Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Obama Reaches For His Pitchfork

No, I'm not insinuating that Obama is Satan - though I'd wager he's friended him on Facebook. I'm referring to Obama's transparent, pathetic attempt to co-opt the anger of Americans. Real, patriotic Americans are angry. They are angry at their government's attempt to shove socialized medicine down their throats. They are angry at their government for spending trillions of dollars on bailouts for failed companies and on a bogus pork bill which would not look like a stimulus package no matter how much lipstick was smeared on it.

Most importantly, Americans are angry because rather than focusing on the economy, their government is wasting precious time and resources on important things like Global Warming, getting Chicago the Olympics and hosting beer summits to cover his case of foot-in-mouth disease. So, faced with an angry crowd at the gates of the castle, what does the leader of this anger-inspiring  government do? He grabs a pitchfork and torch and tries to join the crowd!

Faced with voter anger, the Obama regime is trying to claim that the voter anger which swept in a senator promising to oppose the policies Obama holds most dear - was actually a show of voter support for Obama and his policies. I get it, John Wilkes Booth shot Lincoln because he loved him!

As if that wasn't insulting enough, the annointed one is now going to propose an across the board freeze - except for the things that actually cost us a ton of money - on budget increases for the next three years. These budget cuts (and remember, to Democrats, failing to increase the budget is a budge cut) will slice right to the BONE. Why, this could result in $250 billion dollars in savings over ten whole years! This guy spends trillions of dollars the way most people buy morning coffee, and this is supposed to make us rejoice? Cal Thomas said it perfectly; Obama championing fiscal responsibility makes as much sense as Madonna heading up a sexual abstinence program.

So watch tomorrow night, as our Charlatan-in-Chief launches his campaign to convince us that all of a sudden, he's a fiscally responsible chap concerned with the well-being of ordinary citizens. Watch the State of the Union address, and pay attention to the number of times he says the following buzz phrases:
  • Middle Class
  • Fighting For You
  • Greedy, or Evil Corporations
  • Fat Cat Bankers
  • Inherited Problem
Pay attention to the number of "average, everyday people" like teachers, cops and plumbers that Obama has as guests,a and references them in his speech. Pay attention as he tries to pull the wool over your eyes. Don't be fooled; this is nothing more than wolf's meat. America's iggyots will gobble it up, but clear-thinking individuals will not. You can take the president out of his socialist base, but you can't take the socialist out of the president. Put down the pitchfork and torch, Mr. President. Americans have seen the enemy . . . and he is you.

Bob, RI

Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy


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