Tuesday, February 16, 2010

It's The Monopartisanship Stupid!

In his announcement yesterday that he would not seek re-election, Indiana Senator Evan Bayh claimed that the biggest reason for his decision was that he didn't like the Senate any more, that it was not the same place as when he started his first term in 1998, and that there is too much partisanship. Well, don't feel Bayhd, two out of three ain't bad.

First, he's right that he, like most Americans, doesn't like the Senate. He is also right that the Senate is not the same as it was in 1998. In 1998, the Senate was controlled by Republicans, most of whom were still holding true to the conservative principles of the 1994 Contract With America. Fast-forward to 2010, and the Senate is controlled by Democrats; more precisely, uber-leftist Democrats who view the Constitution and economic facts as obstacles to their dream of a great socialist paradise. Definitely not the same place.

As far as blaming "partisanship" for the insanity that is Washington, riddle me this. For an entire year, the Democrats controlled the presidency, the House by forty votes, and the Senate with a filibuster-proof super majority. So how in the name of God, could Republicans in any way affect the agenda, debate and outcome of votes in Congress? The only partisan problems were within the Democrat Party itself, with blue dog Democrats jumping off the train wreck that is the Axis of Socialism.

Still that doesn't stop the left, both its politicians and their media vassals, from propagating this myth. Today, Barney Frank, the ultimate, despicable, partisan hack tried to make the same claim. Besides, partisanship and obstructionism are just buzzwords used by the left to describe when those damned Republicans won't roll over for them. There's nothing wrong with partisanship and obstructionism when they stop insane polices like Obamacare, Cap and Tax and trillion dollar deficits.

We had one hell of a jaw-dropper from Sir Spouts-a-Lot, this morning. Iggy actually said that Mitt Romney is the sleaziest person to ever run for public office in Massachusetts. Among many others, the People's Republic of Massachusetts has given us Barney Frank, Bill Delahunt, Sal DiMasi, Charles Flaherty, Tom Finneran, Dianne Wilkerson,  Marty Meehan, Mike Capuano, Gerry Studds and last but not least, Ted Kennedy, alcoholic, adulterer and killer - and Mitt is sleazier than not just some, but all of these despicable villains? That, is a stupid, iggyotic thing to say.

Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy

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