Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Mount Saint Iggy Erupts in Boston

Oh my lord was my premonition ever correct. This morning, during Headlines, Iggy did his best impersonation of Mount Vesuvius, blowing his top and smothering the WEEI airwaves with a layer of choking, liberal ash. Gerry was castigating the spendulus bill, as well as The Chosen One’s fear mongering. Specifically, his claim that if we don’t piss away hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars, the U.S. Economy will never recover. That’s some serious hope and change, eh Iggy?

No longer able to tolerate the castigation of his messiah, Iggy exploded at Gerry, exclaiming: ‘You’ve been bitching for two weeks about this, what else would you do?’ Iggy, have you not been listening to anyone for the last month? Obviously not, because when Gerry again told you, for the umpteenth time, that the only real course of action is to cut taxes across the board and let the free market repair itself, you retorted ‘That doesn’t work!’ You poor, misguided, ignorant bastard. Putting aside the fact that history has proven us right, and you wrong so many times, riddle me this: how is billions of dollars for pork going to “stimulate the economy” in any way at all, let alone better than letting consumers and businesses keep more of their own money? The fact is, it won’t, and either you’re too foolish to realize that, or too ideologically brainwashed to admit it.

We were then quickly treated to the rantings of a couple of Iggyot callers. The first could manage nothing more than a feeble-minded attempted drive-by, saying: ‘Why don’t we just let Haliburton fix the economy, they did such a great job in Iraq.’ Boy, that really changed my mind! A caller named Cal then bestowed upon us several minutes of baseless rambling about tax breaks for the rich, deregulation, and laissez-faire business. When challenged several times by Gerry to provide specific examples and facts, all he could do was ramble on in circles, and then launch personal attacks on John and Gerry as greedy rich people. Combined, these two Iggyots used the standard, liberal debating tactics that I first outlined when describing Iggy in the initial posting on this site (

As Gerry started to provide facts about income taxes, and how the highest income earners pay by far the lion’s share of income taxes (the top 1% pay 39% of all income tax paid), Iggy’s indoctrinated, class envy inevitably reared its head. He sarcastically told John and Gerry that he was sorry that they had to contribute so much of their income to the federal income tax pool. When asked if he thought that this was fear, he actually said ‘I think the top one percent of wage earners should contribute 39% of the income taxes paid because it affects them less.’

At last we get to the crux of liberal ideology. You don’t get to decide how much of your money you need – we know better than you. You don’t get to decide if you’re being treated fairly – we know better than you. You don’t get to decide if your tax dollars should be spent on clean needles for junkies, health care for illegal aliens, welfare for octomoms – we know better than you. All liberal ideology is based on the tenet that you are too stupid to make your own decisions and take care of yourself. All you need to do is lay back, lube yourself up, and let the government “take care” of everything for you. The class warfare perpetuated by Iggy and his ilk is merely a symptom of this destructive, discredited ideology.

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