Sean Bielat, Barney Frank's first real opponent in decades, appeared on Dennis and Callahan this morning. After just a few minutes, it was obvious that not only is Bielat more qualified to be in congress than Barney Frank, he's more qualified than John Kerry and the ten Democrats running for the house seats. To top it all off, John and Dino decided to let Iggy try to gotcha Mr.Bielat. The mindless moron got totally Bielat-slapped. Bielat pretty much was able to knock him up and Iggy didn't even realize it.
Iggy wanted to know why he should vote for Bielat instead of Frank, and Bielat proceeded to read him chapter and verse about Frank's central role in causing the housing crisis, Iggy's response? He didn't believe it. Bielat offered to provide Iggy with full documentation to support the facts and what was Iggy's response? He wouldn't believe it. Iggy, if Barney Frank personally handed you a signed affidavit and a video in which he admits being the person most responsible for the housing crisis, you wouldn't believe it would you?
Check out the interview for yourself.
Bob, RI
Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Top Ten Things Obama Will Say On Wednesday
I was listening to Jay Severin on the way home today, and he challenged his listeners over the next few days to come up with a list of things Obama will say after the blowout next Tuesday. I was actually able to pull it off in less than an hour. So, without further ado, here are the top ten things Obama is likely to say next Wednesday morning . . .
10) It was because of the special interests' money - we didn't get enough of it from George Soros and the unions.
09) The voters just wanted to spread the seats in congress around a little.
08) The problem wasn't my socialist agenda, it was the fact that I didn't communicate my socialist agenda properly.
07) It was because of Fox News, Talk Radio and that pesky first amendment - can we please figure out a way to get rid of that damned thing?.
06) Not enough money from the stimulus bill made it to ACORN, so there just weren't enough New Black Panthers to go around this time.
05) Elderly voters decided to take me out before my death panels started to take them out.
04) Not enough of our candidates read the Al Franken How to Steal an Election cookbook.
03) With so many of illegal aliens returning to Mexico because there are no jobs in this economy that I've destroyed, we just didn't have the same number of available voters as we did in 2008.
02) All of those enlightened independents who voted for me two years ago turned into racist, teabaggers clinging to their guns and bibles.
. . . and the number one thing Obama is likely to say next Wednesday morning . . .
01) George Bush and the Republicans drove all of our campaigns into a ditch. I mean I inherited this utter and complete repudiation by the American people!
Bob, RI
Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy!
10) It was because of the special interests' money - we didn't get enough of it from George Soros and the unions.
09) The voters just wanted to spread the seats in congress around a little.
08) The problem wasn't my socialist agenda, it was the fact that I didn't communicate my socialist agenda properly.
07) It was because of Fox News, Talk Radio and that pesky first amendment - can we please figure out a way to get rid of that damned thing?.
06) Not enough money from the stimulus bill made it to ACORN, so there just weren't enough New Black Panthers to go around this time.
05) Elderly voters decided to take me out before my death panels started to take them out.
04) Not enough of our candidates read the Al Franken How to Steal an Election cookbook.
03) With so many of illegal aliens returning to Mexico because there are no jobs in this economy that I've destroyed, we just didn't have the same number of available voters as we did in 2008.
02) All of those enlightened independents who voted for me two years ago turned into racist, teabaggers clinging to their guns and bibles.
. . . and the number one thing Obama is likely to say next Wednesday morning . . .
01) George Bush and the Republicans drove all of our campaigns into a ditch. I mean I inherited this utter and complete repudiation by the American people!
Bob, RI
Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy!
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Juan Williams Gets Mugged
By now everyone has heard about what happened to Juan Williams. A long-time liberal with whom I rarely agreed but usually respected, Williams was a reporter on NPR, and an analyst for Fox News. NPR fired him this week, allegedly for a perceived, politically incorrect statement he made. You can read about the "incident" that led to the firing here, but what he said doesn't really matter. The truth of the matter is that the NPR politburo was unable to deal with the apparent treason against left-wing dogma which Williams was committing by appearing on . . . FOX NEWS (insert Dr. Evil music here.) According to Williams, NPR has been looking to fire him for his heresy for some time. It would seem that this incident provided what they thought was a good enough pretext. I'm pretty sure they wish they could get a mulligan - not regarding the actual firing, just the machinations around it.
Not satisfied with punishing him for appearing on a network that they perceive to be the domain of right-wing neanderthals and . . . defending the views which liberals espouse . . . NPR CEO Vivian Schiller decided to support her actions with a personal attack on Williams by implying that he was mentally unbalanced (get yourself a good libel lawyer, Viv.) How typically liberal; when you can't support your argument with facts, impugn those who disagree with you with a personal attack. Even Whoopi Goldberg, the absolute battiest of the moon bats, has spoken out against NPR's treatment of Williams. The fact that this entire situation has blown up in the face of NPR only shows the arrogance, ineptitude and ignorance of the people running that cesspool of far-left bias.
The funniest part of this whole brouhaha has been seeing long-time liberals like Bob Beckel, Ellen Ratner, Susan Estrich, Pat Caddell (transcript from 10/22 Hannity show not up on Foxnews yet), and Williams himself.are now proclaiming how shocked they that the "far left" is so intolerant! Where the hell have these people been for the past twenty years? It is this is that brings me to what really is being missed by all of the commentary and analysis of this episode.
There's an old saying that a conservative is a liberal who's been mugged. For the last twenty or so years, normal, everyday Americans have lived in fear of a liberal mugging. Every time we say or do something, we have to stop and wonder if it will be used to hurt us. Will my exercising my first amendment right to freedom of speech be used against me? Be it egregiously offensive, the innocuous taken out of context, or just simply something misconstrued, will I lose my job, become unhireable or have my reputation destroyed because the left-wing establishment, including the people I mentioned in the previous paragraph, have branded me as a purveyor of "hate speech"? This is the climate of intolerance and fear in which we have been forced to endure for two decades, and now these liberals are appalled, confused and upset that the Gestapo has come and taken away not a Jew, nor a communist, nor a homosexual, nor a Slav, but one of their own.
Juan Williams has been directly mugged, and many of the usual liberal suspects have been indirectly mugged. Welcome to the club. Let's see if with their eyes finally opened, they can now perceive the utter evil in the insidious movement which they have been championing.
Bob, RI
Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy!
P.S. - It scares the hell out of me that Ellen Ratner and I both came up with the same literary jab (politburo) at NPR. Let's just hope it is because away from the dark side started to turn she has.
Not satisfied with punishing him for appearing on a network that they perceive to be the domain of right-wing neanderthals and . . . defending the views which liberals espouse . . . NPR CEO Vivian Schiller decided to support her actions with a personal attack on Williams by implying that he was mentally unbalanced (get yourself a good libel lawyer, Viv.) How typically liberal; when you can't support your argument with facts, impugn those who disagree with you with a personal attack. Even Whoopi Goldberg, the absolute battiest of the moon bats, has spoken out against NPR's treatment of Williams. The fact that this entire situation has blown up in the face of NPR only shows the arrogance, ineptitude and ignorance of the people running that cesspool of far-left bias.
The funniest part of this whole brouhaha has been seeing long-time liberals like Bob Beckel, Ellen Ratner, Susan Estrich, Pat Caddell (transcript from 10/22 Hannity show not up on Foxnews yet), and Williams himself.are now proclaiming how shocked they that the "far left" is so intolerant! Where the hell have these people been for the past twenty years? It is this is that brings me to what really is being missed by all of the commentary and analysis of this episode.
There's an old saying that a conservative is a liberal who's been mugged. For the last twenty or so years, normal, everyday Americans have lived in fear of a liberal mugging. Every time we say or do something, we have to stop and wonder if it will be used to hurt us. Will my exercising my first amendment right to freedom of speech be used against me? Be it egregiously offensive, the innocuous taken out of context, or just simply something misconstrued, will I lose my job, become unhireable or have my reputation destroyed because the left-wing establishment, including the people I mentioned in the previous paragraph, have branded me as a purveyor of "hate speech"? This is the climate of intolerance and fear in which we have been forced to endure for two decades, and now these liberals are appalled, confused and upset that the Gestapo has come and taken away not a Jew, nor a communist, nor a homosexual, nor a Slav, but one of their own.
Juan Williams has been directly mugged, and many of the usual liberal suspects have been indirectly mugged. Welcome to the club. Let's see if with their eyes finally opened, they can now perceive the utter evil in the insidious movement which they have been championing.
Bob, RI
Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy!
P.S. - It scares the hell out of me that Ellen Ratner and I both came up with the same literary jab (politburo) at NPR. Let's just hope it is because away from the dark side started to turn she has.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
The Not So Quiet Before The Storm
Fourteen days. Fourteen days until Americans take the first step in correcting the the biggest mistake in the entire history of democracy. Fourteen days until Americans let loose a total and utter repudiation of everything that Barack Obama and his socialist allies in congress believe in, have wrought upon us, and desire to continue to foist upon us. If I could channel a little Darth Sidious; everything is proceeding as I have foreseen.
The best part about this is watching the left go into spin control before the bloodletting has even begun, let alone reached it's inevitable endgame. You're starting to hear things from the left that will be used in attempts to belittle and marginalize Americans' fury.
The best part about this is watching the left go into spin control before the bloodletting has even begun, let alone reached it's inevitable endgame. You're starting to hear things from the left that will be used in attempts to belittle and marginalize Americans' fury.
- On Sunday, brilliant White House press secretary Robert Gibbs claimed that the issues driving the various mid-term races are specific to "individual congressional districts." It's an attempt to play the old "all politics is local" card which generally holds true; everyone in congress is a crook except my senator, or my congressman. So, when the Democrats in congress take a pasting, it won't be Obama's fault, it will be because people are angry with their local member of congress!
- Yesterday from NBC News, we heard that more than 100 house seats are in play. That way, when they only lose fifty or sixty seats, they can claim . . . a victory!
- Finally, today we learned that the chosen one is claiming in a fund raising email that fifteen senate seats are up for grabs. A number that has ranged from from ten to twelve for months has magically jumped to fifteen, Again, that way, when they only lose nine or ten . . . its a victory!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
I'm Not Dead Yet!
