Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Dennis And Callahan Trifecta On WEEI This Morning

Oh my goodness gracious, of all the dramatic things I have ever seen! Iggy, Everett and Jermaine all on one show. It was kind of like Boston’s version of Keith Olbermann, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. Where do we begin?

It all started during Headlines, when John described a recent opinion poll in which Obama had an approval rating of 64%. Iggy immediately took the opportunity to pant “see Gerry, this proves people agree with Obama and that you’re just a lone wolf”. Iggy, in the words of the great Harry Callahan, opinions are like you – I mean assholes; everybody has one. This is just a snap opinion pole. Remember, in the fall of 2001, Bush had an approval rating north of 90%. Gerry responded with a valid question, as to does this not show how many people are brain-dead lemmings like Iggy? The answer of course is YES! As an aside Iggy, the phrase you’re looking for is “a lone voice crying out in the wilderness” not “a lone wolf”. You never look dumber than when you’re trying to look smart and fail miserably.

There was a lot of discussion about the stock market and the economy, and ultimately, Gerry and John pegged it correctly when they said Obama WANTS the economy to continue to helplessly flail about. His own chief of staff, Rahm Emmanuel, said “You never want to let a crisis go to waste . . . its an opportunity to get things done." Do you think he’s talking about tax cuts and eliminating government bureaucracy? Of course not, he’s talking about higher taxes, more government spending, and more government control of and interference in our lives. He’s talking about completing the nearly century-long endeavor by liberals to foist socialism upon America.

A ruined economy is just what the Democrats want. The more people out of work, struggling to stay afloat and frightened about their future, the easier it is to justify and slam through unconstitutional, socialist policies. Fear is Obama’s greatest ally (well besides Jeremiah Wright and William Ayers). The more people are afraid, the more they will succumb to the empty promises of this master charlatan, just like Germans in the 1930’s.

Iggy then claimed that we need to give Obama a chance because nothing like this has ever before been attempted. What an Iggyot! Have you ever heard of The New Deal? FDR took office in 1933 with unemployment around 30%, and instituted a massive combined plan of social spending and tax increases on “the rich”. Six years later, on the eve of WWII, unemployment stood at about 16%. Sound like his plan was working, right? WRONG! The number was skewed by phony government jobs raking leaves and digging ditches. Most (non-Keynesian) economists would tell you that FDR’s policies actually made The Great Depression more painful, and last longer than it would have had he not instituted his big government policies.

Democrats especially wants the stock market to continue to stumble as well. Why? To justify the forced incorporation of private retirement accounts like our 401Ks and IRAs into a government-controlled system. Why? So that the government can raid it and spend the money on more socialist spending, buying more votes and more souls. Of course there is also the added bonus of having yet another part off our lives forcibly turned over to government control. The Democrats transformed Social(ist) Security from a trust fund into a giant Ponzi scheme that would make Bernie Madoff blush. Such is the fate that they have in mind for our personal retirement accounts.

We were then treated to a wonderfully typical drive-by call from Everett from Brighton. As usual, it was tough to separate all of the falsehoods he was spouting, but the one that stood out (and John called him out on it) was his claim that millions of companies were taking advantage of the economic situation to lay people off just because they could. What an absolutely made-up lie. First of all, Everett, companies can lay people off whenever they want – in good times or bad, no excuses needed. Second, unlike governments, in the real world, companies have to react to economic shifts. They lay off people when they need to cut expenses because revenue is down, or because reduced business means there is a reduced workload.

Finally just when you thought it was safe to get up, along comes Jermaine racing down the street to throw a few more random shots at us. Once again, we’ll try to work with the worst of the things he said. The first was that “the Bush tax cuts got us into this mess”. Um, no Jermaine, the truth is that the tax cuts actually helped spur a quick recovery from the 2000 downturn, and led to tremendous economic growth from 2001-2006 IN SPITE OF 9/11, Afghanistan and Iraq. Then, strangely enough, in 2007, things started to go down hill. I suppose it was just a coincidence that the Democrats took control of Congress is January of 2007, huh?

Comrade Jermaine then said that “higher taxes are fine for those who already make enough”, and that because his opinions were shared by Bill Gates and Warren Buffet, they were justified. Jermaine, Bill Gates and Warren Buffett are limousine liberals. They live in a world of their own, and their opinions and views on the social and personal finance issues of the masses are as relevant as those of Hollywood elites. More importantly, we have to get back to your classic liberal line; higher taxes are fine for those who already make enough. Tell me Jermaine, who gets to decide what is “enough”? Who gets to decide how much of what is beyond enough gets taken from the people and business who earned it? Who are the hell are you or anyone else to tell me how much of my own money I need and should be allowed to keep, you arrogant, greedy bastard?

Writing about what these buffoons think and say makes me want to puke.

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