Monday, July 20, 2009

And That's The Way It Is In Boston

I wasn't able to listen to much of the show, but two topics in particular raised my ire. The first was the story regarding the situation of Pfc. Bowe R. Bergdah. When Gerry challenged Obama's handling of the situation, all Iggy could do was fall back into WHAT ABOUT BUSH! mode. Here's my question. Now that the Taliban has violated international law and shown a prisoner on tape for propaganda purposes, will the same American Criminal Liberties Union pukes suing our government for fattening up terrorists at Gitmo go after the Taliban with the same zeal? Of course not. The animals trying to kill us are not a dangerous enemy to us, its those nasty American soldiers - especially the ones returning from combat!

As to the solution to the
Bergdah situation, how does this grab you? Since no matter what we do, we're demonized as being imperialists by the moonbats of the world, its time to take a page out of the Roman book in dealing with these pygmies of the world (we're gonna do the time, so we might as well do the crime). Carthage continues to rise up and pose a threat? Raze the city and salt the soil. Slaves revolt and kill thousands of civilians? Crush the revolt and crucify the 6,000 survivors along the Appian way from Rome to Capua. Tell those Taliban animals that they have 48 hours to release him. If they do not release him, carpet bomb until they do - just send in Iggy first on assignment to cover the story,

The second thing grinding my gears is the fawning over Comrade Walter Cronkite. Its almost as bad as Brian Williams going down on Obama. Iggy did not seem to have much to say about this topic - probably because he has not yet gone to for instructions on what to say. Allow me to explain Iggy. Cronkite was a left-wing moonbat who hated and rooted against his own country. If he was on the air today, he would be seen as no different than Kouric, Williams or Matthews. The Tet Offensive resulted in over 30,000 enemy deaths and eradicated the Vietcong as a fighting force. It was a complete military success for the U.S. and South Vietnam, and that asshole got on camera and lied to America by saying that Tet proved that the war was lost. That is called treason. The WWII equivalent would have been to stand in the Ardennes in January of 1945, and claim that the Battle of the Bulge showed that we had lost the war against Germany. If famous people truly die in threes, I wonder if God will take Matthews and Olberman next.

Ceterum , exsisto quietis Iggy!

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