Sorry for the delay in posts. I've been very busy getting things ready for spring planting, and I also started a new job this week. Give me a little while to get settled, and we'll get back to proving just what an iggyot Iggy is.
Bob, RI
Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy!
Bob, RI
Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Sneak Peek Into An Obamunist America
I got back from my visit to Italy on Tuesday night, and boy is my wallet tired. I got to see family members that I had not seen in years. I also got a sneak peak into what America will be like if The Chosen One is allowed to reshape America in his Marxist image. I left on the 17th, the day after Iggy's seeming awakening at the Tea Party rally. I'm not sure if he has continued on the road to recovery - based on what I have heard over the last two days, he has relapsed - but perhaps these highlights of what I found will help him.
Obamacare - Just before we left, we learned that a 42 year old cousin of mine in Switzerland had died of a brain tumor that the doctors "had not caught in time". Last Wednesday, we learned that a 74 year old uncle, after waiting two and a half years, was finally scheduled for prostate surgery yesterday. Is it cancer? Well I'll guess we'll find out . . . eventually; as of Monday night, the hospital had still not called to confirm the surgery. This is after thirty-five years of decorated service as a Carabinieri, a kind of hybrid FBI/state police force at the federal level. Imagine what kind of treatment the little people get under socialized medicine - oh wait, my cousin was one of the little people.
Cap and Trade - Gas was a about 1.30 euros a liter, which with the current exchange rate works out to about $7.25 a gallon. Why so high? Because energy is taxed to hell and back to help pay for the socialist welfare state. That is really what cap and tax is about, only at the level of nations. It is intended to force the redistribution of wealth on a global scale, from the West to the hellholes of the world. In the home where we stayed for most of the time, my uncle uses about eight cords of wood a year to heat the house (a wood stove/fireplace rig that hears hot water). Why not use natural gas for heat? Because second mortgages suck. Oh, since the gas taxes are mostly used to support the welfare state, they use tolls to pay for the roads. The cost of the three-hundred mile trip (of which only about 270 were on the highway) to Florence; $58.00! That's like having to shell out sixty bucks to drive from Providence to Atlantic City - on top of paying over seven dollars for a gallon of case.
Government Workers - Government office workers work six hour days (Wait 'till the Beacon Hill hacks here about that one!), with a schedule of either a six-hour day, or three hours of work, a two-three hour lunch/siesta, followed by three more hours of "work". The local provincial director for a given department makes the determination. Of course there is also the six weeks of vacation and the cushy pensions that follow . . . oh wait, that's pretty much where we are now.
Consumer Prices - We know about energy; how about $2.09 for a 1/2 liter bottle of milk. $2.80 for a two liter bottle of coke? Plus, everyone has to buy bottled water to drink because the water from virtually every municipal water supply smells like a swimming pool.
This is all just the tip of the iceberg from a casual observer. Imagine what lies beneath the surface. I will say that all of those left-wing morons talk about how great things are in Europe, and how we need to do things more like they do are right about one thing; how Europe handles immigration. When I last saw Italy in 1987, it was a country of ethnic Italians, only twenty years removed from the last wave of emigration to America and Canada.
Today, it is a country to which people emigrate. I saw Slavs, Somalis, Eritreans and Pakistanis among others. They work as street vendors, souvenir peddlers, and happily work low-level jobs; just like my parents when they came to America. Also like my parents when they came here, they learned the native language. Not only did they speak Italian for commercial reasons, many of them better than I, they often spoke it amongst themselves. I even heard one group of Pakistanis discussing the play of various Italian soccer teams (OK, that I did have a problem with) in Italian.
It is completely unlike here, where liberals now insist that we Balkanize America rather than adhere to the policy of assimilation that worked so well for over two hundred years, Undoubtedly, that is also how it is in Spain, Germany, France et al. - hell, the French get angry at tourists who don't speak French! Just remember that the next time you see your state's driver's license exams in eighteen different languages paid for with your tax dollars.
Bob, RI
Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy!
Obamacare - Just before we left, we learned that a 42 year old cousin of mine in Switzerland had died of a brain tumor that the doctors "had not caught in time". Last Wednesday, we learned that a 74 year old uncle, after waiting two and a half years, was finally scheduled for prostate surgery yesterday. Is it cancer? Well I'll guess we'll find out . . . eventually; as of Monday night, the hospital had still not called to confirm the surgery. This is after thirty-five years of decorated service as a Carabinieri, a kind of hybrid FBI/state police force at the federal level. Imagine what kind of treatment the little people get under socialized medicine - oh wait, my cousin was one of the little people.
Cap and Trade - Gas was a about 1.30 euros a liter, which with the current exchange rate works out to about $7.25 a gallon. Why so high? Because energy is taxed to hell and back to help pay for the socialist welfare state. That is really what cap and tax is about, only at the level of nations. It is intended to force the redistribution of wealth on a global scale, from the West to the hellholes of the world. In the home where we stayed for most of the time, my uncle uses about eight cords of wood a year to heat the house (a wood stove/fireplace rig that hears hot water). Why not use natural gas for heat? Because second mortgages suck. Oh, since the gas taxes are mostly used to support the welfare state, they use tolls to pay for the roads. The cost of the three-hundred mile trip (of which only about 270 were on the highway) to Florence; $58.00! That's like having to shell out sixty bucks to drive from Providence to Atlantic City - on top of paying over seven dollars for a gallon of case.
Government Workers - Government office workers work six hour days (Wait 'till the Beacon Hill hacks here about that one!), with a schedule of either a six-hour day, or three hours of work, a two-three hour lunch/siesta, followed by three more hours of "work". The local provincial director for a given department makes the determination. Of course there is also the six weeks of vacation and the cushy pensions that follow . . . oh wait, that's pretty much where we are now.
Consumer Prices - We know about energy; how about $2.09 for a 1/2 liter bottle of milk. $2.80 for a two liter bottle of coke? Plus, everyone has to buy bottled water to drink because the water from virtually every municipal water supply smells like a swimming pool.
This is all just the tip of the iceberg from a casual observer. Imagine what lies beneath the surface. I will say that all of those left-wing morons talk about how great things are in Europe, and how we need to do things more like they do are right about one thing; how Europe handles immigration. When I last saw Italy in 1987, it was a country of ethnic Italians, only twenty years removed from the last wave of emigration to America and Canada.
Today, it is a country to which people emigrate. I saw Slavs, Somalis, Eritreans and Pakistanis among others. They work as street vendors, souvenir peddlers, and happily work low-level jobs; just like my parents when they came to America. Also like my parents when they came here, they learned the native language. Not only did they speak Italian for commercial reasons, many of them better than I, they often spoke it amongst themselves. I even heard one group of Pakistanis discussing the play of various Italian soccer teams (OK, that I did have a problem with) in Italian.
It is completely unlike here, where liberals now insist that we Balkanize America rather than adhere to the policy of assimilation that worked so well for over two hundred years, Undoubtedly, that is also how it is in Spain, Germany, France et al. - hell, the French get angry at tourists who don't speak French! Just remember that the next time you see your state's driver's license exams in eighteen different languages paid for with your tax dollars.
Bob, RI
Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy!
Friday, April 23, 2010
Hey folks, I'm currently in Europe getting an edumacation on all the "wonderful" things that we will "enjoy" once Obamunism takes hold. In the mean time, feel free to email me or post comments about any Iggyisms that I miss.
Bob, RI
Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy!
Bob, RI
Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy!
Friday, April 16, 2010
Iggy You Enlightened Slut
At least that was what one texter to D&C had to say about Iggy on Thursday. There's an old saying that a conservative is a liberal who has been mugged; usually metaphorically but sometimes literally. For foolish young liberals like Iggy, it usually occurs during the journey from being single and young, to getting marriage, then having kids, and then buying a house. Iggy only just recently got engaged, but boy, he sure sounded well on his way when he was describing his experience at Thursday's rally.
He raved about how polite, logical, and willing to talk to him the Tea Party folks were - even though he was wearing his Obama t-shirt. He marveled at how they looked and acted like - normal people. The anti-Tea Party folks? Well, he described them as on the fringe, rude, cursing, buffoons trying their best to provoke fights. You can listen to some audio here. The guy demanding that Dick Cheney stop torturing people via satellite probably took the cake. You can see him and his schematics of the evil machine on the second page of the photos posted at WEEI. Iggy then shocked the world when he said he found himself agreeing with some of what the Tea Party folks were saying!
That is truly wonderful, but remember Iggy, you can't be a little bit pregnant. If you truly find yourself believing in the Tea Party cause, then you can not be in favor of anything that The Chosen One is forcing on us; Either you believe in socialism, or you do not. If you want to turn away from Darth Obama and the Dark Side, we welcome you with open arms. However, you must come of your own free will, and your journey must be total, and complete. Good luck!
Bob, RI
Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy!
He raved about how polite, logical, and willing to talk to him the Tea Party folks were - even though he was wearing his Obama t-shirt. He marveled at how they looked and acted like - normal people. The anti-Tea Party folks? Well, he described them as on the fringe, rude, cursing, buffoons trying their best to provoke fights. You can listen to some audio here. The guy demanding that Dick Cheney stop torturing people via satellite probably took the cake. You can see him and his schematics of the evil machine on the second page of the photos posted at WEEI. Iggy then shocked the world when he said he found himself agreeing with some of what the Tea Party folks were saying!
That is truly wonderful, but remember Iggy, you can't be a little bit pregnant. If you truly find yourself believing in the Tea Party cause, then you can not be in favor of anything that The Chosen One is forcing on us; Either you believe in socialism, or you do not. If you want to turn away from Darth Obama and the Dark Side, we welcome you with open arms. However, you must come of your own free will, and your journey must be total, and complete. Good luck!
Bob, RI
Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
The Witless Wonder Returns To WEEI.
Our resident iggyot had not given me much material of late, but the boy blunder has been more than amenable over the last couple of days.
