Filling in for Dino, Felger said so many stupid things on Friday that I considered registering Felger loves to proclaim what a moderate he is, as if that is something about which he should be proud, but he sure was channeling Iggy with some serious na na na na na action. Speaking of our fine flustered friend, he was not to be outdone.
When Gerry was ridiculing the twenty-two million dollars for the Ted Kennedy library that was in the "economic stimulus" package, Iggy actually said "its only twenty-two million dollars out of billions!" He then threw out his own na na na na na, saying that at least it wasn't as bad as the 165 million dollars in AIG bonuses. Oh Iggy, you are so predictable. You're the kid who gets caught stealing from the candy store and whines that everyone else is doing something worse.
Let's put aside the fact that as Gerry pointed out, AIG was contractually obligated to pay the bonuses, and that your Democrat friends where well aware that they were coming due (hell Chris Dodd admitted it), and that they could have tried to do something about them before they were paid. Let's assume that it was just a gross misuse of 165 million taxpayer dollars. That doesn't justify the misuse of twenty-two million taxpayer dollars to pay for a library that will honor a politician. Especially one who's actions in addition to killing Mary Jo Kopeckne, have aided and abetted the deaths of millions of unborn children.
Later in the show, Gerry was sounding off about the attempts to grow the "volunteer" Americorps when Iggy jumped in with "they do some good things" and "they're in the community educating people". Again, let's put aside the fact there is absolutely no constitutional basis for the organization to exist and be funded with taxpayer dollars. One man's "educating" is another man's "indoctrinating".
As a Jew, Iggy of all people should be wary of such organizations. The Nazi Brownshirts of the 1920's and 1930's did some good things too. They established soup kitchens for the unemployed, provided them shelters, and organized athletic contests - the bait. They also spent a lot of time in the community educating people. They educated people about how Jews were responsible for all of Germany's problems, and how Hitler was going to change things - the hook. Of course, they were never specific about how Hitler would bring this change about. Sound familiar Iggy?
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Struck Speechless On Dennis And Callahan
Iggy has been strangely silent of late. I think the realization of what a fraud Obama is has really started to hit home. During Headlines, Dino described the story about how the Obamites have been instructed to stop using the phrase "global war on terror" and instead use "overseas contingency operations". When Gerry asked Iggy his opinion on it, his response was: "uh, uh, uh".
To be honest, you really can't blame him. If I had been suckered into selling my soul to support Obama, I would be speechless too. I mean aside from the fact that there are so many more important things with which the Obama regime should be concerning itself, why was this change needed? On first glance you might think that it was just some Iggyot deciding that we had to become politically correct regarding terrorism, so as to not offend some special interest group. However, other than the terrorists themselves, I'm not sure who the left is afraid might be offended.
No, the truth is both much simpler and more insidious. The Obamites want us to forget about the threat of Islamic Terrorism. Why? When you rename something, the context of the original name is lost, and a new context is created. That's how Welfare Benefits became Entitlement Programs, and murdering an infant when it's head emerges from its mother's birth canal became partial birth abortion. In this case, world-wide terrorism will eventually no longer exist, and from time to time, some guys in uniform somewhere in the world will be dealing with the contingency of a suicide bomber somewhere overseas . . . way over there, far from home.
Once lulled into a sense of false security, it will be easier to abandon the battles of Iraq and Afghanistan. If there's no war, then there is no need to have American combat troops in places where they might engage in . . . warfare. We'll just have some overseas contingency operations, eventually run by the gutless pygmies at the U.N. This will then make it easier for Obama to get back to the more important work of his administration, which is to destroy the constitution and change America into a socialist paradise - all under the guise of "getting the economy back on track". This all works out perfectly for the left, as their ultimate goal is a socialist, castrated United States, who's security and foreign policy are at the mercy of their fraternal socialist brethren. Their brave new world.
WTF section updated 3/25/09.
To be honest, you really can't blame him. If I had been suckered into selling my soul to support Obama, I would be speechless too. I mean aside from the fact that there are so many more important things with which the Obama regime should be concerning itself, why was this change needed? On first glance you might think that it was just some Iggyot deciding that we had to become politically correct regarding terrorism, so as to not offend some special interest group. However, other than the terrorists themselves, I'm not sure who the left is afraid might be offended.
No, the truth is both much simpler and more insidious. The Obamites want us to forget about the threat of Islamic Terrorism. Why? When you rename something, the context of the original name is lost, and a new context is created. That's how Welfare Benefits became Entitlement Programs, and murdering an infant when it's head emerges from its mother's birth canal became partial birth abortion. In this case, world-wide terrorism will eventually no longer exist, and from time to time, some guys in uniform somewhere in the world will be dealing with the contingency of a suicide bomber somewhere overseas . . . way over there, far from home.
Once lulled into a sense of false security, it will be easier to abandon the battles of Iraq and Afghanistan. If there's no war, then there is no need to have American combat troops in places where they might engage in . . . warfare. We'll just have some overseas contingency operations, eventually run by the gutless pygmies at the U.N. This will then make it easier for Obama to get back to the more important work of his administration, which is to destroy the constitution and change America into a socialist paradise - all under the guise of "getting the economy back on track". This all works out perfectly for the left, as their ultimate goal is a socialist, castrated United States, who's security and foreign policy are at the mercy of their fraternal socialist brethren. Their brave new world.
WTF section updated 3/25/09.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Paving The Road To Hell On WEEI
Sorry, for the delay - I've spent the last couple of days shopping for the firearms, magazines and ammunition that the Democrats are soon going to take out of the hands of law-abiding American citizens so that Mexican drug lords will play nice with each other.
Iggy was pretty silent on Friday, being repeatedly told to shut up whenever he began to pipe up, but lord did Boston's own Al Sharpton, Everett from Brighton, ever put in a pinch-hit performance. We all know what an arrogant, divisive race-baiter Everett is, but you may as well also add fool to his resume when he begins his rant with "Iggy, don't stop talking because you make a lot more sense than people give you credit."
Everett first tried to establish that we need to want and allow Obama a chance to succeed in his attempts to remake America in his image because he has the best off intentions. He asked John and Gerry several times, if they believed that Obama's intentions were good. Each time, John or Gerry told him that the answer to that question was in the eye of the beholder. For a brain-dead lemming like Iggy, or course the answer is yes. To a patriotic American like me who believes in freedom, personal responsibility and the Constitution, the answer is of course, unequivocally, no.
What the hell do intentions have to do with anything? Liberals have had the best of intentions for decades, yet that hasn't changed the fact that nothing they advocate is right, let alone actually works. Hitler's followers thought that his intentions were good too, and they were - for the goose-stepping, fanatical morons who believed in him and what he preached. How did things work out for the rest of the world, eh Everett? Then, as with Obama and his sheople today, the old axiom that the road to hell is paved with good intentions never applied more.
Unable to coerce John or Gerry into giving him the answer of "yes" that he seemed to need so badly, Everett next said something even crazier - I know, hard to believe. He actually said that not only does Obama not want socialism, he actually wants more capitalism - well at least for some people, that is. According to Everett, these would be the people who have never had capitalist opportunities, or have never had those opportunities "presented to them".
Where to begin? Everett, more than ever, in this Internet age, opportunities abound for anyone who has a good idea that will succeed in the marketplace. Everyone has the opportunity to come up with the next Google, or MySpace or YouTube. Anyone with a product or service can advertise, market and conduct commerce around the world. That is all anyone can ask for; guaranteed opportunity - not guaranteed success.
Opportunity is a fruit tree from which anyone can pluck a piece of fruit and get either a perfectly sweetened and ripe treat, or a worm-ridden, rotten piece of mush. The opportunity is there for all to reach up and grab that fruit - not to have it "presented to them" like a gift. This is especially true since Obama's giving capitalist opportunities to "people who have never had them", as Everett claims, would entail taking them away from someone else. Guess what Everett? That's called socialism.
Iggy was pretty silent on Friday, being repeatedly told to shut up whenever he began to pipe up, but lord did Boston's own Al Sharpton, Everett from Brighton, ever put in a pinch-hit performance. We all know what an arrogant, divisive race-baiter Everett is, but you may as well also add fool to his resume when he begins his rant with "Iggy, don't stop talking because you make a lot more sense than people give you credit."
Everett first tried to establish that we need to want and allow Obama a chance to succeed in his attempts to remake America in his image because he has the best off intentions. He asked John and Gerry several times, if they believed that Obama's intentions were good. Each time, John or Gerry told him that the answer to that question was in the eye of the beholder. For a brain-dead lemming like Iggy, or course the answer is yes. To a patriotic American like me who believes in freedom, personal responsibility and the Constitution, the answer is of course, unequivocally, no.
What the hell do intentions have to do with anything? Liberals have had the best of intentions for decades, yet that hasn't changed the fact that nothing they advocate is right, let alone actually works. Hitler's followers thought that his intentions were good too, and they were - for the goose-stepping, fanatical morons who believed in him and what he preached. How did things work out for the rest of the world, eh Everett? Then, as with Obama and his sheople today, the old axiom that the road to hell is paved with good intentions never applied more.
Unable to coerce John or Gerry into giving him the answer of "yes" that he seemed to need so badly, Everett next said something even crazier - I know, hard to believe. He actually said that not only does Obama not want socialism, he actually wants more capitalism - well at least for some people, that is. According to Everett, these would be the people who have never had capitalist opportunities, or have never had those opportunities "presented to them".
Where to begin? Everett, more than ever, in this Internet age, opportunities abound for anyone who has a good idea that will succeed in the marketplace. Everyone has the opportunity to come up with the next Google, or MySpace or YouTube. Anyone with a product or service can advertise, market and conduct commerce around the world. That is all anyone can ask for; guaranteed opportunity - not guaranteed success.
Opportunity is a fruit tree from which anyone can pluck a piece of fruit and get either a perfectly sweetened and ripe treat, or a worm-ridden, rotten piece of mush. The opportunity is there for all to reach up and grab that fruit - not to have it "presented to them" like a gift. This is especially true since Obama's giving capitalist opportunities to "people who have never had them", as Everett claims, would entail taking them away from someone else. Guess what Everett? That's called socialism.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
The Most Iggyotic Thing I've Ever Heard On Dennis And Callahan
It was a weird show this morning. There were several times when it seemed Iggy was about to go off, and each time, either John or Gerry cut the witless boy wonder off at the knees. It seemed like no one was in the mood to listen to Sir Spews-A-Lot. Then, just when you thought it was safe to turn on your radio, the Great Red Hope struck during Emails and Buzzerbeaters.
I forgot the exact topic Gerry was discussing, but he ended his thought with something like that dovetails nicely into giving us socialism like Obama wants. At this point Iggy actually said that Obama was not a socialist. He then spouted off for a minute, ending with "good, then we're all on the same page because Obama doesn't want socialism either." I don't even need to ask the question because we already know the answer; yes Iggy, you are that stupid. A socialist is exactly Obama and all liberals are. Socialism is what they have been working towards for decades.
What has sheople like you fooled is that he has taken the "you eat an elephant one bite at a time" approach. His initial tax increases will be on "the rich", you know, those rotten bastards who have the nerve to make more than $250,000 a year. Besides, its only a percentage point increase of three percent to bring the highest tax rate to 39.6%. Of course, next year, the highest rate will be pushed up to 42%. Then, in 2011, it will be 45%, and the cutoff will be $200,000. Do you get it Iggy?
It's the same approach Obama has taken with socialized medicine. He saw how people in the 1990's revolted against a European-style government takeover of the health care system. Still, the failures of socialized medicine in Europe and Canada be damned, Americans need it too. He's not going to make the same mistake as Billary, though, he's going slide the bat up our asses a little at a time. The first step will be to spend hundreds of billions of dollars to provide coverage for uninsured people. Notice, I did not write Americans, I wrote people, because anyone with a brain knows our tax dollars will be spent on illegal aliens. Then, once people are used to this "safety net", laws and regulations will be passed making it more more difficult, and more expensive for private businesses to provide health insurance. Slowly but surely, more and more people will fall into the safety net until a tipping point is reached, and we'll be told that it will just make sense for the government to provide health insurance for everyone.
What Obama is not, Iggy, is a communist. What's the difference? A communist is an ideologue, who believes that everyone should make the same amount of money no matter what they do, or how hard they work. A communist mistakenly believes that under communist Marxism, all people will altruistically band together for the greater good - in spite of all of the historical evidence to the contrary.
A socialist, like Obama, is much worse. Though still a Marxist, a socialist has learned that true communism does not work. Rather than a system where everyone makes the same amount of money no matter what, a socialist wants a system where a minority percentage of the population innovate, work hard and generate wealth and prosperity - and then are forced to helplessly stand by while the government takes whatever it wants, like a protection racket gang cracking open a shopkeeper's cash register. The only trick is to find the balance, where they don't take too much and kill the geese that lay the golden eggs.
When you get down to the nitty gritty, that's what a socialist is; a common street hood. Obama wants the wealth of hard-working Americans to pay for health care, day care, housing, food and anything else that the freeloader wants. After all, that's what a socialist does.
I forgot the exact topic Gerry was discussing, but he ended his thought with something like that dovetails nicely into giving us socialism like Obama wants. At this point Iggy actually said that Obama was not a socialist. He then spouted off for a minute, ending with "good, then we're all on the same page because Obama doesn't want socialism either." I don't even need to ask the question because we already know the answer; yes Iggy, you are that stupid. A socialist is exactly Obama and all liberals are. Socialism is what they have been working towards for decades.
What has sheople like you fooled is that he has taken the "you eat an elephant one bite at a time" approach. His initial tax increases will be on "the rich", you know, those rotten bastards who have the nerve to make more than $250,000 a year. Besides, its only a percentage point increase of three percent to bring the highest tax rate to 39.6%. Of course, next year, the highest rate will be pushed up to 42%. Then, in 2011, it will be 45%, and the cutoff will be $200,000. Do you get it Iggy?
It's the same approach Obama has taken with socialized medicine. He saw how people in the 1990's revolted against a European-style government takeover of the health care system. Still, the failures of socialized medicine in Europe and Canada be damned, Americans need it too. He's not going to make the same mistake as Billary, though, he's going slide the bat up our asses a little at a time. The first step will be to spend hundreds of billions of dollars to provide coverage for uninsured people. Notice, I did not write Americans, I wrote people, because anyone with a brain knows our tax dollars will be spent on illegal aliens. Then, once people are used to this "safety net", laws and regulations will be passed making it more more difficult, and more expensive for private businesses to provide health insurance. Slowly but surely, more and more people will fall into the safety net until a tipping point is reached, and we'll be told that it will just make sense for the government to provide health insurance for everyone.
What Obama is not, Iggy, is a communist. What's the difference? A communist is an ideologue, who believes that everyone should make the same amount of money no matter what they do, or how hard they work. A communist mistakenly believes that under communist Marxism, all people will altruistically band together for the greater good - in spite of all of the historical evidence to the contrary.
A socialist, like Obama, is much worse. Though still a Marxist, a socialist has learned that true communism does not work. Rather than a system where everyone makes the same amount of money no matter what, a socialist wants a system where a minority percentage of the population innovate, work hard and generate wealth and prosperity - and then are forced to helplessly stand by while the government takes whatever it wants, like a protection racket gang cracking open a shopkeeper's cash register. The only trick is to find the balance, where they don't take too much and kill the geese that lay the golden eggs.
When you get down to the nitty gritty, that's what a socialist is; a common street hood. Obama wants the wealth of hard-working Americans to pay for health care, day care, housing, food and anything else that the freeloader wants. After all, that's what a socialist does.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Iggy Crocket Baits A Callahan Trap In Boston
Early in the 6:00 hour, Iggy tried to bait Callahan, much like how the left wing media whores try to bait conservative politicians with "gotcha" questions. Gerry and John were laughing at the AIG bonus story, and Iggy, I'm sure thinking he was being sly, asked Gerry if he wanted to comment on the story; hoping to trap him into saying something on which he could pounce. When Gerry asked "What do you mean?" Iggy responded that Gerry always jumps on politicians who do "the same kinds of things", so why not rail against these guys with the same zeal? Gerry responded that the story was a non-starter, since no one in the world (other than the folks getting the bonuses) was happy with the situation.
Iggy you ignorant slut. Putting aside the fact that this would all be a moot point had taxpayer dollars not been pissed away in an unconstitutional attempt to save a company that should have been allowed to fail, there are major differences between the two situations. We expect people in a private-sector, business environment to be looking out for themselves. Taking the bonuses was immoral, and possibly unethical, but not illegal. Moreover, politicians should be held to a higher standard. As alleged servants of the taxpayers, they are supposed to look out for us and do things in the our best interests.
Of course this is virtually never the case, especially up here in the loony liberal Northeast. Politicians piss in our faces and tell us its raining all of the time. To them, we are nothing more than suckers; human money spigots which they can turn on at their whim to reward their friends and supporters. Your typical, na na na na na attempt to equivocate the two scenarios was pathetic. People like Deval Patrick who screw us over deserve our anger and vitriol - as do the mindless drones like you who support them.
Iggy you ignorant slut. Putting aside the fact that this would all be a moot point had taxpayer dollars not been pissed away in an unconstitutional attempt to save a company that should have been allowed to fail, there are major differences between the two situations. We expect people in a private-sector, business environment to be looking out for themselves. Taking the bonuses was immoral, and possibly unethical, but not illegal. Moreover, politicians should be held to a higher standard. As alleged servants of the taxpayers, they are supposed to look out for us and do things in the our best interests.
Of course this is virtually never the case, especially up here in the loony liberal Northeast. Politicians piss in our faces and tell us its raining all of the time. To them, we are nothing more than suckers; human money spigots which they can turn on at their whim to reward their friends and supporters. Your typical, na na na na na attempt to equivocate the two scenarios was pathetic. People like Deval Patrick who screw us over deserve our anger and vitriol - as do the mindless drones like you who support them.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Another Iggyot In Boston Graces WEEI
Nothing stupid from Iggy today, but boy oh boy were we treated to the reincarnation of Plato today. A guy named Mike called in and unbelievably, again, made Iggy sound like a genius. Mike's entire argument was that we need to "stabilize the job market". and that the best way to do this was with more government jobs! He actually said that the problem was "big corporations". He actually said that we can't have "these big corporations" on every corner, and that government jobs are best because they are the most stable. What an absolute, total moron.
Even Iggy couldn't bring himself to defend this cretin. Bear in mind, I'm not pulling an Iggy here and just attacking the guy, he really was an idiot. You could tell what a fraud he was, especially by the way he kept saying "sir" to Gerry after every ludicrous statement he made, as if trying to sound like an intelligent, learned individual. News flash, Mike, if you think you need to sound intelligent, you're probably right, and its probably because you're not. Even a completely brain-washed liberal like Iggy knows that as much as they may like big brother government, without business and corporations to bleed dry, there is no way to fund their socialist dream.
The worst part about this folks, is that this guy has obviously been indoctrinated with these insane ideas over the course of his life - and we've paid for it. This dribble is the sort of information being "taught" to our children in grade schools, high schools, colleges and universities. Marxist-based economics are flouted as socially just - regardless of the fact that they are untenable. "Teachers" and "Professors" no longer even try to hide what they are doing. Why should they? Who is going to call them on it? Their fellow socialist colleagues? Their allies in the left-wing controlled media? They have full reign over the next generation, and are reveling in it.
Hannibal is at the gates my friends.
Even Iggy couldn't bring himself to defend this cretin. Bear in mind, I'm not pulling an Iggy here and just attacking the guy, he really was an idiot. You could tell what a fraud he was, especially by the way he kept saying "sir" to Gerry after every ludicrous statement he made, as if trying to sound like an intelligent, learned individual. News flash, Mike, if you think you need to sound intelligent, you're probably right, and its probably because you're not. Even a completely brain-washed liberal like Iggy knows that as much as they may like big brother government, without business and corporations to bleed dry, there is no way to fund their socialist dream.
The worst part about this folks, is that this guy has obviously been indoctrinated with these insane ideas over the course of his life - and we've paid for it. This dribble is the sort of information being "taught" to our children in grade schools, high schools, colleges and universities. Marxist-based economics are flouted as socially just - regardless of the fact that they are untenable. "Teachers" and "Professors" no longer even try to hide what they are doing. Why should they? Who is going to call them on it? Their fellow socialist colleagues? Their allies in the left-wing controlled media? They have full reign over the next generation, and are reveling in it.
Hannibal is at the gates my friends.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Iggy's Knee Jerks On Dennis And Callahan
I missed the first two and a half hours of the show, but I did pick up on some "chatter" Gerry and Iggy had done. It sounded like John and Gerry had shined a light on the Massachusetts-specific pork in Obama's spendulus bill that made Iggy uncomfortable. As I later confirmed with some googling, thanks to John Kerry, millions of taxpayer dollars are being pissed away to pay tribute to a murder who has dedicated his life to the destruction of America.
The definition of a murderer is someone who commits or is convicted of a homicide. Had you or I done to Mary Jo Kopeckne what Ted Kennedy did, we would have been tried and convicted of vehicular homicide. So, in my opinion, the shoe fits. As to his life's work, his record speaks for itself. Over forty years of aiding and abetting confiscatory taxed, increased government control of our lives, and the eroding of both states' rights and our individual liberties; ergo, the destruction of America.
Based on what I heard, it sounded as if Iggy knee-jerked to Ted's defense, citing what a great man he was because of all of the things he had accomplished - and then could not name a single one of those accomplishments. Why would anyone be surprised by that? Iggy has proven time and again that he is incapable of independent thought or formulating reasoned, logical arguments. He doesn't know what Ted Kennedy, or John Kerry, or Nancy Pelosi, or Chuck Schumer have ever done. He probably does not even know that Robert Byrd, another "liberal lion" in the senate, was a member of the Ku Klux Klan.
Iggy is a lemming. All he knows what to think or do is what he has been conditioned to by years of indoctrination. Democrats/liberals good, everyone else bad.
The definition of a murderer is someone who commits or is convicted of a homicide. Had you or I done to Mary Jo Kopeckne what Ted Kennedy did, we would have been tried and convicted of vehicular homicide. So, in my opinion, the shoe fits. As to his life's work, his record speaks for itself. Over forty years of aiding and abetting confiscatory taxed, increased government control of our lives, and the eroding of both states' rights and our individual liberties; ergo, the destruction of America.
Based on what I heard, it sounded as if Iggy knee-jerked to Ted's defense, citing what a great man he was because of all of the things he had accomplished - and then could not name a single one of those accomplishments. Why would anyone be surprised by that? Iggy has proven time and again that he is incapable of independent thought or formulating reasoned, logical arguments. He doesn't know what Ted Kennedy, or John Kerry, or Nancy Pelosi, or Chuck Schumer have ever done. He probably does not even know that Robert Byrd, another "liberal lion" in the senate, was a member of the Ku Klux Klan.
Iggy is a lemming. All he knows what to think or do is what he has been conditioned to by years of indoctrination. Democrats/liberals good, everyone else bad.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
One Flew Over The Iggy's Nest On Dennis And Callahan
Lots of Iggyisms to cover today folks, let's get started. During Headlines, John was reading a story about Meghan McCain taking shots at Ann Coulter for being so acerbic and "offensive". I think Gerry was about to try to make a point about how the McCains still have not learned their lesson about pandering to the elite media when Iggy jumped ugly, saying that Gerry didn't like her because she was a "moderate conservative" like most, and that people like Coulter, Hannity and Gerry drive away people who would be conservatives to the left.
Iggy, you've shown time and again that you don't know a thing about economics, history or the Constitution, so what makes you think that you know a damned thing about how conservatives think? People like Coulter, Limbaugh, Hannity and even Gerry are pundits. They entertain us, make people think, and most importantly, are able to vent our collective anger at liberals and the Orwellian world they have created - all without caring about the vitriolic retribution of the biased elite media and liberal agenda-driven politicians, attorneys general and prosecutors.
A person who truly holds conservative views and positions will of course not agree with evey position held by a conservative commentator or politician; only a brain-washed lemming like you Iggy is that predictable. However, nothing any conservative commentator could say would make a true conservative jump up and say "I'm gonna become a liberal!". To propose such a thing again shows just how ignorant you really are. A moderate is nothing more than a person who doesn't have the balls to choose between good (the right) and evil (the left).
A little while later, they guys were discussing Limbaugh's comment about wanting Obama to fail. Gerry brought up a 2006 poll which showed that a majority of Democrats said the same thing about Bush. Iggy said that of course that was wrong, just like people wanting Obama to fail now are wrong. As I was swearing at my radio, Gerry chimed in with the exact thing I was screaming - wanting a president to fail to conduct and win a war is nothing at all like wanting a president to fail at turning America into a socialist paradise. The former is seditious and treasonous (Senator Harry Reid on line one), while the latter is patriotic and a moral imperative.
About half an hour later, we were treated to a stimulating doctoral dissertation from Nanabula (SP?). For those of you not familiar with him, he is a relatively new caller to the Dennis and Callahan show, and he actually makes Iggy sound like a nobel laureate. When combined with Everett and Jermaine, they comprise the WEEI axis of evil. The extent of his contribution was "Obama is going to succeed, no matter what the Republicans do or say." Wow, how poignant. Someone please tell me how to get those thirty seconds of my life back.
The last little morsel was towards the end of the show, when Iggy said that people only need to want to see Obama succeed with the economy. Iggy, I know this is hard for you to do, but if you think about that for minute, you'll see that it is an impossibility. Obama's socialist values and a successfull economy are mutually exclusive. Putting aside the fact that socialism is immoral and unconstitutional, socialism does not work. It has failed everywhere it has been tried. The only difference is how long it takes to fail. This falls under the auspices of what John and Gerry have opined many times, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results." My God, you are such an Iggyot.
Iggy, you've shown time and again that you don't know a thing about economics, history or the Constitution, so what makes you think that you know a damned thing about how conservatives think? People like Coulter, Limbaugh, Hannity and even Gerry are pundits. They entertain us, make people think, and most importantly, are able to vent our collective anger at liberals and the Orwellian world they have created - all without caring about the vitriolic retribution of the biased elite media and liberal agenda-driven politicians, attorneys general and prosecutors.
A person who truly holds conservative views and positions will of course not agree with evey position held by a conservative commentator or politician; only a brain-washed lemming like you Iggy is that predictable. However, nothing any conservative commentator could say would make a true conservative jump up and say "I'm gonna become a liberal!". To propose such a thing again shows just how ignorant you really are. A moderate is nothing more than a person who doesn't have the balls to choose between good (the right) and evil (the left).
A little while later, they guys were discussing Limbaugh's comment about wanting Obama to fail. Gerry brought up a 2006 poll which showed that a majority of Democrats said the same thing about Bush. Iggy said that of course that was wrong, just like people wanting Obama to fail now are wrong. As I was swearing at my radio, Gerry chimed in with the exact thing I was screaming - wanting a president to fail to conduct and win a war is nothing at all like wanting a president to fail at turning America into a socialist paradise. The former is seditious and treasonous (Senator Harry Reid on line one), while the latter is patriotic and a moral imperative.
About half an hour later, we were treated to a stimulating doctoral dissertation from Nanabula (SP?). For those of you not familiar with him, he is a relatively new caller to the Dennis and Callahan show, and he actually makes Iggy sound like a nobel laureate. When combined with Everett and Jermaine, they comprise the WEEI axis of evil. The extent of his contribution was "Obama is going to succeed, no matter what the Republicans do or say." Wow, how poignant. Someone please tell me how to get those thirty seconds of my life back.
The last little morsel was towards the end of the show, when Iggy said that people only need to want to see Obama succeed with the economy. Iggy, I know this is hard for you to do, but if you think about that for minute, you'll see that it is an impossibility. Obama's socialist values and a successfull economy are mutually exclusive. Putting aside the fact that socialism is immoral and unconstitutional, socialism does not work. It has failed everywhere it has been tried. The only difference is how long it takes to fail. This falls under the auspices of what John and Gerry have opined many times, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results." My God, you are such an Iggyot.
