Monday, January 18, 2010

If You Can't Beat Them . . . Rob Them!

In September of 2008, I sat in the Eaglebrook Saloon in Norfolk, MA with about a dozen or so friends. As we discussed the upcoming election, one of our group (you know who you are Tom) needled me about a poll showing Obama moving ahead of McCain. I told him that I was not surprised, and that I felt certain Obama would win. Shocked, he asked me if I was serious. I said I was, and that within six months, America would have the biggest case of buyer's remorse in history. He laughed off my prediction, but slap my grits and call me Nostradamus - I was right.

It started with the Tea Parties over the summer, was evident in New Jersey and Virginia in September, and with the grace of God, will manifest itself tomorrow in the biggest political upset since America overthrew King George III in the first place. Win or lose, the simple fact that this race was anything other than a blowout win for a Democrat in Massachusetts running to replace Ted Kennedy is sending shock waves across the entire country.

Blue Dog Democrats should realize that if Scott Brown can get this far in the bluest of states, what will happen to them in November when they face far more conservative voters in places like Nebraska, North Carolina, Indianna and Colorado? Quite simply, unless they desist in supporting the unpopular, far-left policies of Obama, Pelosi and Reid, American voters will throw them out of office faster than you can say cadillac tax exemption.

How deliciously Shakespearean that the state which was the cradle of the American Revolution, may well provide us with a means of saving America from the insane, unconstitutional attempts by the left to commandeer a massive segment of the private sector. So what is the left's response?

We already know that organizations like ACORN, SEIU and public employees who gorge themselves at the tax troughs (aka Govenor Patrick appointees) are going to do everything they can to steal this election. Dead people will vote, people who moved out of the state years ago will vote, illegal aliens will vote, and many legitimate voters will vote more than once - if they're voting for Coakley, of course.

How do we know this? History. Democrats have been stealing elections this way for decades. Hell, its even being prescribed as a course of action by the moonbats in the elite media. Oh Bob, Schultz and Matthews were just using hyperbole to stress the importance of this election. Right, and if this was Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh making the same comments about Scott Brown, there wouldn't be congressional hearings created to determine how they tried to illegally affect the outcome of an election. I was born at night, but not last night baby.

If that fails, then you will likely see legal challenges forcing recounts and vote exclusions until the numbers finally show a Coakely "win". Its what Democrats tried to do in Florida in 2000, and succeeded in doing in Minnesota in 2008 when they literally stole a Senate seat from Norm Coleman for the bridge troll known as Al Franken.

Failing to do that, in a final act of desperation, the Democrats' will attempt to delay the seating of Brown in the hopes of cramming Obamacare down the throats (among other orifices) of Americans. For hate's sake they will spit their last breath a thee, voters of Massachusettes! To paraphrase Sean Connery in The Untouchables, summing up the Democrats' strategy in a nutshell: that's the Democrat way.

Bob, RI

Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy

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