Friday, January 30, 2009

The Dennis and Callahan Show Was Great Today - All Was Quiet on the Iggy Front

I was able to listen to almost the entire show today, and I did not hear a single peep until just before the end of the show, when everyone voted on the photo caption contest winner. Why so quiet Iggy? Are you a-scared of me? I didn’t think I was that intimidating. I find it hard to believe that my blog has accomplished its mission in just one week. I hope that is not the case as I was just starting to have fun.

Have a nice weekend everyone!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Boston's New Economic Czar: Iggy Maynard Keynes

Boy, Iggy really went above and beyond the call of stupidity today. He spewed a lot of knee-jerk, reactionary garbage that could keep me here all night - except I just don't have the time, since I have a life. Let's focus on what seemed to draw the most caller anger - Iggy's attempted defense of the "stimulus package".

John and Gerry started going through some of blatant pork in this nearly trillion dollar boondoggle. As they mentioned specific items, all Iggy could say was that the stimulus package would "create jobs" and "stimulate the economy". Now matter how inane, or how much an obvious complete waste of taxpayer money the item, like a well trained parrot, he kept repeating the same, standard party line.

Iggy, let me first explain something to you. Even if every dollar in that stimulus package was truly being spent in an honest attempt to stimulate the economy, what Bush tried before he left office, and what Obama is trying now (government spending to boost the economy) is called Keynesian Economics. Much like like manmade global warming, anyone who has a brain and takes the time to learn the facts about it, knows that it is a crock and that it does not work.

Government cannot create wealth - it can only devour it like a ravenous swarm of locusts. Government cannot create real jobs. Giving people synthesized government jobs digging ditches or raking leaves does not work, because the jobs are artificially created. They have to be paid for in one of two ways; with higher taxes or borrowed money - both of which take money out of a free market. Higher taxes are directly confiscated from individuals and business, while increased government borrowing reduces the amount of available capital that can be borrowed by individuals and businesses, and drives up the cost of borrowing whatever capital is left.

Gerry was quite right when he said cutting taxes works; it has been proven time and again (Kennedy, Reagan, Bush). Using some quick numbers I pulled off of the IRS web site, I found the following: the federal government's 2006 income was $8 trillion dollars. Of that, approximately 43% came from collecting income tax, which comes out to $3.44 trillion dollars. Conservatively estimating roughly the same numbers in 2008, the idea Gerry mentioned of a three-month federal income tax holiday would result in $860 billion dollars being put directly into the hands of individual consumers and businesses. They would be free to spend, invest or save that money as they saw fit, and any one of those three options would help stimulate the economy - all without the cost of confiscating and redistributing the money with a healthy serving of pork! Of course, to a properly indoctrinated liberal like you, facts are meaningless.

Not only would this plan truly stimulate the economy, it would eliminate things like spending hundreds of millions of dollars on new cars for government workers, giving billions of dollars to criminal enterprises like Acorn, and flushing $50 million dollars down the toilet called The National Endowment for the Arts. You remember that line item, right Iggy? The one to which when you were asked how giving them that money would stimulate the economy, you answered: "I don't know how, but I have a feeling it will"? A feeling? Are you out of your mind? Are you truly so brainwashed that you can't see that this is total waste of money and middle finger to American taxpayers? Get the cattle ring out of your nose!

Even that moron J.C. from Rhode Island who called to defend you said that it would not help stimulate the economy - although he did say that we should still spend the money to "better everyone". I think that statement may be dumber than anything Iggy has ever said. Hey J.C., here's a link to the United States Constitution I must have missed it, so take a look and when you find the part that reads: Congress shall levy taxes for the purpose of raising revenue to be spent to better people, you get back to me, OK peaches?

Odds and Ends

Matt Lauer is going to interview Obama during the Superbowl pregame show. Here's a tip Matt, until then, don't eat or drink anything given to you by Keith Olbermann. One serious question though, for Matt, will there be an NBC logo or the Presidential Seal on the kneepads?

Meter, I liked your idea about Maybe we could roll that up with Drop me a line and we'll run some numbers.

I'm watching the late edition of Comcast's Sports Tonight and Dan Shaughnessy’s hair is a somewhat normal blondish-brown again. I guess the rumors about a cease and desist order from Ronald McDonald’s attorneys are true.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Today on WEEI: The Iggy Strikes Back

Or at least tried to. I didn't hear Iggy say anything really stupid today, but that's probably because he didn't say much of anything at all. At the end of the show, John and Gerry actually announced the existence of this blog. I had sent them an email earlier in the morning thinking that they would get a kick out of it, and I was very pleased to learn that not only did they like the blog, they liked it enough to put it on the air and link to it from their page on the WEEI site. Not that I could stop anyone from linking to the site, but I am honored that they thought enough of it to do so. Thank you, gentlemen.