When the Tea Party movement first burst onto the scene, the left ignored it. Any reports about it would describe it as small groups of "fringe right-wingers". Forgetting that they no longer controlled ALL of the media, they assumed that the old tactic of not reporting something would work, and that it would simply go away. When that failed, they turned to ridiculing the movement, describing them as irrelevant, sore losers. When that failed, they changed tactics again, demonizing them by calling them racists and homophobes. When that failed, they turned to fabricating stories about the horrible things that they said and did, such as yelling racial and anti-gay slurs, and spitting on Barney Frank. Finally, now that this tactic has failed, the moonbats are planning to undermine the movement by posing as members at rallies and saying and doing obnoxious things.
John and Gerry tried to explain to Iggy that this was coming, but the fraud failed to even acknowledge the possibility. I just can't believe people would do that, he piously claimed. Why would someone want to do that, he whined. Iggy, you moron, not only are they planning on doing it, on the very day that you were denying it, they were publicly stating that they would! In this story, read the quotes from Jason Levin, creator of
Levin says they want to exaggerate the group's least appealing qualities, further distance the tea party from mainstream America and damage the public's opinion of them.
"Do I think every member of the tea party is a homophobe, racist or a moron? No, absolutely not," Levin said. "Do I think most of them are homophobes, racists or morons? Absolutely."
"Every time we have someone on camera saying that Barack Obama isn't an American citizen, we want someone sitting next to him saying, 'That's right, he's an alien from outer space!"' Levin said.
Basically, they intend on faking incidents, so that the lamestream media can record and report them - and they are telling us that they are going to do this! Why? because their target audience is the type of brain-dead lemming who will buy it; you know, someone like Iggy. So Iggy. when you and the other dozen or so folks who watch Keith Olbermann see him reporting and raving on these faked incidents, try to remember that they are fake - instead of screaming: Racists! Homophobes!! Bush!!! Cheney!!!! HALIBURTON!!!!!
Not to be outdone, during this morning's show Iggy went off the rails via his Sarah Palin fixation; no, not that kind of fixation, everyone who listens to the show knows how much Iggy hates icky girls. Iggy just could not believe that Sarah had the nerve to fly - ready for this - first class on her trip to attend today's Tea Party in Boston.
He again piously spoke about how he believed that someone claiming to be supportive of a group that was formed to oppose government spending should have flown coach. When John informed him that this was a non sequitur, Iggy actually asked him if he was really that brain dead! (I know, I know, insert your own pot head calling the kettle black joke here.)
Iggy, let me explain the difference, and I'll use small words so that you'll be sure to understand, you warthog faced buffoon. The Tea Party is an organization that champions fiscal responsibility by THE GOVERNMENT, not private organizations. The Tea Party groups do not force people to give them money, unlike your messiah and his goons in the government who steal our money using prison sentences and asset seizures in the same way that common criminals use guns and knives. Well, almost the same way; common criminals are much more honest about their larcenous intentions than Democrats are.
Do you understand the difference? I ask the question in all seriousness because once again, the truth of the matter is so obvious, that one has to wonder if someone can be as dumb as you appear to be and yet still function in society, or if you are again playing the fraud who knows the truth, but will not admit it for the sake of political expediency.
Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy!
When the Tea Party movement first burst onto the scene, the left ignored it. Any reports about it would describe it as small groups of "fringe right-wingers". Forgetting that they no longer controlled ALL of the media, they assumed that the old tactic of not reporting something would work, and that it would simply go away. When that failed, they turned to ridiculing the movement, describing them as irrelevant, sore losers. When that failed, they changed tactics again, demonizing them by calling them racists and homophobes. When that failed, they turned to fabricating stories about the horrible things that they said and did, such as yelling racial and anti-gay slurs, and spitting on Barney Frank. Finally, now that this tactic has failed, the moonbats are planning to undermine the movement by posing as members at rallies and saying and doing obnoxious things.
John and Gerry tried to explain to Iggy that this was coming, but the fraud failed to even acknowledge the possibility. I just can't believe people would do that, he piously claimed. Why would someone want to do that, he whined. Iggy, you moron, not only are they planning on doing it, on the very day that you were denying it, they were publicly stating that they would! In this story, read the quotes from Jason Levin, creator of
Levin says they want to exaggerate the group's least appealing qualities, further distance the tea party from mainstream America and damage the public's opinion of them.
"Do I think every member of the tea party is a homophobe, racist or a moron? No, absolutely not," Levin said. "Do I think most of them are homophobes, racists or morons? Absolutely."
"Every time we have someone on camera saying that Barack Obama isn't an American citizen, we want someone sitting next to him saying, 'That's right, he's an alien from outer space!"' Levin said.
Basically, they intend on faking incidents, so that the lamestream media can record and report them - and they are telling us that they are going to do this! Why? because their target audience is the type of brain-dead lemming who will buy it; you know, someone like Iggy. So Iggy. when you and the other dozen or so folks who watch Keith Olbermann see him reporting and raving on these faked incidents, try to remember that they are fake - instead of screaming: Racists! Homophobes!! Bush!!! Cheney!!!! HALIBURTON!!!!!
Not to be outdone, during this morning's show Iggy went off the rails via his Sarah Palin fixation; no, not that kind of fixation, everyone who listens to the show knows how much Iggy hates icky girls. Iggy just could not believe that Sarah had the nerve to fly - ready for this - first class on her trip to attend today's Tea Party in Boston.
He again piously spoke about how he believed that someone claiming to be supportive of a group that was formed to oppose government spending should have flown coach. When John informed him that this was a non sequitur, Iggy actually asked him if he was really that brain dead! (I know, I know, insert your own pot head calling the kettle black joke here.)
Iggy, let me explain the difference, and I'll use small words so that you'll be sure to understand, you warthog faced buffoon. The Tea Party is an organization that champions fiscal responsibility by THE GOVERNMENT, not private organizations. The Tea Party groups do not force people to give them money, unlike your messiah and his goons in the government who steal our money using prison sentences and asset seizures in the same way that common criminals use guns and knives. Well, almost the same way; common criminals are much more honest about their larcenous intentions than Democrats are.
Do you understand the difference? I ask the question in all seriousness because once again, the truth of the matter is so obvious, that one has to wonder if someone can be as dumb as you appear to be and yet still function in society, or if you are again playing the fraud who knows the truth, but will not admit it for the sake of political expediency.
Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy!
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Happy Earth Hour!
In honor of all the mindless drones who thought Synchronized Light Turning Off at 8:30PM on Saturday would actually make a difference to the either the planet or the climate, I decided to do as much as I could to offset as many lefty loons as I could. I was actually going to fly my entire stage lighting show and run it for an hour, but I was too exhausted after the day's work . . . of taking down two more trees!
One was a thirty-foot pine, and the other was a forty-foot pine that had triple-forked at five feet, meaning it had three large trunks extending from five feet off the ground, so it was like taking down three thirty-five footers. The trunks and larger branches will go into my buddy Mike's external boiler next winter, while the smaller branches will go up in smoke in a few months after some seasoning. I'm not sure how much CO2 will be released once it is all burned, but I bet it will at least offset the savings of the one hour lights-out at Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brady-Bundchen's multiple homes around the world.
Hey Al Gore; tell me how my carbon footprint's ass tastes!
Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy
One was a thirty-foot pine, and the other was a forty-foot pine that had triple-forked at five feet, meaning it had three large trunks extending from five feet off the ground, so it was like taking down three thirty-five footers. The trunks and larger branches will go into my buddy Mike's external boiler next winter, while the smaller branches will go up in smoke in a few months after some seasoning. I'm not sure how much CO2 will be released once it is all burned, but I bet it will at least offset the savings of the one hour lights-out at Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brady-Bundchen's multiple homes around the world.
Hey Al Gore; tell me how my carbon footprint's ass tastes!
Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy
Monday, March 15, 2010
Your Papers, Please
Liberals in the United States Senate are pushing to institute a national ID card. I do mean liberals, because in spite of the (R) next to his name, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina is no conservative. Not content with the takeover of one sixth of our economy via Obamacare, your federal government is now seeking to impose further government control of and intrusion on law-abiding citizens of the United States. Containing unique, biometric data, the crux of the legislation is that (in theory) “employers will not be able to hire applicants who do not present a valid ID.”
But no, the government has a much better idea. See, the ID cards will "curb illegal immigration" because since "no one" will be able to "work" without a national ID card, criminal illegals won't be able to get jobs and will just return home! Yeah, and let me tell about this bridge I want to sell you. What will happen is that instead of committing the crimes Americans don't want to commit - I'm sorry, doing the jobs that Americans don't want to do (jobs so bad that not even the millions of unemployed Americans would touch them), illegals will simply climb onto the "entitlement" rolls, further sucking American taxpayers dry. Oh but Bob, illegals aren't entitled to receive welfare checks, food stamps and free medical care! No, I'm serious, its a really nice bridge, you have to see it.
Of course even without recognizing the obvious rush to the public trough by criminal illegals that will occur, does anyone with a brain believe that fraudulent national ID cards wouldn't become as commonplace and trafficked as the fraudulent green cards and social security numbers that are supposed to prevent illegals from working today? If you do, you might want to move on the bridge quickly; I want to sell it to you, but my boss has another buyer in his office right now.
Think about that for a moment. Our government wants to assign each and every citizen a card that without with, you will not be able to work. Again, think about that. Graham’s attitude is that “We’ve all got Social Security cards. They’re just easily tampered with. Make them tamper-proof. That’s all I’m saying.” Well, first of all, the Social Security program and social security numbers in and of themselves are a vile violation of the rights of Americans. Can you imagine if at the signing of the Declaration of Independence, or at the Constitutional Congress, you told our founding fathers that 140 years hence, the government would forcibly assign an identification number to each citizen, and that said number would be used to track where each citizen worked, and how much money they earned? Would they even bother continuing their work?
Better still, imagine if you told them that 200 years hence, the government would forcibly assign an identification document to each citizen, without which they could not work? Forget rolling over in their graves, our founding fathers will be clawing at their coffins to get out and knock some sense into us! Do we really want to live in a country where the first words you’d here at a job interview are “papers, please”. Don’t people realize where we are heading?
Of course to sugarcoat this freedom-poisoning pill, the idea is being touted as a means to "curb illegal immigration." Just how will national ID cards curb illegal immigration? Will they be used to form a protective wall on our Mexican border? Will they stand guard on the Rio Grande and shoot the criminals who invade our country, violate our law, and destroy the private property of the American citizens who live on the border? After all, are these not the things that need to happen to truly stop people from entering the country illegally? You build a wall, post guards, and shoot anyone trying to break in. Makes sense to me.But no, the government has a much better idea. See, the ID cards will "curb illegal immigration" because since "no one" will be able to "work" without a national ID card, criminal illegals won't be able to get jobs and will just return home! Yeah, and let me tell about this bridge I want to sell you. What will happen is that instead of committing the crimes Americans don't want to commit - I'm sorry, doing the jobs that Americans don't want to do (jobs so bad that not even the millions of unemployed Americans would touch them), illegals will simply climb onto the "entitlement" rolls, further sucking American taxpayers dry. Oh but Bob, illegals aren't entitled to receive welfare checks, food stamps and free medical care! No, I'm serious, its a really nice bridge, you have to see it.
No, this entire scam of a bill is designed to do two things. The first, is to allow the federal government to intrude even more on the personal liberties and private lives of Americans citizens - isn't it amazing how the right to privacy, so paramount to liberals when it involves the de-limbing of an unborn child, can be so easily dismissed when it becomes inconvenient for them? The second goal of this bill is to provide amnesty to the criminal illegals currently occupying our sovereign soil - or as is stated more politically correctly in the story, "the 10.8 million or more people living illegally in the United States would be offered a path to citizenship." Bear in mind that the true number of criminal illegals is almost certainly north of twenty million, and that millions more would swarm across the border like locusts once the plan was announced, so that they would in a position to be rewarded for breaking our laws.
Ultimately, that is the goal of the left in America. As the Axis of Socialism has completely driven away independent and moderate voters, the Democrat Party needs new supporters. What better way to get them, then to buy them! Think of it, tens of millions of criminal illegal aliens magically become voting citizens in the blink of an eye, beholden to the party that will reward their loyalty with the hard-earned wealth of honest, hard-working, law-abiding citizens. So, let's start referring to them with a more accurate and descriptive term. They're not criminal illegal aliens; they're just Undocumented Democrats.Bob
Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy
Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy
Monday, February 22, 2010
The O'Ignorance Factor
This is a follow up on my Friday post about Bill O'Reilly's insane stance that the government has the right to ignore the Constitution in a "state of emergency". During the email segment at the end of his Friday night show, he read three emails criticizing him as I did. He then proceeded to thumb his nose at us, and again state that his assessment was correct. As a justification of his stance, he cited President Lincoln's supsension of Habeas Corpus during the Civil War.
However, he convienently ignored the fact that Article 1, Section 9 of the Constitution specifically grants the government that particular leeway on Habeas Corpus in the case of either invasion or rebellion; rebellion being what the Confederacy was engaged in during the Civil War. Lincoln didn't ignore the Constitution - he followed it!
It is sad to say, but O'Reilly is pulling a real Iggy on this one. He is either ignorant about this topic, or knows that he is wrong, and is ignoring the facts anyway.
Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy!
However, he convienently ignored the fact that Article 1, Section 9 of the Constitution specifically grants the government that particular leeway on Habeas Corpus in the case of either invasion or rebellion; rebellion being what the Confederacy was engaged in during the Civil War. Lincoln didn't ignore the Constitution - he followed it!
It is sad to say, but O'Reilly is pulling a real Iggy on this one. He is either ignorant about this topic, or knows that he is wrong, and is ignoring the facts anyway.
Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy!
Friday, February 19, 2010
Bill O'Reibermann Debuts On Fox News
Last night, Bill O'Reilly interviewed a gentleman named Stewart Rhodes, the founder of a group called The Oath Keepers. I don't know much about the group, other than that they describe themselves as current and former members of either the military, police or firefighter forces. The premise of their organization, is that they will keep the oaths that they have taken, and not obey illegal or unconstitutional orders, should they ever be given one. You can decide your feelings on them yourselves, but it was actually O'Reilly that said some things that almost made me throw a hammer through the television.
What has so raised my ire, is a sequence that occurred when they were discussing the group's position that its members will not obey orders to disarm law-abiding citizens. O'Reilly incredulously asked when that had ever happened in American history, and Rhodes replied, almost disbelievingly, with the obvious answer; Katrina!, O'Reilley made the outlandish statement that government has the right to seize firearms in a "state of emergency". Excuse me? Come again? That is the kind of statement I'd expect from Olbermann or Matthews - not the normally level-headed O'Reilly, who then went on to claim that in Louisiana, the police confiscated all firearms, both from of law-abiding citizens, and from not so law-abiding citizens (as if that somehow made it alright).
For God's sake, emergencies are the times that people need the ability to protect themselves the most! In post-Katrina Louisiana, the government did not seize "everyone's guns" as he claimed. They seized the guns of law-abiding citizens, because those are the people who bought and registered their guns legally - that's how the government knew where to look! The criminals and thugs who bought and kept guns illegally, still had them, and law-abiding citizens were left defenseless in a lawless environment!
Unbelievably, he followed that up with an even more outrageous statement. When Rhodes explained that the group's philosophy is that disarming law-abiding citizens, even in an "emergency", is a blatant violation of Americans' second amendment civil rights, O'Reilly claimed that the group's premise was "an extreme position". I almost fell out of my chair. What part of "The people's right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" makes not infringing on the people's right to keep and bear arms an "extreme position"!
These are the types of beliefs and statements that make gun-owners so fearful, sometimes to the point of paranoia, about any firearms legislation. If someone like Bill O'Reilly believes that in some circumstances, the government can arbitrarily ignore the constitution, imagine what people like George Soros, Al Franken, Eric Holder, and of course, the members of the Axis of Socialism have in mind for our second amendment rights.
I have often disagreed with O'Reilly in the past, but always respected him, because he is fair and his views are generally both constitutional, and logical. Last night, I lost a lot of respect for him, because his position was both indefensible and illogical. Another statement or two like this, and not only will I lose all respect from him, he will lose me as a viewer.
Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy!
What has so raised my ire, is a sequence that occurred when they were discussing the group's position that its members will not obey orders to disarm law-abiding citizens. O'Reilly incredulously asked when that had ever happened in American history, and Rhodes replied, almost disbelievingly, with the obvious answer; Katrina!, O'Reilley made the outlandish statement that government has the right to seize firearms in a "state of emergency". Excuse me? Come again? That is the kind of statement I'd expect from Olbermann or Matthews - not the normally level-headed O'Reilly, who then went on to claim that in Louisiana, the police confiscated all firearms, both from of law-abiding citizens, and from not so law-abiding citizens (as if that somehow made it alright).
For God's sake, emergencies are the times that people need the ability to protect themselves the most! In post-Katrina Louisiana, the government did not seize "everyone's guns" as he claimed. They seized the guns of law-abiding citizens, because those are the people who bought and registered their guns legally - that's how the government knew where to look! The criminals and thugs who bought and kept guns illegally, still had them, and law-abiding citizens were left defenseless in a lawless environment!
Unbelievably, he followed that up with an even more outrageous statement. When Rhodes explained that the group's philosophy is that disarming law-abiding citizens, even in an "emergency", is a blatant violation of Americans' second amendment civil rights, O'Reilly claimed that the group's premise was "an extreme position". I almost fell out of my chair. What part of "The people's right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" makes not infringing on the people's right to keep and bear arms an "extreme position"!
These are the types of beliefs and statements that make gun-owners so fearful, sometimes to the point of paranoia, about any firearms legislation. If someone like Bill O'Reilly believes that in some circumstances, the government can arbitrarily ignore the constitution, imagine what people like George Soros, Al Franken, Eric Holder, and of course, the members of the Axis of Socialism have in mind for our second amendment rights.
I have often disagreed with O'Reilly in the past, but always respected him, because he is fair and his views are generally both constitutional, and logical. Last night, I lost a lot of respect for him, because his position was both indefensible and illogical. Another statement or two like this, and not only will I lose all respect from him, he will lose me as a viewer.
Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
It's The Monopartisanship Stupid!
In his announcement yesterday that he would not seek re-election, Indiana Senator Evan Bayh claimed that the biggest reason for his decision was that he didn't like the Senate any more, that it was not the same place as when he started his first term in 1998, and that there is too much partisanship. Well, don't feel Bayhd, two out of three ain't bad.
First, he's right that he, like most Americans, doesn't like the Senate. He is also right that the Senate is not the same as it was in 1998. In 1998, the Senate was controlled by Republicans, most of whom were still holding true to the conservative principles of the 1994 Contract With America. Fast-forward to 2010, and the Senate is controlled by Democrats; more precisely, uber-leftist Democrats who view the Constitution and economic facts as obstacles to their dream of a great socialist paradise. Definitely not the same place.
As far as blaming "partisanship" for the insanity that is Washington, riddle me this. For an entire year, the Democrats controlled the presidency, the House by forty votes, and the Senate with a filibuster-proof super majority. So how in the name of God, could Republicans in any way affect the agenda, debate and outcome of votes in Congress? The only partisan problems were within the Democrat Party itself, with blue dog Democrats jumping off the train wreck that is the Axis of Socialism.
Still that doesn't stop the left, both its politicians and their media vassals, from propagating this myth. Today, Barney Frank, the ultimate, despicable, partisan hack tried to make the same claim. Besides, partisanship and obstructionism are just buzzwords used by the left to describe when those damned Republicans won't roll over for them. There's nothing wrong with partisanship and obstructionism when they stop insane polices like Obamacare, Cap and Tax and trillion dollar deficits.
