Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Boston Talk Radio's Biggest Iggyot Rises From the Grave

Just when I thought he was down for the count, Iggy rose from the grave in a way that would make Nosferatu proud, and let loose with a torrent of baseless, unsubstantiated dribble lacking in facts, the likes of which have not been heard since, well, the last time Al Gore spoke about global warming. Dennis and Callahan were playing various sound clips of idiots whining to The Chosen One and begging for money for nothing. Its hard to believe that anyone could defend those greedy bastards, but leave it to Iggy to try.

I believe it was the guy who had worked at McDonald's for four and a half years that set things off. He begged for free money to pay for his education - to become a radio jockey of all things - and when Gerry had the "nerve" to say the guy should pay for it himself, Iggy exclaimed "Who wouldn't want to help the guy out?" Iggy, are you out of your freaking mind? I don't want to pay for his education. John and Gerry don't want to pay for it. No one I know wants to pay for it. My only responsibility is to pay for my children's education. If you think someone else should pay this guy's way in life, you do it!

Your proclivity to give away other people's money is disgusting. Where does it end Iggy? What next? Do you want our taxes to pay for clean needles for junkies, health care for illegal aliens, abortions for people in third world countries - oops, never mind, too late. Also, for the love of God, stop bitching about the cost of the war and blaming it for the countries fiscal woes. I know that facts are meaningless to you, but if you take a look at this year's 1040 instructional booklet, you'll see that spending on the military, foreign affairs and veteran affairs only comprises 23% of federal outlays. That's not just the war, that's everything related to defense and foreign affairs.

More importantly, that money is being spent on things which the federal government is constitutionally allowed to spend. Take a look at the constitution itself, and let us know when you find the clauses that allow tax dollars to be spent on the things you want them spent. If you would get your head out of your ass and learn a little something about how the American system of government is supposed to work, maybe you'd start to understand things.

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