Monday, March 9, 2009
If You Can't Say Something Cogent, You Must Be Iggy On WEEI
We were once again treated to classic Iggy this morning. Gerry read a magnificently written quote about why Iggy's dreams of socialism are both immoral and ultimately futile. Faced with facts and coherent thoughts, Pricksus Maximus went into attack mode. He tried to defuse the content of the quote by deriding it. He also attempted to disguise his attack with humor; "Did Manny write that?"
Once again, Iggy called a play right out of the liberal playbook. When confronted with facts and well-thought out words, attack, deride and shoot the messenger. Iggy, my ten year old daughter can formulate better arguments than you.
Once again, Iggy called a play right out of the liberal playbook. When confronted with facts and well-thought out words, attack, deride and shoot the messenger. Iggy, my ten year old daughter can formulate better arguments than you.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Iggy on Dennis and Callahan: Majority "Rules"
There was relative calm on the show today. Iggy did get a bit smug at one point, claiming that 70% of Americans think like he does. I'm not sure from which hole he pulled that statistic, but Iggy, even if 70% of Americans did think like you (and I use the word think more loosely than Madonna's standards for sleeping with someone), it would not mean they were right. It would simply mean 70% of Americans are as ignorant as you.
Democracy is more often than not nothing more than the tyranny of the majority. That's why we have a constitution that is supposed to protect us from the "we know better than you" types like your messiah. That is also why activist, liberal judges have spent the past 80 years ignoring and trampling on the constitution - its the only way liberal policies could ever stand the test of legality.
As an aside, holding my nose and choking back bile as I say this, Iggy did have one valid point for the first time in . . . well, ever. During Headlines, John read a story about how while there are only five Republicans in the entire Massachusetts Senate, they all hold various leaderships positions, qualifying each of them for additional funding. Iggy taunted Gerry, asking him if he was going to rant about it like he would if they were Democrats. John and Gerry both defended the situation because it was within the rules of the Senate, not a situation involving graft, corruption and bribery - you know, the currency of Democrats.
Still, even though five leadership titles for the five republicans may be within the rules of the Senate, under the principle of leading by example, the Republicans should choose to forgo the extra funds. Not only would it be a shining example of what conservatism is supposed to be, it's a necessary, symbolic, political move in a state where 60% of the voters are moon bat, brainwashed, Iggyots.
Have a nice weekend everyone!
Democracy is more often than not nothing more than the tyranny of the majority. That's why we have a constitution that is supposed to protect us from the "we know better than you" types like your messiah. That is also why activist, liberal judges have spent the past 80 years ignoring and trampling on the constitution - its the only way liberal policies could ever stand the test of legality.
As an aside, holding my nose and choking back bile as I say this, Iggy did have one valid point for the first time in . . . well, ever. During Headlines, John read a story about how while there are only five Republicans in the entire Massachusetts Senate, they all hold various leaderships positions, qualifying each of them for additional funding. Iggy taunted Gerry, asking him if he was going to rant about it like he would if they were Democrats. John and Gerry both defended the situation because it was within the rules of the Senate, not a situation involving graft, corruption and bribery - you know, the currency of Democrats.
Still, even though five leadership titles for the five republicans may be within the rules of the Senate, under the principle of leading by example, the Republicans should choose to forgo the extra funds. Not only would it be a shining example of what conservatism is supposed to be, it's a necessary, symbolic, political move in a state where 60% of the voters are moon bat, brainwashed, Iggyots.
Have a nice weekend everyone!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
The Dennis And Callahan Trifecta On WEEI This Morning
Oh my goodness gracious, of all the dramatic things I have ever seen! Iggy, Everett and Jermaine all on one show. It was kind of like Boston’s version of Keith Olbermann, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. Where do we begin?
It all started during Headlines, when John described a recent opinion poll in which Obama had an approval rating of 64%. Iggy immediately took the opportunity to pant “see Gerry, this proves people agree with Obama and that you’re just a lone wolf”. Iggy, in the words of the great Harry Callahan, opinions are like you – I mean assholes; everybody has one. This is just a snap opinion pole. Remember, in the fall of 2001, Bush had an approval rating north of 90%. Gerry responded with a valid question, as to does this not show how many people are brain-dead lemmings like Iggy? The answer of course is YES! As an aside Iggy, the phrase you’re looking for is “a lone voice crying out in the wilderness” not “a lone wolf”. You never look dumber than when you’re trying to look smart and fail miserably.
There was a lot of discussion about the stock market and the economy, and ultimately, Gerry and John pegged it correctly when they said Obama WANTS the economy to continue to helplessly flail about. His own chief of staff, Rahm Emmanuel, said “You never want to let a crisis go to waste . . . its an opportunity to get things done." Do you think he’s talking about tax cuts and eliminating government bureaucracy? Of course not, he’s talking about higher taxes, more government spending, and more government control of and interference in our lives. He’s talking about completing the nearly century-long endeavor by liberals to foist socialism upon America.
A ruined economy is just what the Democrats want. The more people out of work, struggling to stay afloat and frightened about their future, the easier it is to justify and slam through unconstitutional, socialist policies. Fear is Obama’s greatest ally (well besides Jeremiah Wright and William Ayers). The more people are afraid, the more they will succumb to the empty promises of this master charlatan, just like Germans in the 1930’s.
