Monday, February 22, 2010

The O'Ignorance Factor

This is a follow up on my Friday post about Bill O'Reilly's insane stance that the government has the right to ignore the Constitution in a "state of emergency". During the email segment at the end of his Friday night show, he read three emails criticizing him as I did. He then proceeded to thumb his nose at us, and again state that his assessment was correct. As a justification of his stance, he cited President Lincoln's supsension of Habeas Corpus during the Civil War.

However, he convienently ignored the fact that Article 1, Section 9 of the Constitution specifically grants the government that particular leeway on Habeas Corpus in the case of either invasion or rebellion; rebellion being what the Confederacy was engaged in during the Civil War. Lincoln didn't ignore the Constitution - he followed it!

It is sad to say, but O'Reilly is pulling a real Iggy on this one. He is either ignorant about this topic, or knows that he is wrong, and is ignoring the facts anyway.


Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy! 

1 comment:

  1. Bob:

    Nice new appearance for your blog! It's a significant improvement.

    Charter member, the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy
