Saturday, January 30, 2010

Memo From Democrats To Massachusetts Voters: F You

Eleven days. It has been eleven days since Scott Brown turned the Democrats' world upside down by wresting away the seat that the Democrats, specifically the Kennedys, had viewed as their own personal property since 1952. The election result was a clear repudiation by Massachusetts voters of both the Democrats' policies at a national level, and the Democrats' arrogance, greed and corruption locally. Are you listening Coupe Deval and Beacon Hill? So, how do the Democrats react to the peasants daring to vent their anger? A slap in the face, and a great big F you. Scott Brown's victory has still not been certified by Massachusetts Secretary of State, William Francis Galvin. Why the hell not? The answer likely falls into the category of "all of the above."

First of all, the nobility of Massachusetts - Democrat politicians - is very upset that the peasants grabbed their pitchforks and sickles and stormed the castle. Where do these unwashed peasants get off upsetting the divine order of things? We decide who serves in Parliament! We decide what taxes you pay! We rule you! So, in an arrogant snub to both the peasants and the man they chose to represent them, they are tring to delay his seating in Washington by delaying the certification of the election results.

This has nothing to do with the logistics of an election. In 2007, Niki Tsongas was elected to Congress in a special election. The very next day, she was sworn in and voting on the House Floor (surprise, surprise, to spend more money.) Just last November, New York congressman Bill Owens, only two days after he "won" a special election fraught with voter fraud, and even though he had not even yet been certified, was sworn in by Bela Pelosi who needed his vote to pass Obamacare in the House. Yet somehow, Scott Brown's election is special, its different, we can't rush this.

The next reason to delay the seating of Scott Brown is that it gives Democrats the ability to play some (relatively) minor shenanigans. They want to get as many things done before they lose their super majority in the Senate. For example, on Thusrday, the Senate voted to raise the debt ceiling by a further 1.9 trillion dollars - a vote that would not have succeeded were Scott Brown in the Senate. Do you feel the loogie on your face, voters of Massachusetts?

A third reason to delay the seating of Scott Brown is that it gives Democrats the biggest possible window to pull off major shenanigans, the biggest being the shoving of Obamacare down our throats in spite of the will of a vast majority of Americans, and in spite of the message sent by the voters of Massachusetts. It sounds far-fetched, since this would set off a political nuke that would blow away the Democrats in November. Remember though, we're talking about Democrats. They're not the brightest bulbs on the Christmas tree, and if there's one thing that they have shown in the last eighty years, it is that they excel at shenanigans.

Bob, RI

Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy

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