Iggy then claimed that we need to give Obama a chance because nothing like this has ever before been attempted. What an Iggyot! Have you ever heard of The New Deal? FDR took office in 1933 with unemployment around 30%, and instituted a massive combined plan of social spending and tax increases on “the rich”. Six years later, on the eve of WWII, unemployment stood at about 16%. Sound like his plan was working, right? WRONG! The number was skewed by phony government jobs raking leaves and digging ditches. Most (non-Keynesian) economists would tell you that FDR’s policies actually made The Great Depression more painful, and last longer than it would have had he not instituted his big government policies.
Democrats especially wants the stock market to continue to stumble as well. Why? To justify the forced incorporation of private retirement accounts like our 401Ks and IRAs into a government-controlled system. Why? So that the government can raid it and spend the money on more socialist spending, buying more votes and more souls. Of course there is also the added bonus of having yet another part off our lives forcibly turned over to government control. The Democrats transformed Social(ist) Security from a trust fund into a giant Ponzi scheme that would make Bernie Madoff blush. Such is the fate that they have in mind for our personal retirement accounts.
We were then treated to a wonderfully typical drive-by call from Everett from Brighton. As usual, it was tough to separate all of the falsehoods he was spouting, but the one that stood out (and John called him out on it) was his claim that millions of companies were taking advantage of the economic situation to lay people off just because they could. What an absolutely made-up lie. First of all, Everett, companies can lay people off whenever they want – in good times or bad, no excuses needed. Second, unlike governments, in the real world, companies have to react to economic shifts. They lay off people when they need to cut expenses because revenue is down, or because reduced business means there is a reduced workload.
Finally just when you thought it was safe to get up, along comes Jermaine racing down the street to throw a few more random shots at us. Once again, we’ll try to work with the worst of the things he said. The first was that “the Bush tax cuts got us into this mess”. Um, no Jermaine, the truth is that the tax cuts actually helped spur a quick recovery from the 2000 downturn, and led to tremendous economic growth from 2001-2006 IN SPITE OF 9/11, Afghanistan and Iraq. Then, strangely enough, in 2007, things started to go down hill. I suppose it was just a coincidence that the Democrats took control of Congress is January of 2007, huh?
Comrade Jermaine then said that “higher taxes are fine for those who already make enough”, and that because his opinions were shared by Bill Gates and Warren Buffet, they were justified. Jermaine, Bill Gates and Warren Buffett are limousine liberals. They live in a world of their own, and their opinions and views on the social and personal finance issues of the masses are as relevant as those of Hollywood elites. More importantly, we have to get back to your classic liberal line; higher taxes are fine for those who already make enough. Tell me Jermaine, who gets to decide what is “enough”? Who gets to decide how much of what is beyond enough gets taken from the people and business who earned it? Who are the hell are you or anyone else to tell me how much of my own money I need and should be allowed to keep, you arrogant, greedy bastard?
Writing about what these buffoons think and say makes me want to puke.
It all started during Headlines, when John described a recent opinion poll in which Obama had an approval rating of 64%. Iggy immediately took the opportunity to pant “see Gerry, this proves people agree with Obama and that you’re just a lone wolf”. Iggy, in the words of the great Harry Callahan, opinions are like you – I mean assholes; everybody has one. This is just a snap opinion pole. Remember, in the fall of 2001, Bush had an approval rating north of 90%. Gerry responded with a valid question, as to does this not show how many people are brain-dead lemmings like Iggy? The answer of course is YES! As an aside Iggy, the phrase you’re looking for is “a lone voice crying out in the wilderness” not “a lone wolf”. You never look dumber than when you’re trying to look smart and fail miserably.
There was a lot of discussion about the stock market and the economy, and ultimately, Gerry and John pegged it correctly when they said Obama WANTS the economy to continue to helplessly flail about. His own chief of staff, Rahm Emmanuel, said “You never want to let a crisis go to waste . . . its an opportunity to get things done." Do you think he’s talking about tax cuts and eliminating government bureaucracy? Of course not, he’s talking about higher taxes, more government spending, and more government control of and interference in our lives. He’s talking about completing the nearly century-long endeavor by liberals to foist socialism upon America.
A ruined economy is just what the Democrats want. The more people out of work, struggling to stay afloat and frightened about their future, the easier it is to justify and slam through unconstitutional, socialist policies. Fear is Obama’s greatest ally (well besides Jeremiah Wright and William Ayers). The more people are afraid, the more they will succumb to the empty promises of this master charlatan, just like Germans in the 1930’s.
Iggy then claimed that we need to give Obama a chance because nothing like this has ever before been attempted. What an Iggyot! Have you ever heard of The New Deal? FDR took office in 1933 with unemployment around 30%, and instituted a massive combined plan of social spending and tax increases on “the rich”. Six years later, on the eve of WWII, unemployment stood at about 16%. Sound like his plan was working, right? WRONG! The number was skewed by phony government jobs raking leaves and digging ditches. Most (non-Keynesian) economists would tell you that FDR’s policies actually made The Great Depression more painful, and last longer than it would have had he not instituted his big government policies.
Democrats especially wants the stock market to continue to stumble as well. Why? To justify the forced incorporation of private retirement accounts like our 401Ks and IRAs into a government-controlled system. Why? So that the government can raid it and spend the money on more socialist spending, buying more votes and more souls. Of course there is also the added bonus of having yet another part off our lives forcibly turned over to government control. The Democrats transformed Social(ist) Security from a trust fund into a giant Ponzi scheme that would make Bernie Madoff blush. Such is the fate that they have in mind for our personal retirement accounts.
We were then treated to a wonderfully typical drive-by call from Everett from Brighton. As usual, it was tough to separate all of the falsehoods he was spouting, but the one that stood out (and John called him out on it) was his claim that millions of companies were taking advantage of the economic situation to lay people off just because they could. What an absolutely made-up lie. First of all, Everett, companies can lay people off whenever they want – in good times or bad, no excuses needed. Second, unlike governments, in the real world, companies have to react to economic shifts. They lay off people when they need to cut expenses because revenue is down, or because reduced business means there is a reduced workload.