It was when they announced the blog that Iggy (I assume it was him and not Chach) launched a counterstrike and played a little clip from some movie which said "I guess some people just don't have a life". Not exactly taking off Luke Skywalker's hand or sending Han Solo to Jabba the Hut frozen in carbonite, but what can you expect from someone incapable of independent thought. With the gauntlet thrown down, I must accept the challenge.

I actually do have a life Iggy, and I'd wager it's fuller than yours. I have a successful career (I almost said lucrative) as a software engineer, and have also spent most of the last seventeen years self-employed as a professional stage lighting producer. I own my own home (and will NEVER expect someone else to pay the mortgage for me), am married, and have two children. Yup, not only did I actually find a woman willing to marry me, I was actually able to convince her to have sex with me - twice. Top that Iggy!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Iggy calls the kettle black

A couple of par for the course Iggyisms today.

Iggy accused Gerry of just repeating what Bill O'Reilly said the night before. Coming from someone who has a neural connection from wired directly into his brain’s speech center, I found this particularly hilarious. Anyone who knows Gerry Callahan knows that like him or not, he has his own ideas and beliefs, and sure as hell doesn’t need input from anyone else about what they are.

Later in the show, in a discussion about the elite media and its relationship to the Democrat Party, and conservative talk radio and the Republican Party, Sir Fibs-a-Lot said that Democrats ignore the media while Republicans do whatever conservative talk radio hosts tell them to do. Setting aside the fact that Democrats don’t have to listen to the elite media because the elite media get their marching orders from the DNC, let’s put the lie to Iggy’s fabricated assertion.

Talk radio is the bastion of true conservatives in America. Its listeners are the people who believe in the smallest possible government, individual liberty and self-reliance. These are the things that the Republican Party has abandoned. Under President Bush, the Republican Party became a party of big government, with ever-increasing pandering to the left – all paid for with our tax dollars. What did this earn them? A minority in Congress in 2006, a socialist in the White House in 2008, massive deficits, and bloated social programs that will be extremely difficult to roll back, especially after The Chosen One spends a few years in the Oval Office.

If the Republican Party truly “did what ever talk radio told them to” Iggy, it would not have:

  • Spent over $200,000,000.00 on people foolish enough to live eighteen feet below sea level, foolish enough not to leave when told to, and foolish enough to move back.
  • Let social engineering override fiscal sanity in the housing credit market.
  • Spend hundreds of billions of dollars on bailouts for banks, mortgage lenders and car manufacturers who could not manage to say solvent on their own.
  • Chosen a liberal in conservative’s clothing who has spent his entire life pandering to the left as its presidential nominee.

Nay, Iggy. Rather then acceding to the views and opinions on talk radio, the Republican Party has abandoned both its principles and its base.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Funny, Yet True

Although they are very dangerous, liberals and their beliefs are comical. Enjoy the satire but remember, in the words of the immortal Homer Simpson: "It's funny 'cause its true!"

- 1/30/2010 -


Al Gore, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama all die and go before God at the same time. God addresses Gore, saying: "Al, what do you believe in?" Al replies: "Well, I believe that I won that election but that it was your will that I did not serve, and I've come to understand that." God thinks for a second and says: Very good. Come, sit at my left."

God then addresses Clinton, saying "Bill, what do you believe in?" Bill replies: "I believe in forgiveness. I've sinned, but I've never held a grudge against my fellow man, and I hope none are held against me." God thinks for a second and says: Very good. Come, sit at my right."

God then addresses Obama, saying: "Barack, what do you believe in?" Barack replies: "I believe you're sitting in my chair."

- 3/08/2009 -

Obama is an empty suit. All of you Iggyots who bow down and pay reverence to him as your God are the biggest bunch of suckers since those goose-stepping fools who followed Hitler into the abyss. Here's a classic campaign clip of what happens to the mastor orator when he doesn't have his words fed to him. - 3/08/09

For those who believe in "gun free" zones.

Would Captain James Tiberius Kirk really vote for Obama?

A member of the "media" gets bitch-slapped by Newt Gingrich.

