Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Race Is On

I have been following the Gates story since it broke, and have stayed out of the fracas so that I could observe everything before commenting. After mulling the reactions, and counter-reactions, I have reached the following conclusion: society as a whole can not do anything else to further race relations in America.

Prior to the MLK years, society as a whole was laced with systemic discrimination, racism and violence against minorities in general, and especially blacks. Within a few decades, society as a whole had shifted to racial equality by legislatively, judicially and morally crusading against racism. Fast forward to today, and society as a whole has shifted to legislatively, judicially and socially discriminating against whites. What more can society do?

Are there still racist, white Americans? Of course there are - just as there are racist black, Hispanic and Asian Americans. We can not change people's hearts. However, just as whites should not see a criminal every time they look at a black person, blacks should not see a racist whenever they look at a white person. All we can do is ensure that as a society, all people are treated equally. Gates is a great example of how that is not the case - not because he was arrested because he was black, but because if he where white, he would have been arrested sooner, the disorderly conduct charge would not have been dropped, and this would not be a national news story!

The onus is now on black Americans to change their knee-jerk reaction of crying racism at every turn. The race-baiters like Sharpton and Jackson, blame-mongers like Obama, Patrick, Rangel et al, elitist liberals in the media and higher education, and the "we want to punish all whites for everything ever done to us" losers like Everett and Jermaine will never change. They all have vested interests in perpetuating an image of a horrible, racist America. It is normal, everyday blacks who need to throw of the shackles of their alleged "leaders", and join American society as a whole.

As an aside, by all polls and anecdotal evidence, at least 80% of Americans are outraged about this story specifically the defamation of sergeant Crowley. Many of them are also outraged by the responses of people like Coup Deval and Iggy's messiah. All week long on Dennis and Callahan we heard caller after caller say things like "I voted for Obama and I am appalled by what he said." I have one question for those people - what else did you expect? You knew what kind of person he was and you voted for him anyway. Just like you did with Governor Patrick in 2006. You chose to sleep with the devil and now you're mad that you've been burned? You got exactly what you deserve. Think about that next year when you again vote for the likes of Marty Meehan, Ted Kennedy and Deval Patrick.


  1. How the hell are whites morally, legisltively and judicially conned aganist? I hate ignorant, white conservatives like you who know shit about what you spit.

  2. ow, what a reasoned, well thought out comment. You must be a famous, master debater! I mean you must be famous and need to protect your identity - unless the reason why you commented anonymously was that you don't have the stones to stand behind what you say.

    First of all, I'm not a conservative; I'm a libertarian. That fact is in my blog, and you somehow managed to get it wrong. Second, who said I was white? You're assuming facts not in evidence; a very liberal thing to do. Do you only hate white conservatives or do you hate the black, Hispanic, Asian and Klingon ones as well? I never wrote that whites were "conned aganist". Boy, you get both my words and the spelling wrong and I'm the ignorant one?

    What I wrote was that “society as a whole has shifted to legislatively, judicially and socially discriminating against whites.” That is a fact with which you seem unable to come to terms. Affirmative Action is by its very nature discriminatory against certain groups; usually, but not always whites. It forces quotas and the preferred treatment of one group over another; that’s called discrimination, and it is obviously legislatively and judicially forced upon us. I could list all of the federal and state statutes and judicial decisions as proof, but the Internet isn’t big enough. The seditious Judge Sotomayor that Iggy’s messiah is about to foist upon the Supreme Court herself condones discrimination, as shown by her appellate court ruling in the case of the New Haven firefighters.

    White Americans also suffer discrimination socially. Everything they say is subject to scrutiny, under a presumption of guilty of being racists until their liberal credentials have been established. Blacks can say things, innocently or otherwise that whites could not even hope to survive. A person can make fun of crackers, rednecks and honkys all they want – just don’t drop the N word! Whites can’t even think about talking about watermelon or fried chicken (sounds like a great meal to me) without wondering if someone will misinterpret the statement and pull a Professor Gates. Imagine if a conservative made a movie called Stupid Black Men (!), or stated that Obama used nukes to blow up the levies protecting a city ( If you can’t see the double standard by which we all live today, then either you’re a fool, or you just can’t be honest with yourself.

    Here endeth the lesson.