Finally just when you thought it was safe to get up, along comes Jermaine racing down the street to throw a few more random shots at us. Once again, we’ll try to work with the worst of the things he said. The first was that “the Bush tax cuts got us into this mess”. Um, no Jermaine, the truth is that the tax cuts actually helped spur a quick recovery from the 2000 downturn, and led to tremendous economic growth from 2001-2006 IN SPITE OF 9/11, Afghanistan and Iraq. Then, strangely enough, in 2007, things started to go down hill. I suppose it was just a coincidence that the Democrats took control of Congress is January of 2007, huh?
Comrade Jermaine then said that “higher taxes are fine for those who already make enough”, and that because his opinions were shared by Bill Gates and Warren Buffet, they were justified. Jermaine, Bill Gates and Warren Buffett are limousine liberals. They live in a world of their own, and their opinions and views on the social and personal finance issues of the masses are as relevant as those of Hollywood elites. More importantly, we have to get back to your classic liberal line; higher taxes are fine for those who already make enough. Tell me Jermaine, who gets to decide what is “enough”? Who gets to decide how much of what is beyond enough gets taken from the people and business who earned it? Who are the hell are you or anyone else to tell me how much of my own money I need and should be allowed to keep, you arrogant, greedy bastard?
Writing about what these buffoons think and say makes me want to puke.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Don't You Just Love Boston Traffic?
Sorry folks, a really longer than normal commute screwed up my schedule and made me unable to listen to much of the show. I also missed most of headlines, which is usually the most fertile plot of soil from which to harvest the best - or is it worst - Iggyisms.
Just as an aside, can you Massacusetts drivers PLEASE learn how to merge! It took over half an hour to get from Route 95 in Walpole to Route 128 - at 7:00 in the morning! The problem was caused by people trying to get onto Route 128-S, and instead of easily merging in left right left formation as the off-ramp shrunk from two lanes to one, everybody had to inch neck and neck up until the point where you're stuck trying to make it up the climbing lane from a 5mph start - except of course for those Nascar wannabees who close their eyes and cut across four lanes of oncoming traffic to get to the high speed lane.
It sounds like I missed some good ones though, because the guys read a bunch of Iggy-bashing listener emails during Emails and Buzzerbeaters. Hopefully we can get back on track tomorrow.
Just as an aside, can you Massacusetts drivers PLEASE learn how to merge! It took over half an hour to get from Route 95 in Walpole to Route 128 - at 7:00 in the morning! The problem was caused by people trying to get onto Route 128-S, and instead of easily merging in left right left formation as the off-ramp shrunk from two lanes to one, everybody had to inch neck and neck up until the point where you're stuck trying to make it up the climbing lane from a 5mph start - except of course for those Nascar wannabees who close their eyes and cut across four lanes of oncoming traffic to get to the high speed lane.
It sounds like I missed some good ones though, because the guys read a bunch of Iggy-bashing listener emails during Emails and Buzzerbeaters. Hopefully we can get back on track tomorrow.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Iggy Sullies The NY Times on WEEI
I only got to listen to about an hour of the show this morning because I had to dig out from the latest winter pounding from Old Man Winter. Boy, imagine how cold and snowy this winter would have been if we weren't suffering from global warming eh Al Gore?
The one good morsel we got from Captain Condescending was his bristling at Gerry when he mentioned the story about Obama keeping the temperature in the Oval Office at 75 degrees (I guess Jimmy Carter took his sweater with him when he left office). It was classic Iggy, firing off a "Where did you hear that from, the conservative conference this weekend?" Oh Iggy, I guess you never heard the old saying that: "It's better to remain silent and let everyone assume you're a fool, than to open your mouth and confirm it for everyone."
As was almost immediately phoned in by an astute listener, the truth is that this story about your messiah's typically liberal "do as I say, not as I do" episode was widely reported by many news outlets, including "reputable" ones (i.e. left-wing biased) like the The Old Red Lady- the New York Times. Like any liberal, Iggy, you never let the facts get in the way of your arguments.
Aside from the fact, as Gerry pointed out, that you're such a left-wing moonbat that even the New York Times is too "mainstream" for you, this episode highlights one of two inescapable truths. Either you truly did not know about the story, in which case you were completely uninformed . . . again, or, you knew about the story, and hoped that by jumping into attack mode, you could muddy the waters enough to obscure the facts. If it is the former, then perhaps you should update your email address for the new alerts from In either case, you are pathetic.
The one good morsel we got from Captain Condescending was his bristling at Gerry when he mentioned the story about Obama keeping the temperature in the Oval Office at 75 degrees (I guess Jimmy Carter took his sweater with him when he left office). It was classic Iggy, firing off a "Where did you hear that from, the conservative conference this weekend?" Oh Iggy, I guess you never heard the old saying that: "It's better to remain silent and let everyone assume you're a fool, than to open your mouth and confirm it for everyone."
As was almost immediately phoned in by an astute listener, the truth is that this story about your messiah's typically liberal "do as I say, not as I do" episode was widely reported by many news outlets, including "reputable" ones (i.e. left-wing biased) like the The Old Red Lady- the New York Times. Like any liberal, Iggy, you never let the facts get in the way of your arguments.
Aside from the fact, as Gerry pointed out, that you're such a left-wing moonbat that even the New York Times is too "mainstream" for you, this episode highlights one of two inescapable truths. Either you truly did not know about the story, in which case you were completely uninformed . . . again, or, you knew about the story, and hoped that by jumping into attack mode, you could muddy the waters enough to obscure the facts. If it is the former, then perhaps you should update your email address for the new alerts from In either case, you are pathetic.
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