Wednesday, September 16, 2009

You Can Count On Iggy To Lie On WEEI

This morning's Headlines segment ended up being completely dominated by the discussion of Jimmy Carter's outrageous claim that the overwhelming majority of people who are against Obama's socialist policies are so because he is black. Not being satisfied with being the worst president in the 20th century, Carter decided to add race-baiter and fool to his resume.

As Gerry pointed out, his statement would have us believe that the millions of people upset over Obama's policies would have no problem if they were the policies of a white, socialist president. As any sane person realizes, a president Kerry, Gore or Hillary would be garnering the same anger from the millions of Americans who are upset with the attempts to socialize all aspects of America.

That is why between 1.25 and 2 million hard-working, honest Americans marched on Washington earlier this week. The estimates vary, but Iggy's claim of 60,000 was a lie. You can read The Huffington Post all you want Iggy, it does not make what they publish true. The true numbers have frightened the left, and the elite media, and they are trying their best to trivialize and marginalize both the protesters themselves and the numbers in which they gathered.

Our lefty lemming also took great umbrage at people comparing Obama's policies to those of the Nazis. The truth hurts, doesn't it, Sir Spouts-a-Lot? The comparisons of Obama's policies to those of the National Socialist German Worker's Party, are not as far off as Iggy would have you believe. Like the left in America today, the Nazis also believed in government control of the economy, government control of individual workers with respect to where they could work and how much money they could make, the elimination of private firearms ownership, and the euthanasia of those individuals deemed by government guidelines to be not worth the cost to the state (see Obamacare).

If it looks like a duck and it quacks like a duck . . .

Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy!

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