Laying the blame solely on Republicans is at best, disingenuous. After all, we never heard Democrats stand up and scream about overspending did we? Did the Democrats attempt to scale back spending during the last two years of the Bush presidency when they controlled both houses of Congress? None of them ever complained about the $3,000,000.00 projector for the museum in Chicago for which Senator Obama asked, did they? Ultimately, even Iggy seems to have recognized the truth, and that is why he has lost his desire for battle.
He knows that it was people like Obama, Dodd and Frank who caused the Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac housing crisis. In his heart, he knows that spending hundreds of billions of dollars on pork when we've already spent ourselves into trouble makes as much sense as getting a ride home from Ted Kennedy on New Year's Eve. Obama, the Democrats and the Rinos are pissing in our faces, and even Iggy can't bring himself to say its just raining. It's almost as if he finally has turned away from the dark side. It's almost as if, dare I say it . . .

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