We had one hell of a jaw-dropper from Sir Spouts-a-Lot, this morning. Iggy actually said that Mitt Romney is the sleaziest person to ever run for public office in Massachusetts. Among many others, the People's Republic of Massachusetts has given us Barney Frank, Bill Delahunt, Sal DiMasi, Charles Flaherty, Tom Finneran, Dianne Wilkerson, Marty Meehan, Mike Capuano, Gerry Studds and last but not least, Ted Kennedy, alcoholic, adulterer and killer - and Mitt is sleazier than not just some, but all of these despicable villains? That, is a stupid, iggyotic thing to say.
Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy
First, he's right that he, like most Americans, doesn't like the Senate. He is also right that the Senate is not the same as it was in 1998. In 1998, the Senate was controlled by Republicans, most of whom were still holding true to the conservative principles of the 1994 Contract With America. Fast-forward to 2010, and the Senate is controlled by Democrats; more precisely, uber-leftist Democrats who view the Constitution and economic facts as obstacles to their dream of a great socialist paradise. Definitely not the same place.
As far as blaming "partisanship" for the insanity that is Washington, riddle me this. For an entire year, the Democrats controlled the presidency, the House by forty votes, and the Senate with a filibuster-proof super majority. So how in the name of God, could Republicans in any way affect the agenda, debate and outcome of votes in Congress? The only partisan problems were within the Democrat Party itself, with blue dog Democrats jumping off the train wreck that is the Axis of Socialism.
Still that doesn't stop the left, both its politicians and their media vassals, from propagating this myth. Today, Barney Frank, the ultimate, despicable, partisan hack tried to make the same claim. Besides, partisanship and obstructionism are just buzzwords used by the left to describe when those damned Republicans won't roll over for them. There's nothing wrong with partisanship and obstructionism when they stop insane polices like Obamacare, Cap and Tax and trillion dollar deficits.
We had one hell of a jaw-dropper from Sir Spouts-a-Lot, this morning. Iggy actually said that Mitt Romney is the sleaziest person to ever run for public office in Massachusetts. Among many others, the People's Republic of Massachusetts has given us Barney Frank, Bill Delahunt, Sal DiMasi, Charles Flaherty, Tom Finneran, Dianne Wilkerson, Marty Meehan, Mike Capuano, Gerry Studds and last but not least, Ted Kennedy, alcoholic, adulterer and killer - and Mitt is sleazier than not just some, but all of these despicable villains? That, is a stupid, iggyotic thing to say.
Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy
Friday, February 12, 2010
Patches Crashes, And Camelot Dies
So bye-bye, to those Kennedy guys,
Drove a Delmont off a levee,
Too bad Mary Jo died,
And Patches crashed his Mustang on that May night
Singin' this 'll be the day that it died,
This 'll be the day Camelot died.
Completely ignoring the damage that his and his father's left-wing beliefs have done to America, the laundry list of criminal and civil offenses he has committed while in office was long enough to guarantee prison time; had he been virtually anyone else. I never understood the whole fatal attraction of Camelot. Why did people ever embrace a royal family of America? All it did was breed arrogance, voter complacency, and a sense of entitlement on the part of the members of the clan. Patches is merely the ultimate byproduct of its digestive tract. Would he ever had gotten a sniff of a state representative's seat, let alone a U.S. House seat, if his name was Patrick O'Brien, or Patrick Goldberg or Patrick Calabria?
Camelot is dead. I say good riddance to bad rubbish.
One "I can't believe he said that" moment from Iggy today. During a discussion of Sarah Palin's hand notes job, the guys poked fun at Obama needing a teleprompter to address a sixth grade class, and Iggy claimed that he was actually talking to reporters, not sixth graders in that classroom. What??? Was the White House briefing room being painted and that classroom the only venue that was available? Put the crack pipe down, and slowly step away, Sir Spouts-a-Lot
Besides, I don't understand what the big deal is about what she wrote on her hand.

Bob, RI
Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
The Thought Police, They Get Inside Iggy's Head
I’ve been working on a pretty extensive post, but I had to talk about an outrageous claim from Dr. Drive-by this morning. When the guys were discussing Scott Brown, and his ability to derail Obama’s policies in upcoming votes, Iggy, actually claimed that this was not why people voted for Scott Brown. He actually tried to make the case that Scott brown was elected over Coakley simply because she was a “bad candidate”.
Never mind that Brown consistently campaigned on traditional conservative values of lower taxes and less government spending. Ignore the fact that he specifically said that he would be the 41st vote in the Senate to stop Obamacare. The liberal PR machine went with the mantra that “Brown won because Coakley ran a bad campaign” – even before he actually won – so that is what the moon bat moron runs with. It is as if there is a direct feed from the Boston Globe directly into the speech center of his brain.
Oh, and would you look at that; as I type, the news comes across the wire that the Senate vote to end the debate on appointing that socialist, SEIU hack Craig Becker to the NLRB failed - and Brown voted to sustain the filibuster. Wrong again Iggy!
Just as an interesting aside on the vote, it failed 52-33, with two Democrat senators siding against Obama. What a coincidence, it was Blanche Lincoln and Ben Nelson. Nelson is toast in November, and baring divine intervention, Nelson is toast in 2012. They're like killers on their death beds trying to atone for their sins. Too little, too late . . .
Bob, RI
Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy
Never mind that Brown consistently campaigned on traditional conservative values of lower taxes and less government spending. Ignore the fact that he specifically said that he would be the 41st vote in the Senate to stop Obamacare. The liberal PR machine went with the mantra that “Brown won because Coakley ran a bad campaign” – even before he actually won – so that is what the moon bat moron runs with. It is as if there is a direct feed from the Boston Globe directly into the speech center of his brain.
Oh, and would you look at that; as I type, the news comes across the wire that the Senate vote to end the debate on appointing that socialist, SEIU hack Craig Becker to the NLRB failed - and Brown voted to sustain the filibuster. Wrong again Iggy!
Just as an interesting aside on the vote, it failed 52-33, with two Democrat senators siding against Obama. What a coincidence, it was Blanche Lincoln and Ben Nelson. Nelson is toast in November, and baring divine intervention, Nelson is toast in 2012. They're like killers on their death beds trying to atone for their sins. Too little, too late . . .
Bob, RI
Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Fffftttt . . . Message For You Sir!
Hi folks. Some of you have asked to be notified via email when I submit new posts. If you're interested in being on the list, please email me your address at
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Memo From Democrats To Massachusetts Voters: F You
Eleven days. It has been eleven days since Scott Brown turned the Democrats' world upside down by wresting away the seat that the Democrats, specifically the Kennedys, had viewed as their own personal property since 1952. The election result was a clear repudiation by Massachusetts voters of both the Democrats' policies at a national level, and the Democrats' arrogance, greed and corruption locally. Are you listening Coupe Deval and Beacon Hill? So, how do the Democrats react to the peasants daring to vent their anger? A slap in the face, and a great big F you. Scott Brown's victory has still not been certified by Massachusetts Secretary of State, William Francis Galvin. Why the hell not? The answer likely falls into the category of "all of the above."
First of all, the nobility of Massachusetts - Democrat politicians - is very upset that the peasants grabbed their pitchforks and sickles and stormed the castle. Where do these unwashed peasants get off upsetting the divine order of things? We decide who serves in Parliament! We decide what taxes you pay! We rule you! So, in an arrogant snub to both the peasants and the man they chose to represent them, they are tring to delay his seating in Washington by delaying the certification of the election results.
This has nothing to do with the logistics of an election. In 2007, Niki Tsongas was elected to Congress in a special election. The very next day, she was sworn in and voting on the House Floor (surprise, surprise, to spend more money.) Just last November, New York congressman Bill Owens, only two days after he "won" a special election fraught with voter fraud, and even though he had not even yet been certified, was sworn in by Bela Pelosi who needed his vote to pass Obamacare in the House. Yet somehow, Scott Brown's election is special, its different, we can't rush this.
The next reason to delay the seating of Scott Brown is that it gives Democrats the ability to play some (relatively) minor shenanigans. They want to get as many things done before they lose their super majority in the Senate. For example, on Thusrday, the Senate voted to raise the debt ceiling by a further 1.9 trillion dollars - a vote that would not have succeeded were Scott Brown in the Senate. Do you feel the loogie on your face, voters of Massachusetts?
A third reason to delay the seating of Scott Brown is that it gives Democrats the biggest possible window to pull off major shenanigans, the biggest being the shoving of Obamacare down our throats in spite of the will of a vast majority of Americans, and in spite of the message sent by the voters of Massachusetts. It sounds far-fetched, since this would set off a political nuke that would blow away the Democrats in November. Remember though, we're talking about Democrats. They're not the brightest bulbs on the Christmas tree, and if there's one thing that they have shown in the last eighty years, it is that they excel at shenanigans.
Bob, RI
Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy
First of all, the nobility of Massachusetts - Democrat politicians - is very upset that the peasants grabbed their pitchforks and sickles and stormed the castle. Where do these unwashed peasants get off upsetting the divine order of things? We decide who serves in Parliament! We decide what taxes you pay! We rule you! So, in an arrogant snub to both the peasants and the man they chose to represent them, they are tring to delay his seating in Washington by delaying the certification of the election results.
This has nothing to do with the logistics of an election. In 2007, Niki Tsongas was elected to Congress in a special election. The very next day, she was sworn in and voting on the House Floor (surprise, surprise, to spend more money.) Just last November, New York congressman Bill Owens, only two days after he "won" a special election fraught with voter fraud, and even though he had not even yet been certified, was sworn in by Bela Pelosi who needed his vote to pass Obamacare in the House. Yet somehow, Scott Brown's election is special, its different, we can't rush this.
The next reason to delay the seating of Scott Brown is that it gives Democrats the ability to play some (relatively) minor shenanigans. They want to get as many things done before they lose their super majority in the Senate. For example, on Thusrday, the Senate voted to raise the debt ceiling by a further 1.9 trillion dollars - a vote that would not have succeeded were Scott Brown in the Senate. Do you feel the loogie on your face, voters of Massachusetts?
