Friday, April 16, 2010

Iggy You Enlightened Slut

At least that was what one texter to D&C  had to say about Iggy on Thursday. There's an old saying that a conservative is a liberal who has been mugged; usually metaphorically but sometimes literally. For foolish young liberals like Iggy, it usually occurs during the journey from being single and young, to getting marriage, then having kids, and then buying a house.  Iggy only just recently got engaged, but boy, he sure sounded well on his way when he was describing his experience at Thursday's rally.

He raved about how polite, logical, and willing to talk to him  the Tea Party folks were - even though he was wearing his Obama t-shirt. He marveled at how they looked and acted like - normal people. The anti-Tea Party folks? Well, he described them as on the fringe, rude, cursing, buffoons trying their best to provoke fights. You can listen to some audio here. The guy demanding that Dick Cheney stop torturing people via satellite probably took the cake. You can see him and his schematics of the evil machine on the second page of the photos posted at WEEI. Iggy then shocked the world when he said he found himself agreeing with some of what the Tea Party folks were saying!

That is truly wonderful, but remember Iggy, you can't be a little bit pregnant. If you truly find yourself believing in the Tea Party cause, then you can not be in favor of anything that The Chosen One is forcing on us;  Either you believe in socialism, or you do not. If you want to turn away from Darth Obama and the Dark Side, we welcome you with open arms. However, you must come of your own free will, and your journey must be total, and complete. Good luck!

Bob, RI

Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy!

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