Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Iggy calls the kettle black

A couple of par for the course Iggyisms today.

Iggy accused Gerry of just repeating what Bill O'Reilly said the night before. Coming from someone who has a neural connection from dailykos.com wired directly into his brain’s speech center, I found this particularly hilarious. Anyone who knows Gerry Callahan knows that like him or not, he has his own ideas and beliefs, and sure as hell doesn’t need input from anyone else about what they are.

Later in the show, in a discussion about the elite media and its relationship to the Democrat Party, and conservative talk radio and the Republican Party, Sir Fibs-a-Lot said that Democrats ignore the media while Republicans do whatever conservative talk radio hosts tell them to do. Setting aside the fact that Democrats don’t have to listen to the elite media because the elite media get their marching orders from the DNC, let’s put the lie to Iggy’s fabricated assertion.

Talk radio is the bastion of true conservatives in America. Its listeners are the people who believe in the smallest possible government, individual liberty and self-reliance. These are the things that the Republican Party has abandoned. Under President Bush, the Republican Party became a party of big government, with ever-increasing pandering to the left – all paid for with our tax dollars. What did this earn them? A minority in Congress in 2006, a socialist in the White House in 2008, massive deficits, and bloated social programs that will be extremely difficult to roll back, especially after The Chosen One spends a few years in the Oval Office.

If the Republican Party truly “did what ever talk radio told them to” Iggy, it would not have:

  • Spent over $200,000,000.00 on people foolish enough to live eighteen feet below sea level, foolish enough not to leave when told to, and foolish enough to move back.
  • Let social engineering override fiscal sanity in the housing credit market.
  • Spend hundreds of billions of dollars on bailouts for banks, mortgage lenders and car manufacturers who could not manage to say solvent on their own.
  • Chosen a liberal in conservative’s clothing who has spent his entire life pandering to the left as its presidential nominee.

Nay, Iggy. Rather then acceding to the views and opinions on talk radio, the Republican Party has abandoned both its principles and its base.


  1. Bob:
    I couldn't disagree with you more, Iggy is the reason why I tune into the show. Not only is he incredibly entertaining on the radio, but I completely agree with everything he says and I ain't from no liberal insulated community either. Conservative talk radio is ideal for ignoramuses such as yourself, Rush Limbaugh, and Sean Hannity, for whom their so called patriotism and love for America really only applies to those who agree with their narrow minded agenda. That doesn't sound American now does it, you jabroni?

    Loyal WEEI Listener,
    Dave from Chicopee

  2. Wow Dave (Or is it Matthew?), with logical, poignant arguments like that, I can't understand why there have never been any successful left-wing talk radio shows. I could simply let the childishness of your comment speak for itself, but what the hell, you seem like the kind of guy who needs a good Butch-slapping.

    You "completely agree with everything he says"? That merely proves that you are one of the brainwashed sheople just like him, as does the tone and content of your comment in general. You played the liberal "everyone who disagrees with me is a right-wing Republican extremist" card - in spite of the fact that stated I am a libertarian, not a Republican. Did you not know this fact or did you just ignore it? Either one is classic symptom of liberal thought and speech patterns.

    You also assumed facts not in evidence. I do not listen to Limbaugh, Hannity or another conservative talk show hosts - I am able to formulate my own ideas. I don't know about their "narrow minded agenda", but things that sound un-American to me include:

    · Taking people's money at the point of a gun to spend it on things that the government is constitutionally neither obligated or allowed to do
    · Unelected, unaccountable judges legislating from the bench
    · Free speech being suppressed because it offends the tennets of political correctness

    Of course to conclude your feeble assault, you played yet another standard liberal card, a personal insult to me. By the way, it’s gibrone, not jabroni. The next time around, don’t bring a knife to a gunfight, mi capisci ciuco fesa?
