Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Iggy Explodes During Dennis and Callahan's Last Day At Spring Training

After two days of being rigged for silent running, Iggy let loose with all torpedo tubes during Headlines. He splattered so much verbal feces against the wall that I don't even know where to begin the clean-up.

He first took umbrage when Gerry ridiculed his Messiah over the "curing cancer" part of last night's speech. He said that trying to find a cure for cancer just like the folks at the Jimmy Fund is a great cause. Yes, Iggy, the Jimmy Fund is a great cause. It is also a great example of how people in the private sector contribute significant amounts of their own, hard-earned money to worthy causes, and do so of their own free will. Tell me again how this is just like taxpayers having their money confiscated at the point of a federal gun and spent on things that they may or may not want it spent?

When Gerry then tried to explain the difference between government doing something and the private sector doing something, Iggy then lashed out with "Oh, like how Wall Street got us into this mess?" We don't even need to get into the truth of this particular liberal lie, which is that government intervention and social engineering are the main reasons we are in this current mess. The point here is how Iggy invoked a standard liberal debating tactic; when confronted by facts, change the argument.

After a few seconds of sputtering, Sir Knows Not-A-Lot then came out with this gem; "Do you think universal health care is a bad idea?" My God, I sometimes forget how ignorant Iggy really is. Let me answer that as unequivocally as I can; without doubt, absofrackinglutely YES, it is a terrible idea. Most of my family lives in Western Europe, if you'd like, Iggy, I can hook you up with them - maybe my diabetic uncle would be a good choice - and they can explain the finer points of socialized medicine to you. Just like everything else the left espouses, socialized medicine has failed everywhere it has been tried. All it does is ensure that everyone in society receives the same terrible level of care. Even assuming you don't have first-hand knowledge of how bad it is, do you really want the same kind of lazy, useless, government employees you encounter at the department of motor vehicles to determine when you need a catscan for those headaches you've been getting, or knee-replacement surgery, or a kidney transplant?

Iggy then switched to another tried and true liberal debating tactic - launching a personal attack. He accused Gerry of being a mindless drone who just says whatever conservatives tell him to, and that he had become a caricature. Iggy, Gerry has become a caricature? Have you looked in a mirror lately my little, lemming, leftist friend? As I titled a post last month, that is the definition of Iggy calling the kettle black.

I think the funniest, or perhaps saddest part of the show was when during Emails and Buzzer Beaters, Dino read an email from a listener named Tim who claimed that while he did not agree with Iggy on anything, that Gerry needed to be better prepared because Iggy had kicked his ass during their little tête-à-tête. Tim, what show were you listening to? Let me channel Jim Calhoun here and tell you to get some facts and come back and see me. All Iggy did was act like a typical liberal and fumble around, ignore facts and launch personal attacks. The only thing missing was a good old fashioned HALI BURTON!!!