ovation, and break out into a round of that God-forsaken Ole Ole song.
  10. If Montreal wins, riot in the streets, burn an American flag, and boo the nearest American 12-year old and under youth hockey team.

Maybe some Superbowl comments later.

On that big catch by Holmes to get the Steelers down to the seven yard line, did anyone see the Steeler's offensive lineman with two fists full of the jersey of a Cardinal defensive lineman?