A third reason to delay the seating of Scott Brown is that it gives Democrats the biggest possible window to pull off major shenanigans, the biggest being the shoving of Obamacare down our throats in spite of the will of a vast majority of Americans, and in spite of the message sent by the voters of Massachusetts. It sounds far-fetched, since this would set off a political nuke that would blow away the Democrats in November. Remember though, we're talking about Democrats. They're not the brightest bulbs on the Christmas tree, and if there's one thing that they have shown in the last eighty years, it is that they excel at shenanigans.
Bob, RI
Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Obama Makes My Day
Well, all of the pundits (not named Olbermann and Matthews) said it. Virginia, New Jersey and Massachusetts have forced Obama's hand. Americans are upset with his far-left policies, and he has to pull a Clinton and at least pretend to move to the center. If not, he will cause a massive power shift in Congress in November that will cost his party dearly. So what does the Narcissist-in-Chief do? He chucks a big 'ole middle finger to Americans.
You don't like Obamacare? Too bad, I'm not giving up! You don't like my far-left ideology? Gays in the military it is! You're finally catching on to the scam that is "Climate Change"? Too bad, Cap and Tax, here we come! You're afraid of the massive debt I'm running up? Tough, I'm going to propose spending hundreds of billions more! Oh, OK, just to make the peasants happy, here's fifteen billions dollars in cuts - starting next year . . . maybe.
I don't know if he is serious, or if he is just trying to rally his far-left base with another campaign speech (I hope it is the former because it will make my day, year and maybe even decade). I do know this: New Jersey and Virginia were shots across his bow. Massachusetts was grapeshot fired into his rigging. If he is serious about continuing to steer America to port, Americans in November will greet him with a broadside of 64-pounders.
Bob, RI
Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy
P.S. - A few folks have asked why I've been focusing less on Iggy's proclivity to stick his foot in his mouth, and more on current events.
Well, first of all, I believe that this is a crucial point in America's history. If we can keep up the momentum, we will have a major paradigm shift in American politics. Not yet another shift from Democrats to Republicans, or Republicans to Democrats, but rather a shift to a country where voters hold politicians accountable for both their campaign promises and their actions. If the Tea Partiers can commandeer the Republican party (the Democrat party was commandeered by Marxists long ago). it can happen,
Second, Iggy has been very muted of late. My guess is that this is partly because of the defeats the Democrats suffered so quickly after his messiah began his thousand-year reign, and also because he subconsciously is starting to realize that the anointed one is nothing more than an empty suit. Maybe there is still hope that we can turn him away from the Dark Side. There's still good in him, I have felt it - or maybe that was just gas.
You don't like Obamacare? Too bad, I'm not giving up! You don't like my far-left ideology? Gays in the military it is! You're finally catching on to the scam that is "Climate Change"? Too bad, Cap and Tax, here we come! You're afraid of the massive debt I'm running up? Tough, I'm going to propose spending hundreds of billions more! Oh, OK, just to make the peasants happy, here's fifteen billions dollars in cuts - starting next year . . . maybe.
I don't know if he is serious, or if he is just trying to rally his far-left base with another campaign speech (I hope it is the former because it will make my day, year and maybe even decade). I do know this: New Jersey and Virginia were shots across his bow. Massachusetts was grapeshot fired into his rigging. If he is serious about continuing to steer America to port, Americans in November will greet him with a broadside of 64-pounders.
Bob, RI
Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy
P.S. - A few folks have asked why I've been focusing less on Iggy's proclivity to stick his foot in his mouth, and more on current events.
Well, first of all, I believe that this is a crucial point in America's history. If we can keep up the momentum, we will have a major paradigm shift in American politics. Not yet another shift from Democrats to Republicans, or Republicans to Democrats, but rather a shift to a country where voters hold politicians accountable for both their campaign promises and their actions. If the Tea Partiers can commandeer the Republican party (the Democrat party was commandeered by Marxists long ago). it can happen,
Second, Iggy has been very muted of late. My guess is that this is partly because of the defeats the Democrats suffered so quickly after his messiah began his thousand-year reign, and also because he subconsciously is starting to realize that the anointed one is nothing more than an empty suit. Maybe there is still hope that we can turn him away from the Dark Side. There's still good in him, I have felt it - or maybe that was just gas.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Obama Reaches For His Pitchfork
No, I'm not insinuating that Obama is Satan - though I'd wager he's friended him on Facebook. I'm referring to Obama's transparent, pathetic attempt to co-opt the anger of Americans. Real, patriotic Americans are angry. They are angry at their government's attempt to shove socialized medicine down their throats. They are angry at their government for spending trillions of dollars on bailouts for failed companies and on a bogus pork bill which would not look like a stimulus package no matter how much lipstick was smeared on it.
Most importantly, Americans are angry because rather than focusing on the economy, their government is wasting precious time and resources on important things like Global Warming, getting Chicago the Olympics and hosting beer summits to cover his case of foot-in-mouth disease. So, faced with an angry crowd at the gates of the castle, what does the leader of this anger-inspiring government do? He grabs a pitchfork and torch and tries to join the crowd!
Faced with voter anger, the Obama regime is trying to claim that the voter anger which swept in a senator promising to oppose the policies Obama holds most dear - was actually a show of voter support for Obama and his policies. I get it, John Wilkes Booth shot Lincoln because he loved him!
As if that wasn't insulting enough, the annointed one is now going to propose an across the board freeze - except for the things that actually cost us a ton of money - on budget increases for the next three years. These budget cuts (and remember, to Democrats, failing to increase the budget is a budge cut) will slice right to the BONE. Why, this could result in $250 billion dollars in savings over ten whole years! This guy spends trillions of dollars the way most people buy morning coffee, and this is supposed to make us rejoice? Cal Thomas said it perfectly; Obama championing fiscal responsibility makes as much sense as Madonna heading up a sexual abstinence program.
So watch tomorrow night, as our Charlatan-in-Chief launches his campaign to convince us that all of a sudden, he's a fiscally responsible chap concerned with the well-being of ordinary citizens. Watch the State of the Union address, and pay attention to the number of times he says the following buzz phrases:
Bob, RI
Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy
Most importantly, Americans are angry because rather than focusing on the economy, their government is wasting precious time and resources on important things like Global Warming, getting Chicago the Olympics and hosting beer summits to cover his case of foot-in-mouth disease. So, faced with an angry crowd at the gates of the castle, what does the leader of this anger-inspiring government do? He grabs a pitchfork and torch and tries to join the crowd!
Faced with voter anger, the Obama regime is trying to claim that the voter anger which swept in a senator promising to oppose the policies Obama holds most dear - was actually a show of voter support for Obama and his policies. I get it, John Wilkes Booth shot Lincoln because he loved him!
As if that wasn't insulting enough, the annointed one is now going to propose an across the board freeze - except for the things that actually cost us a ton of money - on budget increases for the next three years. These budget cuts (and remember, to Democrats, failing to increase the budget is a budge cut) will slice right to the BONE. Why, this could result in $250 billion dollars in savings over ten whole years! This guy spends trillions of dollars the way most people buy morning coffee, and this is supposed to make us rejoice? Cal Thomas said it perfectly; Obama championing fiscal responsibility makes as much sense as Madonna heading up a sexual abstinence program.
So watch tomorrow night, as our Charlatan-in-Chief launches his campaign to convince us that all of a sudden, he's a fiscally responsible chap concerned with the well-being of ordinary citizens. Watch the State of the Union address, and pay attention to the number of times he says the following buzz phrases:
- Middle Class
- Fighting For You
- Greedy, or Evil Corporations
- Fat Cat Bankers
- Inherited Problem
Bob, RI
Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Hillary Ad Portas!
I weighed writing this column because though I mulled the idea over Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, Rush Limbaugh actually put forth virtually the same premise during his Wednesday afternoon show. So while some folks might not believe that this is original material, I'll hope that you will have faith in the premise that great minds think alike.
Following Hannibal Barca's ravaging of Italy and killing of hundreds of thousands of Romans during the Second Punic War, the phrase "Hannibal ad portas" (Hannibal is at the gates) was used to indicate imminent danger to Rome for centuries afterward. As I analyzed the aftermath of Tuesday’s Scott heard 'round the world, I realized that overlooked among the winners, was Hillary Rodham Clinton. Like Nosferatu in a 1930's black and white movie, she stands poised to resurrect her presidential ambitions.
Whether friend or foe, everyone knows that she is still seething about being abandoned by the Democrat party's left wing for a candidate even farther left than her. Everything about 2008 was breaking perfectly for whoever was the Democrat nominee - and it was yanked out from under her. Surely no one believes that she has given up on her life-long dream? Her decision to take the job as Secretary of State, was a calculated, political move. She could not afford to be seen as a senator with a personal agenda sabotaging Obama, so she joined his staff to show the far left that she supports him. This put her in a position to politically profit whether Obama failed or succeeded. Taking on a position that will give her a great deal of foreign policy cache was icing on the cake.
The Axis of Socialism’s (Obama, Reid and Pelosi) insistence on following a socialist agenda, on the mistaken premise that the 2008 elections represented a veering to the far left by Americans, has cracked opened the door for her. Remember, she actually won more delegates in the primary than Obama. He only got the nomination because under the guise of punishing them for moving up the dates of their primaries, Michigan and Florida had their delegates excluded by the far-left party elite, who had already fallen under the spell of our messianic charlatan-in-chief.
Ironically, Hillary would have been a better candidate than Obama for both America and the Democrats. Because of her 1993 health care disaster her first time in office, as President, she could not and would not have gone down the Obamacare road. It would have been "here we go again" for everyone. She would have focused on the economy, probably using some more moderate stimulus and (small) tax-cut legislation. The economy would likely already be on the road to recovery, Wall Street would not be dropping 200 points every time Obama opened his mouth, and the country overall would be in better shape - causing voters to have a better perception of Democrats.
It is a fait accompli that the Republicans will pick up seats in both houses of Congress in the November elections. The only question is how may? That, and Hillary’s course of action, is up to the Axis of Socialism. Should they choose to recognize their miscalculation, and steer America back to the center, then they can limit the damage, I would estimate at worst, they would lose 20-25 seats in the House, and 2-3 seats in the Senate. They would still have a majority in both houses, and given an eventual economic rebound, Obama would likely win re-election in 2012.
