Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Iggy Polanski Bends Over Backwards In Boston

Iggy was really pathetic this morning, apparently (as Dino quipped) playing the part of Roman Polanski. During headlines, Gerry made a crack about David Letterman's wife, and Iggy got his panties in a bunch, piously claiming that any comments about Letterman's wife should be off-limits. Gerry immediately threw a flag on the play and assessed a fifteen yard personal fraud penalty, pointing out that Iggy and most other liberals had revelled in Letterman's joke about Sarah Palin's fourteen year old daughter Willow getting “knocked-up” by Alex Rodriguez.

He was spot on. At the time, Iggy defended Letterman, but we all know that had Ann Coulter cracked a joke about an Obama (if one was) fourteen year old daughter the way Letterman did about Palin's daughter, he would be following his liberal masters' calls to liquidate Ann and every single one of her blood relatives. However, because Letterman is a good liberal, and he only made a crude joke about the under aged daughter of a conservative, it's all OK.

Adding insult to injury, Iggy, of all people, actually had the nerve to call John and Gerry lemmings, as he morphed into Ian Rodham Meropol and accused them of falling for the "Glenn Beck, Fox News, right-wing comspirarcy" about Letterman. He must have really bent over backwards and shoved his head into the best-looking part of his body to come up with that one. I'm just surprised that he left out the involvement of the Illuminati, the Priory of Scion and Haliburton in his so obviously cogent conspiracy theory.

Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy!

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