I missed the first two and a half hours of the show, but I did pick up on some "chatter" Gerry and Iggy had done. It sounded like John and Gerry had shined a light on the Massachusetts-specific pork in Obama's spendulus bill that made Iggy uncomfortable. As I later confirmed with some googling, thanks to John Kerry, millions of taxpayer dollars are being pissed away to pay tribute to a murder who has dedicated his life to the destruction of America.
The definition of a murderer is someone who commits or is convicted of a homicide. Had you or I done to Mary Jo Kopeckne what Ted Kennedy did, we would have been tried and convicted of vehicular homicide. So, in my opinion, the shoe fits. As to his life's work, his record speaks for itself. Over forty years of aiding and abetting confiscatory taxed, increased government control of our lives, and the eroding of both states' rights and our individual liberties; ergo, the destruction of America.
Based on what I heard, it sounded as if Iggy knee-jerked to Ted's defense, citing what a great man he was because of all of the things he had accomplished - and then could not name a single one of those accomplishments. Why would anyone be surprised by that? Iggy has proven time and again that he is incapable of independent thought or formulating reasoned, logical arguments. He doesn't know what Ted Kennedy, or John Kerry, or Nancy Pelosi, or Chuck Schumer have ever done. He probably does not even know that Robert Byrd, another "liberal lion" in the senate, was a member of the Ku Klux Klan.
Iggy is a lemming. All he knows what to think or do is what he has been conditioned to by years of indoctrination. Democrats/liberals good, everyone else bad.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
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