If, however, they choose to continue full steam to the left – as they have so far indicated, and as I pray they do – then November will be a rout. The Republicans would easily win back the House, picking up 40-50 seats, and would likely pick up 6-8 Senates seats, with an outside chance of gaining the full 10 seats required to take back the Senate. This rout would fling the door wide open for Hillary. Some time after the 2011 State of the Union address, she will resign as Secretary of State, and later in the summer, announce that she will challenge Obama for the 2012 nomination. She will be able to cover her back with the far left Democrats, claiming that "I served Obama well, but I can not continue to serve under someone bent on destroying our party." She will also be able to tell the party bosses "I told you so, you iggyots! You should have nominated me in the first place."
I’m not sure if she would succeed, but I think she would have no choice but to go for it. If not, she's looking at being a 69-year-old candidate in 2016, facing either a sitting Republican if Obama loses in 2012, or a population of Democrated out voters if Obama wins in 2012. Neither is an appealing option. So, maybe, just maybe, we will soon see her standing at our gates.
Bob, RI
Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy
Following Hannibal Barca's ravaging of Italy and killing of hundreds of thousands of Romans during the Second Punic War, the phrase "Hannibal ad portas" (Hannibal is at the gates) was used to indicate imminent danger to Rome for centuries afterward. As I analyzed the aftermath of Tuesday’s Scott heard 'round the world, I realized that overlooked among the winners, was Hillary Rodham Clinton. Like Nosferatu in a 1930's black and white movie, she stands poised to resurrect her presidential ambitions.
Whether friend or foe, everyone knows that she is still seething about being abandoned by the Democrat party's left wing for a candidate even farther left than her. Everything about 2008 was breaking perfectly for whoever was the Democrat nominee - and it was yanked out from under her. Surely no one believes that she has given up on her life-long dream? Her decision to take the job as Secretary of State, was a calculated, political move. She could not afford to be seen as a senator with a personal agenda sabotaging Obama, so she joined his staff to show the far left that she supports him. This put her in a position to politically profit whether Obama failed or succeeded. Taking on a position that will give her a great deal of foreign policy cache was icing on the cake.
The Axis of Socialism’s (Obama, Reid and Pelosi) insistence on following a socialist agenda, on the mistaken premise that the 2008 elections represented a veering to the far left by Americans, has cracked opened the door for her. Remember, she actually won more delegates in the primary than Obama. He only got the nomination because under the guise of punishing them for moving up the dates of their primaries, Michigan and Florida had their delegates excluded by the far-left party elite, who had already fallen under the spell of our messianic charlatan-in-chief.
Ironically, Hillary would have been a better candidate than Obama for both America and the Democrats. Because of her 1993 health care disaster her first time in office, as President, she could not and would not have gone down the Obamacare road. It would have been "here we go again" for everyone. She would have focused on the economy, probably using some more moderate stimulus and (small) tax-cut legislation. The economy would likely already be on the road to recovery, Wall Street would not be dropping 200 points every time Obama opened his mouth, and the country overall would be in better shape - causing voters to have a better perception of Democrats.
It is a fait accompli that the Republicans will pick up seats in both houses of Congress in the November elections. The only question is how may? That, and Hillary’s course of action, is up to the Axis of Socialism. Should they choose to recognize their miscalculation, and steer America back to the center, then they can limit the damage, I would estimate at worst, they would lose 20-25 seats in the House, and 2-3 seats in the Senate. They would still have a majority in both houses, and given an eventual economic rebound, Obama would likely win re-election in 2012.
If, however, they choose to continue full steam to the left – as they have so far indicated, and as I pray they do – then November will be a rout. The Republicans would easily win back the House, picking up 40-50 seats, and would likely pick up 6-8 Senates seats, with an outside chance of gaining the full 10 seats required to take back the Senate. This rout would fling the door wide open for Hillary. Some time after the 2011 State of the Union address, she will resign as Secretary of State, and later in the summer, announce that she will challenge Obama for the 2012 nomination. She will be able to cover her back with the far left Democrats, claiming that "I served Obama well, but I can not continue to serve under someone bent on destroying our party." She will also be able to tell the party bosses "I told you so, you iggyots! You should have nominated me in the first place."
I’m not sure if she would succeed, but I think she would have no choice but to go for it. If not, she's looking at being a 69-year-old candidate in 2016, facing either a sitting Republican if Obama loses in 2012, or a population of Democrated out voters if Obama wins in 2012. Neither is an appealing option. So, maybe, just maybe, we will soon see her standing at our gates.
Bob, RI
Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy
Friday, January 22, 2010
Let The Good Times Roll
The good news just keeps pouring in for freedom-loving Americans. First, after wins in Virginia and New Jersey in September, Scott Brown pulled off the unthinkable on Tuesday. Then, on Thursday morning, the Supreme Court took a machete to that unconstitutional abomination known as McCain-Feingold. Finally, on Thursday afternoon we learned that Air America is going the way of the dodo. Boy did that come as a shock, huh?
Remember the predictions that this liberal venture was going to succeed because this time the proper people were in charge, and becauset Americans were hungry for what they were serving up? Begun in April of 2004, it did not even last five years. Better yet, the only reason it managed to hang on that long, is because of multiple infusions of millions of dollars by the George Soros types who have money to burn when it comes to destroying America. Five years. tens of millions of dollars, and all it had to show for itself was that it helped Al Franken steal a senate seat in Minnesota.
NPR aside, because we are forced to pay for it with tax dollars, once again, liberal ideology was put on trial in the marketplace of ideas, and once again, it was found guilty. Guilty of not being able to stand on its own when faced with facts and reasoned arguments. Guilty of being the ideology of a small, fringe segment of the population who can do nothing but scream Bush, Cheney, Haliburton and Big Oil!. Guilty of having what support it does have come from people used to getting things paid for by someone else, and therefore not be able to attract advertising dollars. Guilty, as charged.
Bob, RI
Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy
Remember the predictions that this liberal venture was going to succeed because this time the proper people were in charge, and becauset Americans were hungry for what they were serving up? Begun in April of 2004, it did not even last five years. Better yet, the only reason it managed to hang on that long, is because of multiple infusions of millions of dollars by the George Soros types who have money to burn when it comes to destroying America. Five years. tens of millions of dollars, and all it had to show for itself was that it helped Al Franken steal a senate seat in Minnesota.
NPR aside, because we are forced to pay for it with tax dollars, once again, liberal ideology was put on trial in the marketplace of ideas, and once again, it was found guilty. Guilty of not being able to stand on its own when faced with facts and reasoned arguments. Guilty of being the ideology of a small, fringe segment of the population who can do nothing but scream Bush, Cheney, Haliburton and Big Oil!. Guilty of having what support it does have come from people used to getting things paid for by someone else, and therefore not be able to attract advertising dollars. Guilty, as charged.
Bob, RI
Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Massachusetts Serves Up An Obamacare Tea Party
As I sit basking in the glow of a massive bitch slapping of Obama's far-left policies - and a single malt scotch - all I can think of is Everett from Brighton last Friday. As usual, he spewed a litany of lies and propaganda, the biggest being that the polls showing Scott Brown leading 50%-46% were just plain wrong. Well, he was right! With 95% of the precints reporting in, he is actually ahead 52%-47%; which means if you factor in the stolen ACORN votes, Brown really won the race by seven to eight percentahe points.
Was this just wishful thinking on the part of the Boston Globe (Democrat), or were they trying to actually sway the election?

Don't get me wrong, I know this is no embrace of the Republican Party, which got us into this mess with its liberal spending policies through most of the Bush Presidency. As I am not a Republican, I am more than fine with that. This is a repudiation of the assumption that Obama's election meant an embracing of his policies. Obama's election was merely a backlash against Bush's policies, and Scott Brown's election is merely a backlash against Obama's policies. I would even give 2-1 odds that Brown does not even win re-election in 2012. This was a simple message to Obama, Pelosi and Reid; veer back to the center, or else. I hope that they do not get the message.
Some absolutely hysterical Democrat responses to this cataclysmic defeat? (Paraphrased)
Howard Dean - Democrats have not been tough enough, they need to be tougher to get Obamacare passed.
Juan Williams - This is not going to stop the Obama administration, they are going to double down and go full steam ahead with health care. (Oh God, please make the Blue Dogs dumb enough to support Obama.)
Keith Olbermann just said something so vile and pathetic, I will wait to hear a replay so that I can quote him verbatim. What a frakking a-hole. He is so bitter, its pathetic.
Here's his quote: "In short, in Scott Brown we have an irresponsible, homophobic, racist, reactionary, ex-nude model, teabagging supporter of violence against woman and against politicians with whom he disagrees." The whole clip is here. What is really ironic is his follow up that: "In any other time in our history, he would have been laughed off the stage." That so deliciously describes Obama's 2008 candidacy.
Bob, RI
Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy
Was this just wishful thinking on the part of the Boston Globe (Democrat), or were they trying to actually sway the election?
Don't get me wrong, I know this is no embrace of the Republican Party, which got us into this mess with its liberal spending policies through most of the Bush Presidency. As I am not a Republican, I am more than fine with that. This is a repudiation of the assumption that Obama's election meant an embracing of his policies. Obama's election was merely a backlash against Bush's policies, and Scott Brown's election is merely a backlash against Obama's policies. I would even give 2-1 odds that Brown does not even win re-election in 2012. This was a simple message to Obama, Pelosi and Reid; veer back to the center, or else. I hope that they do not get the message.
Some absolutely hysterical Democrat responses to this cataclysmic defeat? (Paraphrased)
Howard Dean - Democrats have not been tough enough, they need to be tougher to get Obamacare passed.
Juan Williams - This is not going to stop the Obama administration, they are going to double down and go full steam ahead with health care. (Oh God, please make the Blue Dogs dumb enough to support Obama.)
Keith Olbermann just said something so vile and pathetic, I will wait to hear a replay so that I can quote him verbatim. What a frakking a-hole. He is so bitter, its pathetic.
