Friday, February 13, 2009

Playing the Part of Iggy On WEEI Today: Everett From Brighton

Iggy's sabbatical, self-imposed or otherwise, continued for another day. I guess two consecutive days of relative peace and quiet was just asking too much, however. That jackass Everett called, and tossed a couple of his trademark race grenades. For those of you who are new, or not familiar with the Dennis and Callahan Show, the best way to describe Everett is as the Al Sharpton of Boston talk radio. Iggy may be a brainwashed, delusional, annoying fool, but he has no malice in his heart. Everett, on the other hand, represents everything that is wrong with America today. Rather than judging things on face value, he sees everything in terms of race.

For example, O.J. Simpson was only put on trial for murder because he was black. He was innocent because a jury of twelve morons said so. All of the evidence to the contrary, and the fact that anyone with a brain knows he's a murderer is irrelevant. Barry Bonds was innocent because he never tested positive for steroids (which we learned very recently is not true, of course). The preponderance of evidence tha showed how guilty he was didn't matter. He was being persecuted by racist, white media members and racist, white fans.

Then there was the Duke LaCrosse fiasco. Of course those rich, spoiled, nasty, white boys were guilty. Even after it was revealed that Crystal Mangum told about a dozen different stories to the police about what happened, they were guilty. Even after DNA evidence exonerated them, they were guily. Even after Mike Nifong had to drop the charges, they were guilty. Finally, after Nifong was censored for his false, malicous, politically motivated prosecution of the real victims in that mess, and Everett had to face reality, his stance was that it was no big deal, since they did not end up in jail, and that it was all okay because white people were able to experience the injustice that blacks have endured for centuries. Way to look to the future Everett. What a despicable human being.

Everett is often referred to in conjunction with his soulmate, Jermaine because of their twisted, like-minded views. If you happen to tune in to the show in midstream, and hear a caller making outlandish, race-baiting statements, you know its either Everett or Jermaine, but there is no way to tell which one, as they sound so alike. I don't just mean the sound of their voices. If you put them both in seperate, sound-proofed rooms, and asked them their opinion on a topic, you'd get the exact same response. They even got their own short-lived talk show on WEEI - Jason Wolfe hasn't touched tequila since. I believe it lasted for exactly one show, and that they got the same ratings as a show I once saw called Watching Paint Dry With Janeane Garofalo.

To be honest, I don't think they really believe the garbage that they spout. Either way, it does not matter. If they do believe, they are useless, mindless fools. If they don't believe, then they are vile, dishonest hate-mongers. Ultimately, I don't care which one it is. Much like Iggy, their only purpose on the Dennis and Callahan show is to ruin it. So, I thought a poll as to who is the most annoying person on WEEI would be in order. It's over on the right side of the screen. Let your voices be heard!

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