Friday, January 22, 2010

Let The Good Times Roll

The good news just keeps pouring in for freedom-loving Americans. First, after wins in Virginia and New Jersey in September, Scott Brown pulled off the unthinkable on Tuesday. Then, on Thursday morning, the Supreme Court took a machete to that unconstitutional abomination known as McCain-Feingold. Finally, on Thursday afternoon we learned that Air America is going the way of the dodo. Boy did that come as a shock, huh?

Remember the predictions that this liberal venture was going to succeed because this time the proper people were in charge, and becauset Americans were hungry for what they were serving up? Begun in April of 2004, it did not even last five years. Better yet, the only reason it managed to hang on that long, is because of multiple infusions of millions of dollars by the George Soros types who have money to burn when it comes to destroying America. Five years. tens of millions of dollars, and all it had to show for itself was that it helped Al Franken steal a senate seat in Minnesota.

NPR aside, because we are forced to pay for it with tax dollars, once again, liberal ideology was put on trial in the marketplace of ideas, and once again, it was found guilty. Guilty of not being able to stand on its own when faced with facts and reasoned arguments. Guilty of being the ideology of a small, fringe segment of the population who can do nothing but scream Bush, Cheney, Haliburton and Big Oil!. Guilty of having what support it does have come from people used to getting things paid for by someone else, and therefore not be able to attract advertising dollars. Guilty, as charged.

Bob, RI

Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy

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