Required Reading For Those Who Believe In Freedom

The greatest threat to our freedoms and Western Civilization in general does not come from China, rogue nations like Iran and North Korea, or Muslim fanatics. Although they can all hurt us, they can not destroy us; that can only be accomplished from within. Liberals, and their discredited, intrinsically unnatural views about life are the only thing that can destroy us. They have already destroyed Europe Canada and New Zealand, stand ready to deal the coup de grace to Australia. and are halfway complete with their Devil's work in America.

Their constant barrage of propaganda, disinformation and outright lies bombard us and our children everyday. This approach was made infamous by one of the lefts greatest heroes, Joseph Stalin, who was once quoted saying "If you tell a lie often enough, eventually people will believe it." The items in this segment are here to help you see what lies the left tells us, and how they dispense them. - 10/26/09

Things That Make You Go WTF!

This is what happens when you put a liberal in charge. We don't need to try to kill the animals plotting to kill Americans!

I guess Obama is going with Stalin's line that if you repeat a lie often enough, eventually people believe it. His administration is literally saying that they know what they are saying about American-bought arms used in the Mexican drug wars is not true, but they are going to keep saying it anyway.

Brilliant. Just like NPR and PBS, newspapers would not be able to "endorse" anyone - but they would be able to continue with their current liberal bias practices and not have to pay taxes. - 3/25/09

A site that puts a trillion dollars into perspective. Not exactly just change, is it folks? - 3/12/09

Line items from Obama's "stimulus" bill. Check out your state and town and try to figure out how your local pork will "stimulate the economy". - 3/04/09

This seems so insane, that I thought it was fake, but apparently it is real. Senate Majority leader Harry Reid of Nevada claims that America's Income Tax system is voluntary. You have to see it to believe it.

And so, it begins . . .

The Dennis and Callahan morning sports talk radio show on WEEI in Boston is one of the top rated shows in America in any format category. Comprised of witty hosts, an infuriating, yet somehow still loveable flash boy, a great lineup of guests, and a loyal legion of listeners and callers, it is a tremendously enjoyable show that helps me (and many others) get through my minimum one hour morning commute - with one major exception; an evil, malignant force named Iggy.

Those of you already familiar with the D&C show know him as the producer everyone loves to hate, and I would wager that the majority of you do indeed loathe and despise him. For those of you not familiar with Iggy, he is an annoying, uninformed, left-wing, bomb-tossing, brainwashed moonbat. As a (small 'L') libertarian, he and everything he espouses are anathema to me, but that is not what makes him such a loathsome character. Michael Holley, co-host of WEEI’s mid-day Dale and Holley show, and Brett, a producer of WEEI’s afternoon Big Show are both liberals. The Big Show baseball writer co-hosts also peg to the left of Lenin on the commumeter, yet I listen to them all and while virtually never agreeing with them politically, can tolerate them and often even enjoy the experience.

What makes Iggy so despicable is that comes off as one of those classic liberals who all through his life has moved in cloistered, independent thought-lacking circles (no one I know voted for Reagan), never having to defend his positions. When confronted with uncomfortable realities, he reverts to preaching classic liberal dogma. When stymied with facts, he’ll change the argument or launch a personal attack on the conservative figure of convenience. He is the type of person who when finally, and predictably is fenced into a corner will resort to screaming HALIBURTON!

As John Dennis and Gerry Callahan can attest, he is an extremely polarizing figure. His rants immediately trigger a flurry of emails and phone calls from listeners, the vast majority of them begging that he be fitted with a ball gag and locked in a basement with a gimp mask-wearing Larry Craig. His very voice has become such a harbinger of disgust that I cringe even when he merely answers a question about an upcoming guest or a sports-related topic. If he were to announce on air that I had just won a $200 million Powerball drawing, it would still rankle me.

I know that in talk radio, anything that gets people excited is generally considered good for ratings, but the sound of his voice has created such a negative pavlovian response, that I now simply change the channel when he kicks off on one of his baseless rants - I guess that would be redundant. Sometimes I switch back after a few minutes, sometimes I move on to something else. I’m no marketing genius, but I would lay odds that this is not good for ratings, and I suspect that I am not the only listener who is being bled away.

For my own personal satisfaction, I have taken on the task of providing a forum where the inaccuracies and insanity of Iggy can be highlighted and castigated, and where other frustrated listeners can make their feelings about Iggy known. Hopefully, a groundswell of popular sentiment will convince D&C to finally muzzle this buffoon who’s only purpose on the air is to ruin people’s mornings. Iggy, you have sown; now you shall reap.