Sunday, April 19, 2009

Birds Of A Feather, Iggy

Sorry for the layoff. My schedule this past week has been totally screwed up. Not much chance to listen to the show, and even less chance to write. I was able to read a few news stories over the weekend, though and I noticed a disturbing, yet not surprising trend with Iggy's messiah.

Despite all of the evidence to the contrary, Iggy has maintained that Obama is not a socialist. So how did he spend his weekend? Kissing up to the two biggest socialists in the Western Hemisphere! Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez are two of America's greatest enemies. At least, that is, the America that is defined by the Constitution - you know, that thing that Obama swore to defend.

Of course, the Obama regime and its lemming defenders like Iggy, Everett, Jermaine, et al will counter that this just Obama "repairing America's worldwide reputation", or "engaging in constructive dialogue", but you need to call it what it is. A socialist, American president reaching out to fellow socialists.

A true American would rather cut out his tongue and lop of his hand, rather than speak with Castro or shake hands with Chavez. Instead, Obama embraces them. It is quite simply, birds of a feather, flocking together.

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