Here's his quote: "In short, in Scott Brown we have an irresponsible, homophobic, racist, reactionary, ex-nude model, teabagging supporter of violence against woman and against politicians with whom he disagrees." The whole clip is here. What is really ironic is his follow up that: "In any other time in our history, he would have been laughed off the stage." That so deliciously describes Obama's 2008 candidacy.
Bob, RI
Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy
Monday, January 18, 2010
If You Can't Beat Them . . . Rob Them!
In September of 2008, I sat in the Eaglebrook Saloon in Norfolk, MA with about a dozen or so friends. As we discussed the upcoming election, one of our group (you know who you are Tom) needled me about a poll showing Obama moving ahead of McCain. I told him that I was not surprised, and that I felt certain Obama would win. Shocked, he asked me if I was serious. I said I was, and that within six months, America would have the biggest case of buyer's remorse in history. He laughed off my prediction, but slap my grits and call me Nostradamus - I was right.
It started with the Tea Parties over the summer, was evident in New Jersey and Virginia in September, and with the grace of God, will manifest itself tomorrow in the biggest political upset since America overthrew King George III in the first place. Win or lose, the simple fact that this race was anything other than a blowout win for a Democrat in Massachusetts running to replace Ted Kennedy is sending shock waves across the entire country.
Blue Dog Democrats should realize that if Scott Brown can get this far in the bluest of states, what will happen to them in November when they face far more conservative voters in places like Nebraska, North Carolina, Indianna and Colorado? Quite simply, unless they desist in supporting the unpopular, far-left policies of Obama, Pelosi and Reid, American voters will throw them out of office faster than you can say cadillac tax exemption.
How deliciously Shakespearean that the state which was the cradle of the American Revolution, may well provide us with a means of saving America from the insane, unconstitutional attempts by the left to commandeer a massive segment of the private sector. So what is the left's response?
We already know that organizations like ACORN, SEIU and public employees who gorge themselves at the tax troughs (aka Govenor Patrick appointees) are going to do everything they can to steal this election. Dead people will vote, people who moved out of the state years ago will vote, illegal aliens will vote, and many legitimate voters will vote more than once - if they're voting for Coakley, of course.
How do we know this? History. Democrats have been stealing elections this way for decades. Hell, its even being prescribed as a course of action by the moonbats in the elite media. Oh Bob, Schultz and Matthews were just using hyperbole to stress the importance of this election. Right, and if this was Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh making the same comments about Scott Brown, there wouldn't be congressional hearings created to determine how they tried to illegally affect the outcome of an election. I was born at night, but not last night baby.
If that fails, then you will likely see legal challenges forcing recounts and vote exclusions until the numbers finally show a Coakely "win". Its what Democrats tried to do in Florida in 2000, and succeeded in doing in Minnesota in 2008 when they literally stole a Senate seat from Norm Coleman for the bridge troll known as Al Franken.
Failing to do that, in a final act of desperation, the Democrats' will attempt to delay the seating of Brown in the hopes of cramming Obamacare down the throats (among other orifices) of Americans. For hate's sake they will spit their last breath a thee, voters of Massachusettes! To paraphrase Sean Connery in The Untouchables, summing up the Democrats' strategy in a nutshell: that's the Democrat way.
Bob, RI
Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy
It started with the Tea Parties over the summer, was evident in New Jersey and Virginia in September, and with the grace of God, will manifest itself tomorrow in the biggest political upset since America overthrew King George III in the first place. Win or lose, the simple fact that this race was anything other than a blowout win for a Democrat in Massachusetts running to replace Ted Kennedy is sending shock waves across the entire country.
Blue Dog Democrats should realize that if Scott Brown can get this far in the bluest of states, what will happen to them in November when they face far more conservative voters in places like Nebraska, North Carolina, Indianna and Colorado? Quite simply, unless they desist in supporting the unpopular, far-left policies of Obama, Pelosi and Reid, American voters will throw them out of office faster than you can say cadillac tax exemption.
How deliciously Shakespearean that the state which was the cradle of the American Revolution, may well provide us with a means of saving America from the insane, unconstitutional attempts by the left to commandeer a massive segment of the private sector. So what is the left's response?
We already know that organizations like ACORN, SEIU and public employees who gorge themselves at the tax troughs (aka Govenor Patrick appointees) are going to do everything they can to steal this election. Dead people will vote, people who moved out of the state years ago will vote, illegal aliens will vote, and many legitimate voters will vote more than once - if they're voting for Coakley, of course.
How do we know this? History. Democrats have been stealing elections this way for decades. Hell, its even being prescribed as a course of action by the moonbats in the elite media. Oh Bob, Schultz and Matthews were just using hyperbole to stress the importance of this election. Right, and if this was Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh making the same comments about Scott Brown, there wouldn't be congressional hearings created to determine how they tried to illegally affect the outcome of an election. I was born at night, but not last night baby.
If that fails, then you will likely see legal challenges forcing recounts and vote exclusions until the numbers finally show a Coakely "win". Its what Democrats tried to do in Florida in 2000, and succeeded in doing in Minnesota in 2008 when they literally stole a Senate seat from Norm Coleman for the bridge troll known as Al Franken.
Failing to do that, in a final act of desperation, the Democrats' will attempt to delay the seating of Brown in the hopes of cramming Obamacare down the throats (among other orifices) of Americans. For hate's sake they will spit their last breath a thee, voters of Massachusettes! To paraphrase Sean Connery in The Untouchables, summing up the Democrats' strategy in a nutshell: that's the Democrat way.
Bob, RI
Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Pay no attention to the icebergs in Miami
With a relatively neutered Iggy of late, I decided to take an opportunity to point out how Americans are viewed as morons by leftist elitists. A couple of years ago, "global warming" magically became "climate change". Keeping in mind that in a political context, "global warming" means "man-made planetary warming caused by evil American capitalists", the scam artists who created and perpetrated this lie realized that the mean global temperature had not risen since 1998. In fact, global temperatures began to drop in 2007.
Faced with some very uncomfortable facts, their solution was typically liberal; when you lose an argument, change the argument! So, global warming became climate change; voila! If its 104 degrees in Miami in August, its because you drive an SUV you capitalist, American pig. If its -37 in International Falls in January, its because you want to keep your house at 70 degrees, imperialist swine! No matter what happens, the solution is to subvert America's prosperity and sovereignty - and those idiot Americans won't be able to see the truth through their tears over dying polar bears - just as long as they don't find out that the polar bear population is actually on the rise.
It now seems that the planet, without any help from us, has already entered a cooling period. As one of the leading climate change frauds, it must have really pained Professor Mojib Latif to report this as such. My guess is that the recent Climategate scandal forced his hand.
"Latif, a professor at the Leibniz Institute at Germany's Kiel University and an author of the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, believes the lengthy cold weather is merely a pause -- a 30-years-long blip -- in the larger cycle of global warming, which postulates that temperatures will rise rapidly over the coming years.
At a U.N. conference in September, Latif said that changes in ocean currents known as the North Atlantic Oscillation could dominate over manmade global warming for the next few decades. Latif said the fluctuations in these currents could also be responsible for much of the rise in global temperatures seen over the past 30 years.
So let me get this straight. The decrease in temperatures projected over the next 30 years is unrelated to humans, being caused by ocean currents. It will only be a temporary blip on the way to future, man-made, higher temperatures - even though the the same currents may have caused the rise in temperatures over the past 30 years. As Kevin Kline would say; "What was that middle part again?"
For other, more committed frauds, apparently circular logic is not enough!
"Has ocean variability contributed to variations in surface temperature? Absolutely, no one's denying that," said Mark Serreze, senior research scientist with NSIDC. But the Center disagrees with Latif's conclusions, instead arguing that the cold snap is still another sign of global warming.
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain . . . you stupid iggyots.
Bob, RI
Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy
Faced with some very uncomfortable facts, their solution was typically liberal; when you lose an argument, change the argument! So, global warming became climate change; voila! If its 104 degrees in Miami in August, its because you drive an SUV you capitalist, American pig. If its -37 in International Falls in January, its because you want to keep your house at 70 degrees, imperialist swine! No matter what happens, the solution is to subvert America's prosperity and sovereignty - and those idiot Americans won't be able to see the truth through their tears over dying polar bears - just as long as they don't find out that the polar bear population is actually on the rise.
It now seems that the planet, without any help from us, has already entered a cooling period. As one of the leading climate change frauds, it must have really pained Professor Mojib Latif to report this as such. My guess is that the recent Climategate scandal forced his hand.
"Latif, a professor at the Leibniz Institute at Germany's Kiel University and an author of the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, believes the lengthy cold weather is merely a pause -- a 30-years-long blip -- in the larger cycle of global warming, which postulates that temperatures will rise rapidly over the coming years.
At a U.N. conference in September, Latif said that changes in ocean currents known as the North Atlantic Oscillation could dominate over manmade global warming for the next few decades. Latif said the fluctuations in these currents could also be responsible for much of the rise in global temperatures seen over the past 30 years.
So let me get this straight. The decrease in temperatures projected over the next 30 years is unrelated to humans, being caused by ocean currents. It will only be a temporary blip on the way to future, man-made, higher temperatures - even though the the same currents may have caused the rise in temperatures over the past 30 years. As Kevin Kline would say; "What was that middle part again?"
For other, more committed frauds, apparently circular logic is not enough!
"Has ocean variability contributed to variations in surface temperature? Absolutely, no one's denying that," said Mark Serreze, senior research scientist with NSIDC. But the Center disagrees with Latif's conclusions, instead arguing that the cold snap is still another sign of global warming.
"We are indeed starting to see the effects of the rise in greenhouse gases," he said.
Just like a socialist who claims that socialism has never worked anywhere its been tried because the "right people" were not in charge, not only can Serreze not admit defeat, he goes on the offensive. Our greenhouse gas emissions are causing . . . global cooling! Such a statement would have been totally ridiculed; before global warming became climate change.Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain . . . you stupid iggyots.
Bob, RI
Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy
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