Was this just wishful thinking on the part of the Boston Globe (Democrat), or were they trying to actually sway the election?
Don't get me wrong, I know this is no embrace of the Republican Party, which got us into this mess with its liberal spending policies through most of the Bush Presidency. As I am not a Republican, I am more than fine with that. This is a repudiation of the assumption that Obama's election meant an embracing of his policies. Obama's election was merely a backlash against Bush's policies, and Scott Brown's election is merely a backlash against Obama's policies. I would even give 2-1 odds that Brown does not even win re-election in 2012. This was a simple message to Obama, Pelosi and Reid; veer back to the center, or else. I hope that they do not get the message.
Some absolutely hysterical Democrat responses to this cataclysmic defeat? (Paraphrased)
Howard Dean - Democrats have not been tough enough, they need to be tougher to get Obamacare passed.
Juan Williams - This is not going to stop the Obama administration, they are going to double down and go full steam ahead with health care. (Oh God, please make the Blue Dogs dumb enough to support Obama.)
Keith Olbermann just said something so vile and pathetic, I will wait to hear a replay so that I can quote him verbatim. What a frakking a-hole. He is so bitter, its pathetic.
Here's his quote: "In short, in Scott Brown we have an irresponsible, homophobic, racist, reactionary, ex-nude model, teabagging supporter of violence against woman and against politicians with whom he disagrees." The whole clip is here. What is really ironic is his follow up that: "In any other time in our history, he would have been laughed off the stage." That so deliciously describes Obama's 2008 candidacy.
Bob, RI
Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy
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